Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in for April 2018

Today I did Fit Split Low Impact cardio, cardio only mix, 116 average, 146 max heart rate, 179 calories(map my fitness), 1,804 steps, met 5.8. I then did Fit Split shred time saver push only mix skipping the lower body quad focus and calves at the end, 30 minutes, 141 calories, met 4.0, 666 steps, heart rate 103 average, 148 max. I finished with Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Strength and Stretch lower body stretch, 19 minutes, 42 calories, met 2, 34 steps. Total time 77 minutes, 362 calories. My knee was still a bit off this morning and I did not want to push it too much. I don't know how I manage to get out of the car and twist it just enough to set it off.
Weights 3 sets each exercise
super set
bench press 20#dbs 10,8,8 reps
chest flys 15#dbs 10,8,8 reps

push ups -knee taps 10 reps, 8 reps, plyo push ups 20
super set

alternating close grip press 20#dbs, 16,12,8 reps
lying barbell extension 30# 10,10,8 reps

triceps dips barbell 30# 32 reps

super set shoulder press barbell 30# 10,8,8 reps
goal post 15# dbs , 10,8,8 reps

Doz, I really like my Fit Bit, it just goes wonky every once in awhile. I always find something to do between those STS sets where you are standing around. I know it is supposed to be beneficial, but I feel like I am wasting time.

Jolie, nice job on the walk. It is 88 here right now. It is so odd here because it can be freezing one day and hot the next. Sometimes there is those extremes on the same day. I pulled my potted plants inside twice over the last week for freezing weather over the last couple of weeks.
Today I did a total body workout. Today I did two high rep exercises for Back and Shoulders. Had a great workout but should have lifted a bit heavier.

Did 3 circuits of 6 reps, no rest during the circuits but rested a bit in between starting a new set. I warmed up with XTrain. The extra exercises were 16 reps each.

Chin-Ups - 8/8/8 reps
Run Rows - 15's (these burned)
Incline Chest Press - 80#
Arnold Press - 20's
Lateral Raise - 10's (these burned)
Dumbbell Curls - 20's
Lying Triceps Barbell Extension - 35#
Leg Press Station - 155#
Hanging Knee Raise - 12/12/12 reps

Workout was 33 minutes, burned 197 calories. Avg HR was 120 and Max was 167.

Then I walked on my treadmill for a bit on a 4% incline. 25 minutes, went 1.25 miles, burned 129 calories and went 3043 steps. Avg HR was 89 and Max was 100.

Diane Sue - That is a bummer that your FB isn't doing your sleep cycles right, I wonder what is going on with that? I haven't heard any complaints about that but really haven't looked to see if there were complaints about it. Nice job on your workout!

DOZ - Yes, it snowed here in Cleveland and is still cold. I'm showing 32 degrees. Ridiculous. Hope it gets warm soon!!

Jolie - Nice walk you had yesterday!! You get some great calorie burns doing that, that is awesome!!

Roselyn - Hope you are doing well!
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Hey guys,

Workout Kick Punch & Crunch And Les Mill’s Core Attack. Check back in a bit

Jolie- I see you love walking to, can’t wait for weather to change, nice job
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Today I did Ripped with Hiit Low Impact Hiit 1 and 2 combined, 51 minutes, average heart rate 127, max heart rate 156, 3,701 steps, 327 calories. I then did Ripped with Hiit abs #1, 10 minutes, 106 average heart rate, 130 max, 44 calories, met 4.0,183 steps and finished with Fit Split abs, 13 minutes, 59 calories, heart rate average 107, max 140,mwt 4.1, 169 steps. Total time was 73 minutes, 430 calories, 3,976 steps. I really need ot hit the house cleaning today. I don't think that there will be Wednesday Dinner tonight. My 7 year old grandson was running on hay bales and fell and broke his arm. He just got of out surgery. Praising God that they did not have to put pins in which had been one of the suggestions.

