Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023

Jolie- Lisa is in a lot of other Cathe DVDs and live workouts. She is in IMAX 4 right behind Jay
. Watch the short video, you recognize her. I don’t know why she passed away. So sad.
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Biceps, 44 minutes, 110 calories. I lightened up a bit today. I do not want to cause things to start up again. I also did STS 2 Chair Yoga, 20 minutes, 28 calories. Funny as I started checking my workouts with the Withings App which is connected to my garmin and MFP and it gives me different calorie burns. Chair Yoga was 66 calories. Just interesting. I do my blood pressure and scale with that app and bluetooth.
2.0 Biceps
warm up uses light tubing, 5# dumbbells, and 10# dumbbells
stability ball needed for some exercises

Barbell Curls #1 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curls #2 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curl Pause reps 30# 8 reps
Kneeling alternating sweeper curls 15# dbs I think 16 reps?
kneeling double arm sweepper curls 10 reps
hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
crossbody curls 12# dbs 8 reps each side
kneeling hammer/crossbody curls 12# dbs 6 reps
incline curls #1 (uses stability ball) 12# dbs 10 reps
incline curls #2 10# dbs 10 reps
single arm preacher curls #1 (stability ball) R/L 12# db 8 reps
single arm preacher curls #2 (stability ball) R/L 12# db 8 reps
banded dumbbell curls blue medium tubing + 5# dbs a variety of up slow down .....( switched to green thinking blue was to heavy and could not figure out why till I looked it up and green is heavy)
Reverse curls #1 10# dbs 12 reps
Reverse Curls #2 10# dbs 12 reps
Barbell Wrist curls #1 (not sure why #! as there is no #2) 25# bb 16 reps
Belinda, nice work getting in a walk and Body Part today. That is sad that Lisa passed away so young.

Jolie, great job on the 4 mile walk today.

Roselyn, nice work with back and chair yoga.

I walk and STS 2 Shoulder workout is done. I had a great workout.

Diane - it‘s very sad. My heart goes out to her family. Great job on your biceps workout. I like the Body parts workouts so far. They are shorter too.

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
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Today I had an excellent workout, I started doing P90X and I have forgotten how much I love these older workouts! The workout I did today was Shoulders and Arms, and I did really well with the weights. However, my elbow is bothering me again, so I did not do heavy weights on certain exercises like upright rows, those hurt. Workout was 1 hour, I had to write everything down so there was some extra time in between sets and I burned 467 calories. This workout is in a tri set fashion, each tri set is done twice before moving onto the next one.

Alternating Shoulder Press- 17's x 14, x 15
In and Out Bicep Curls- 15's x 16, x 16
2 Arm Kickbacks- 12's x 15, x 12

Deep Swimmers Press- 15's x 14, x 13
Alternating Bicep Curls with a Twist- 15's x 15, x 14
Triceps Cable Pulldowns, no dips- 30# x 20, x 18

Upright Rows- 12's x 17, x 15
Static Arm Bicep Curls- 15's x 16, x 16
Flip Twist Kickbacks- 10's x 12, x 11

Seat Lateral Raise to Rear Fly's Alternating- 8's x 16, x 16 (heavier next time)
Preacher Curls- 15's x 14, x 13
Lying Cross Body Ext- 15# x 16, x 16

Bonus Round
Shoulder Flys, Front Raise To Lateral Raise- 8's x 16, x 16
Congdon Curls- 15's x 16, x 15
1 Arm Kickbacks- 10# x 20, x 19

Belinda, I looked up the post on FB and saw who she was, so sad. Great job on STS Shoulders, great minds think alike! :)

Diane Sue, that was a good Bicep workout! I like shorter workouts sometimes because it in nice to get some cardio in as well and that gives us the time to do it.

Roselyn, great job with the STS workout yesterday.

Debbie, I hope you are enjoying your vacation and your week off from workouts.

Is Doreen on vacation? I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Triceps 44 minutes (actual is 37 minutes) 92 calories, heart rate 84/136. I followed this wih STS 2 Active recovery which I think that I should have used first to get moving, 12 minutes, 35 calories, heart rate 97/109. I was going to do a 20 minute cardio with Michelle Briehler before the weights, but Youtube went blank and I had to turn the tv off and back on to get out of it. I tried again and it went to the ads and froze saying video would start after ads. I gave up as it was wasting time and I needed to be done because I had my barstools coming and was not sure if the lawn guy was coming since it poured rain again early this morning. Workout was 58 minutes, 117 calories. I was not planning on using the Fit Tower, but my door anchor kept making toe door pop open. I had to move things and get out the tower. Cathe was talking and I paused the dvd and got out the tower then realized there was the boss band option. I did not need to get out the tower. Next time I will know. I did go light because I do not want to cause the pain to come back.

