Belinda, you are right, I don't need facebook that bad and yes they will lose a lot of people pushing that stuff. I was happy to find my one brother has texting now
He still has a flip phone though. I talked to him today for quite awhile. I gather from an article in NY times that they are gearing up to stop Trump from using them to post stuff post election about problems with vote counts. I did use the step today though. I really would like to get a new rebounder someday.
Doreen, that is why I like to have the dvds. Although when I have used some of the videos on the Raw channel from the dvds, I mark stopping points on the pages that I have printed up with premixes and stuff so I know which point I want to stop at. Sort of like using the old video players and forwarding through to a certain point.
Doreen, that is why I like to have the dvds. Although when I have used some of the videos on the Raw channel from the dvds, I mark stopping points on the pages that I have printed up with premixes and stuff so I know which point I want to stop at. Sort of like using the old video players and forwarding through to a certain point.