Debbie, nice work with the high reps. I used the Map My Fitness stats and previous again. I looked at my Fit Bit at one point while doing cardio and it said 116 o_O I don't get it. Yesterday it kept telling me I needed to restart this and that, then it said it wasn't working, I finally sent a report through my phone when asked. I still used calories under what it has been previously when I log on My Fitness Pal. It also told me I had done 10 floors yesterday morning when I knew I had only been upstairs twice at that point. It did the sleep stages okay last night.

Doz, great workout this morning. I set out my Les Mills Combat as a reminder that I want to do them. I have so many workouts, I have to set out reminders. Although I have had Amy Bento Ross Drop Set Strength out for awhile and haven't done them yet since I was using Z Cut and I cannot find the worksheets and times etc. that I know I have written down somewhere. It would save me writing it all down again.
Today I did total body, with the last set I added Drop Sets. Each set was 10 reps and I did a total of 3 rounds. Workout was 36 minutes and I burned 209 calories. My average heart rate was 111 and my max was 161. That seems high but that's what it says!

Warm up STS
Incline Chest Flies- 20# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 15# x 10

Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60#x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 50# x 10

1 Arm Lateral Raise- 12# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 8# x 10

W Bicep Curls- 15# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 12# x 10

Close Grip Chest Press- 20# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 15# x 10

Front Squat- 20# x 16, x 16, x 16
Drop Set- 15# x 16

ABS- Bicycles, leg raises alt. leg raise with medicine ball x 40, x 40, x 40

Diane Sue,
I hope your grandson is ok after his surgery. I hate when things like that happen, just a fluke. Great job on getting your workout in as well, I am surprised you could concentrate. I have to clean my house as well, it is so dusty from all of the windows and doors open lately.

nice workout today girl! I wonder why your heart rate is so low and mine is so high? I have been adding drop sets at the end of the last circuit and boy is it a burner. I hope your weather turns warm soon, It is 9:30 am and I have all of my doors and windows open!

DOZ, Kick punch crunch is one tough workout! I haven't done that one in years!!! Good job and I hope you can start walking soon. I find it is the only thing that really burns FAT for me, long steady paced workouts. I do have a treadmill, but I get so bored on it. I love to go out in the nice weather and get fresh air.

Roselyn, I hope you are getting in some good workouts!

Have a wonderful day!
Jolie, nice work on the weights today. I had to go outside and clean up leaves and seedlings from trees since it is so windy. It would have done me no good to clean if I didn't as they all blow in the house when we open the door. I wish I could open my windows, but it lets all of the allergens in. As it is cleaning up outside has left me drippy and a scratchy throat from sneezing and coughing. I used to love outside work, but the allergies have just made it into an unpleasant experience. My grandson was smiling sitting in the bed after he woke up. I would imagine when the pain meds wear off it will be different. They had him on morphine last night till they could do the surgery this morning.

Roselyn, it seems like you just started Beast :) Nice work adding the Crossfire tabata to your weight workout.
Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a really good workout considering I am so tired today. My cats kept waking me up last night, one of them meowing real weirdly and the other sleeping on my back. Oh well, glad I had such a good workout.

Workout was 36 minutes, went 2.52 miles, burned 276 calories (TM said 341) and went 5098 steps. Avg HR was 134 and Max was 196.

DOZ - I need to pull out KP&C again, I haven't done that in a long time. Nice job getting that done!!

Diane Sue - Wow, that is a real bummer about your FB, I wonder why it's doing that? I never have issues with mine except every now and then. I find it to be quite accurate and it seems to read my HR perfect most of the time. Hope those issues get worked out. Nice job on your workout!

Jolie - Excellent workout yesterday. These total body workouts are so fun, I can't wait for mine tomorrow. I'll have to do drop sets next week.

Roselyn - Great job with Beast. Who makes the Crossfire workout? Is that Cathe? I love love love Tabata style workouts, I'd like to maybe give that one a try.
Morning guys

Today’s workout, STS back & biceps I made uses of the 1 min rest, which really amped up my workout. And a 35 min slow steady run

Debbie - Nice work as always. KPC I never get tired of this workout.