STS 2 Triceps body parts
warm up used light red tubing for pull apart, kickbacks, and bow and arrow. 5 and 8# dumbbells overhead extensions
lying overhead extension #1 30# barbell 10 reps
lying overhead extension #2 30# barbell 10 reps
lying overhead extension #3 25# barbell 10 reps (down 3 power up)
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #1 8# db 10 reps
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #2 8# db 10 reps
dips ( has multiple options) #1 I used the step no weight 8 reps ( I was not sure how it would affect on shoulders)
dips #2 25# barbell in lap 8 reps
dips #3 25# barbell in lap 8 reps
kneeling (step) single arm kickback R/L #1 10# 10 reps
kneeling single arm kickbacks #2 R/L 10# 10 reps
banded standing overhead extension#1 (has options anchor door or dumbbells) red tubing only 12 reps
banded standing overhead extension #2 red tubing 12 reps
banded pressdown #1 (stopped to get out fit tower) blue tubing med. 12 reps (option door anchor or boss band)
banded pressdown #2 blue tubing 12 reps
banded reverse grip triceps press down #1 fit tower kneeling blue tubing
banded reverse grip triceps press down #2 blue tubing 12 reps

Roselyn, nice work on lower legs 1.

Belinda, nice work the walk and STS 2 shoulders. I like the body parts too. I just need to use caution and choose the right options. I think angles on some of the tubing moves with shoulders and back caused a lot of my pain problem.

Jolie, great job on P90X shoulders and arms. Years ago I had problems with my elbows and one particularly. I had to work around it. One of my doctors mentioned ulnar nerve at one time and gave me valium to sleep. Nothing else. I had to lay off some of the weight moves and stop boxing. I am not a fan of dips.
Today I went for a 3.6 mile walk with my puppers, 1 hour and 10 minutes and I burned 644 calories. It is going to be hot today, so I was up and out at the crack of dawn.

Diane Sue, great job on the workout yesterday. My elbow hurts because I hit it on a shelf really hard and it is out of alignment, and I have a bone bruise.

Make it a great day.
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Today I did CDorner Step Aerobics #235, 33 minutes heart rate 128/146, 161 calories. I then did STS 2 Standing Abs Metabolic+no equipment abs premix, 19 minutes, heart rate 117/142, 85 calories and finished with STS 2 mobility 2, 17 minutes, 27 calories. Total time was 60 minutes, 273 calories, 3,339 steps.
I saw the results for my chest CT and they called me today and are going to set me up with a pulmonologist since I lost the one I had. They will send results to whoever it is. They said there were some changes that they are concerned about. So I guess I get another doctor to visit. My daughter things they will give me an inhaler after she read the report. We will see I guess.

Jolie, nice walk with your puppies today. I would imagine that it would take a while for a bone bruise to heal.

No workout today, I had an injection in my knee. Knee is pretty sores/ painful.

I will catch up in the morning.
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This morning I did RAW Box & Pump 4. I love this one, I was able to do the leg parts in this one finally. Last time I had to sub out ab work.

Box & Pump 4 - 1 minute intervals:

Hammer Curl Pulse/Supination:
Deadlifts: 15's
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Dumbbell Curl Pulses/Pledges: 12's
Squat/Fold/Deadlift Up: 12's
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Overhead Press: 12's
Lunges: 12's
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Lateral Raise/Alt. Front Raise: 8's
Lunge Sequence: 8's
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Overhead Triceps Extension: 12#
Plie Squats: 12#
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Kickbacks: 5's
Glute Pulses: BW
Boxing Segment: 1.5# Egg weights

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 435 calories, did 3483 steps and HR was 139/174.

Had a great week off, my DH and I went to Put-in-Bay on Tuesday. Beautiful day for it, the weather was a little humid but not too hot. We had a great time. Other than that, we worked on things around house. He started a new job today so that is exciting!!

Diane - Great job with your workouts lately, I hope your upper body is feeling ok. How are you liking the one body part workouts?

