Today I did the same workout as Doreen. Upper weights and legs virtual road trip, 58 minutes (53:58 actual), heart rate 94/147, 139 calories, 1, 743 steps. I finished with Lindsey Samper neck and shoulder therapy and some rolling and hip stretche, 26 minutes, 26 calories, 59 steps. I liked the new workout. It takes them a bit to get started, but I just did some extra warming up and stepping on the step.
Upper Weights and Legs virtual road trip August 2020
53:58 minutes Kelly uses 10 and 15 lb dumbbells and a step with two risers is used 30 seconds each exercise. Each is upper group followed by a non weighted pair of loser body exercises and repeated.
Shoulders Kelly 10's me 8's
lateral raise
overhead press
butterfly and press alternating
lower front squats
pop squat
repeat upper and lower
Triceps 10 's
double arm kickbacks
triceps dips behind standing with dumbbells
1 dumbbell overhead extensions
lower lunge alternating 1 1/2 second round alternating lunges
split switch pulsing first time second just split switches
repeat upper and lower
Biceps 15's
alternating pledges (Kelly drops to 10's I stayed 15's)
supination curls
side to side squats
squat shuffle
repeat upper and lower
Back 15's
bent over rows
squeeze back I dropped to 10's second round
lawnmowers alternating sides
side lunges with pulses
single side lunges alternating
repeat upper and lower
Chest 15's
bench press pinky in
partial pullover tomahawk 1 dumbbell
Lower body
Hip Lifts lying on step feet on floor pulsing
Hip Lifts feet on end of step
Debbie, nice work on X Train today and the weights. I am sorry the hamstring is acting up again. I know it is frustrating when we really want to do something that we enjoy and the body says no.
Doreen, I did the same workout and liked it. Kelly did the standing triceps dip with dumbbells on another workout recently. I can't place which one. It is not a real comfortable move to me. Maybe because of my neck and shoulders. I don't know.
Belinda, my knee is feeling fine today again. Although lower work was all no weight and mild. I need to remember to keep up the lower body stretching as I focus so much on the neck issues. It would be good to know what you ae dealing with with your knees.
Upper Weights and Legs virtual road trip August 2020
53:58 minutes Kelly uses 10 and 15 lb dumbbells and a step with two risers is used 30 seconds each exercise. Each is upper group followed by a non weighted pair of loser body exercises and repeated.
Shoulders Kelly 10's me 8's
lateral raise
overhead press
butterfly and press alternating
lower front squats
pop squat
repeat upper and lower
Triceps 10 's
double arm kickbacks
triceps dips behind standing with dumbbells
1 dumbbell overhead extensions
lower lunge alternating 1 1/2 second round alternating lunges
split switch pulsing first time second just split switches
repeat upper and lower
Biceps 15's
alternating pledges (Kelly drops to 10's I stayed 15's)
supination curls
side to side squats
squat shuffle
repeat upper and lower
Back 15's
bent over rows
squeeze back I dropped to 10's second round
lawnmowers alternating sides
side lunges with pulses
single side lunges alternating
repeat upper and lower
Chest 15's
bench press pinky in
partial pullover tomahawk 1 dumbbell
Lower body
Hip Lifts lying on step feet on floor pulsing
Hip Lifts feet on end of step
Debbie, nice work on X Train today and the weights. I am sorry the hamstring is acting up again. I know it is frustrating when we really want to do something that we enjoy and the body says no.
Doreen, I did the same workout and liked it. Kelly did the standing triceps dip with dumbbells on another workout recently. I can't place which one. It is not a real comfortable move to me. Maybe because of my neck and shoulders. I don't know.
Belinda, my knee is feeling fine today again. Although lower work was all no weight and mild. I need to remember to keep up the lower body stretching as I focus so much on the neck issues. It would be good to know what you ae dealing with with your knees.