Jolie - Great job on your walk and other workouts you've been doing. Kicking it!

Belinda - Hope your knee is better today and I hope the injection helps!

Have a great day everyone!!

I walked slow and did STS Back this morning. I also did yoga to stretch out my legs. My right knee still feels sore from the shot, I sill have a lot of swelling. The pain got a little better. I hope the swelling will go down soon.

Debbie - glad you had a great vacation. Good luck with your Dh new job today. Great job on your weights this morning. I hope the injection helps too.

Diane - great job yesterday. I hope you feeling better.

Jolie - great job on your walk.

Good night.
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Legs, 52 minutes, 140 calories, heartrate 101/131. I also did STS 2 foam rolling lower body and some of upper body, 25 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 77 minutes, 176 calories.

STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs (has 1 minute rests)
warm up is squats with 10,12,15# dumbbells (wish the workout cards were specific as to dumbbell or dumbbells)
Squats #1 25# dbs 8 reps
Squats #2 with medium fabric loop 20# dbs 10 reps
Squats #3 with medium fabric loop 20# dbs 10 reps
Squats #4 with heels elevated dumbbells racked 15# dbs 10 reps
Deadlift #1 30# dbs 8 reps
Deadlift #2 30# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squat 1 1/2 40# db 8 reps (I need to go up with this and use my dumbbell bar and plates or Bowflex weights)
Static lunge #1 R/L 20# dbs 10 reps
Static Lunge #2 R/L 20# dbs 10 reps
Side lunge with gliding disc#1 R/L 20# db 10 reps (5 lbs less than last time)
Side lunge with gliding disc #2 R/L 20# db 10 reps
Elevated lunge using step 20# eb R/L 12 reps (5# less than last time)
Elevated forward leaning lunge R/L 20# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust # 1 (I used a BOSU instead of step better on upper back)) 40# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #2 40# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #3 40# db 8 slow reps
Side lying Hip Raise medium fabric boss loop 12 reps
Calves in a Box 15 reps each direction then 8 reps each direction(totals a lot of reps) 15# dbs
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Belinda, nice job getting in STS 2 back and a yoga stretch. I hope that the injection helps alleviate the pain.

Debbie, that is great that you were able to do the lower body work on Box and Pump 4 today. I am glad you had a nice time vacationing with your husband and getting things done around home. I hope your husbands first day at the job is a good one. I am liking the one body part a day. I am feeling better, but shoulders and upper back are still sore. Tomorrow is shoulders and I will see how I feel. I am sure I will lighten up.
Today I decided to do Muscle Max. I have not done that workout according to my log since 2018!! Holy crap. I did well with it, actually had a kick ass workout!! Like the old days!!

Squats warm-up: 10's
Barbell Squats: 30# - endless reps
Dumbbell Static Lunges: 20# - again, endless reps

Push-Ups: 2 sets/12 reps (on knees)
Dumbbell Flies: 15's/12 reps
Dumbbell Flies w/Inner squeeze: 15's/10 reps
Push-Ups: 8 reps w/different speed counts

Barbell Rows: 30# - 2 sets/15 reps
One Arm Row: 15# - 8 reps slow count (killer)
Dumbbell Pullover: 15# - 10 reps slow count

Leg Press w/Band: Green band/2 sets 16 reps
Plie Squats: 15# - 2 sets/14 and 32 reps

Lateral Raise Elbow Bent: 10's/8's - 2 sets/12 reps
Lateral Raise w/Band: Skipped
Upright Row: 10's - 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Front Raise/Rear Delt Squeeze: 15# - 2 sets/7 reps (killer)

Barbell Curls: 30# - 1 set/8 reps, 1 set/6 reps
Dumbbell Partials: 10's (killer)

Seated Overhead Press: 15# - 10 reps
Dips: 4 slow/10 fast (some)
Seated Overhead Press: 15# - 10 reps
Dips: 4 slow/10 fast (some)
Kickbacks w/Band: I used 5's

ABS - love this ab work!

Workout was 1 hr. 16 minutes (really I think it's only 62 minutes, but it took me a few to set up things and rest a bit more between some of the sets), burned 449 calories, HR was 117/151.

Belinda - Good job with your workout yesterday, hope your knee is getting better!

Diane - Great job with legs yesterday!! That one looks like a dread factor workout to me! LOL!! My DH is liking this job so far, he seems real excited about it. It's less hand-on work, more assessment type work and flex time when he needs it. We are both happy about it. The other place he worked at was stressing him out so bad it was ridiculous.

Well, it's Friday and I have to go grocery shopping, oh boy. Hope you all have a great weekend!!
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Yesterday was a rest day. I had to go and pick up my mom who is staying with me till the end of the week and I had no time for a workout. Today I only had time for a 2 mile dog walk with 3 dogs, it took forever each going at a different pace. Tomorrow, I plan on doing P90X Chest and Back, I will make my husband take the dogs out for me. My mom got a new dog, a rescue and he is really cute. Walk was 45 minutes and I burned 387 calories.

Debbie, welcome back from vacation. I hope your hubby likes his new job! Great job on the workout today, that looks like a good one.

Belinda, sorry to hear about your knee, I hope the pain goes away soon.

Diane Sue, that STS leg workout looks like it is a killer :), it would kill me LOL!

We have hot weather at the moment so I will have to get up and workout early to avoid the heat. My parents are staying here because it is 118 degrees where they live :(
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I did Body Parts chest and mobility 2 this morning. I am giving my knees a break from walking. They are feeling a lot better, still swollen.

Today we have a company dinner. We are staying in DC.

Debbie - thank you! The pain is getting a lot better, still have some swelling. I hope the shot this time helps. Great job on Muscle Max. I can’t remember the last time I did that one. Those old workouts are great.

Diane - great job on your leg workout yesterday. I do like those workouts. Thank you! The pain is getting better. I hope it stays that way.

Jolie - thank you! The pain is getting better. Thank goodness. Nice job on your walk. Enjoy your time with your mom.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Have a great day and workout.
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Shoulders, 39 minutes, 90 calories, heart rate 94/118 followed by both STS 2 mobility workouts, 36 minutes, 55 calories. Total time 75 minutes, 145 calories, 876 steps. I lightened up and changed at least one of the options doing this workout. I have grandchildren coming tomorrow so am not sure I will do a workout. Also I am preparing food to take to one of my older grandaughters new house.

Body Parts Shoulders
warm up uses a 5# weight plate + 10 and 12 # dumbbells I used 8# as it was overhead press
Standing overhead press #1 Barbell 20# 8 reps (down 5#)
Standing Overhead press #2 barbell 20# 8 reps
Standing Overhead Press # 3 barbell 20# 8 reps
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #1 I used the standing option 3# and 8# 5 for iso 8 reps each side
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #2 I used the standing option 3# and 8# 5 for iso 8 reps each side
incline front raise # 1 (stability ball) 5# dbs 8 reps (tried 8's and dropped)
incline front raise #2 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 1 stability ball 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 2 8# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral rase # s with iso hold alternating 5# dbs 12 reps total
standing front/side slide combo 5# dbs 10 reps
hip huggers #1 10# dbs 8 reps
hip huggers #2 12# dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set #2 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #1 tubing light around heavy db 10 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #2 light tubing around heavy db10 reps
face pull using door anchor red light tubing 13 reps I changed and this and did the seated on the stability ball with 5# dumbbells
Today I had an excellent workout, I did P90X Chest and Back. This is a high rep workout, each set you lift to failure, and you can set your goal, no set goal by Tony. I opted for lighter weights and higher reps because it has been a long time since I did this workout, I wasn't sure how I was going to do. There is one circuit of 12 exercises, and you do the circuit 2 times. I added a 5 minute Max Trainer session at the end on the manual mode just to get some legs in the workout. Total workout time was 1 hour 2 minutes and I burned 444 calories. Wherever I did Chest Presses, Tony and his crew did some sort of pushup. I also used my pull-down machine for all of the pullups.

Chest Press- 20's x 24, x 24
Wide Grip Pull Downs- 50# x 21, x 20
Chest Press- 20's x 17, x 18
Chest Press- 20's x 17, x 17
Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 18, x 18
Incline Chest Press- 15's x 24, x 21
Heavy Pants- 20's x 17, x 16
Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 24, x 22
1 Arm Rows- 20# x 20, x 15
Chest Press- 20's x 18, x 14
Rear Flys- 8's x 28, x 31

Max Trainer manual mode x 4 minutes I was dying :)

Great job with the workouts yesterday everyone. I hope you all enjoy your day.

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