Diane Sue, Jolie and Roselyn HELLO
This morning I did Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp with legs and glutes, 63 minutes, heart rate average 121, max 178, 384 calories, met 5.8, 3,819 steps.
I then did the lower body and stretch from Fit Split Push day that I skipped when I did the upper, 12 minutes, 44 calories, met 3.3, heart rate average 99, max 125, 91 steps. I finished off with Youtube Sarah Beth yoga Wednesday Power yoga 15 minutes, 37 calories, met 2.2. Total time 90 minutes, 465 calories.
weights Fit Split ( went a Cathe's or only slightly higher) most is lower than I have been using, but I wanted to be safe)
deadlift 25's 12 reps
squats 20's 16 reps
rear lunge off step 12's 8 reps
front diagonal lunge 12's 16 reps
push dips off step 12's 18 reps (as 15 reps then 3 sets of pulses)
deadlift 25's 12 reps
cross back slide lunge 12's
slide side lunge 15#
elevated lunge 12's
single leg deadlifts 20#
added 15's calf raises 30 reps
push day lower
superset squat 35# barbell x 12 reps/ high and tight with step held up or fit tower chair (whatever) 16 reps done 4 times
calf raises 20's 50 reps

Debbie, sorry the cats disturbed you. You still got in a great workout this morning. My Fit Bit seemed a bit better this morning. I wore my strap and a Polar along with the Fit Bit today. The readings were off even on the heart rate. The Polar did it's usually off the charts 231 heart rate while the Fit Bit gave me 178 for whenever that peak was. Anyway, I just wanted to see. So this morning I went upstairs like usual to get my workout clothes on and my Fit Bit still said 0 floors. Crossfire has some low impact on it, but some of the tabata is plyometric. You can use portions and make the workouts lower impact though. I like that one and to the max and use the premixes quite a lot.

Doz, great job on the STS workout and run today.
Today I did kick boxing, Powerstrike 6 and I used 1 lb weighted gloves. This was tough, I haven't kick boxed in a while and there were so many kicks in this workout! Workout was 56 minutes and I burned 537 calories.

I was on YouTube last night and I found an Equinox instructor who has full length kick box workouts up and I might have to try one. Her name is Christa Dipaolo and it is under Popsugar. Check it out they are shorter but look very effective.

I found a new supplement I am going to try for stress and anxiety, it is called Kava Kava. it is like a tranquilizer that doesn't make you out of it, it is all natural and reduces stress and makes you alert. Hopefully that will work for me, things are much better around here but I still stress out!!! Its crunch time for my son to see if he gets to go back to this school or not for next year. He has to pass every class or he is out! I have tutor and he meets with all of his teachers but He needs to do the work daily! The ball is in his court now. I will let you know how it works for me.

excellent workout even though you were tired. I hate when my dog barks at night, it is hard for me to go back to sleep. I am looking forward to my workout tomorrow as well, not sure which exercises I will pick.

Diane Sue, good job on the Bootcamp workout today, those are always hard for me! I hope you have a good day and your allergies are at bay today.

, killing it with the STS workouts! Check out the YouTube workouts I found, I think you might like them.

Roselyn, cant believe how quickly you are getting through Body Beast!

Have a great day!
Jolie, I really do not know why that workout is called boot camp. It is a kickboxing workout for the first half and then Legs and glutes for the last half. I was surprised when I first did this workout. I have not heard much about the use of Kava Kava. I always check on side effects and long term use as well as mixing supplements before I will use them. Reishi is used a lot for anxiety. I have purchased the Four Sigmatic coffee packets with this before. You can buy it plain or in capsules. I am not a fan of the taste. For me it was a bit bitter even in the coffee. It is not supposed to cause drowsiness. It will be interesting to see how the kava kava works for you.
I have looked at some workouts on Pop Sugar but have not tried any of them.
Diane Sue -Wow on your workout, truly awesome.

Jolie- Nice work. My favorite part is the kicks.

Roselyn- Good job with Beast. I have beast dvd by beachbody. Is that what you are doing?
Today I did a total body workout. Today I did two high rep exercises for Biceps and Legs. Had a great workout. Used all three of my bars, LOL! Glad it's Friday!

Did 3 circuits of 6 reps, no rest during the circuits but rested a bit in between starting a new circuit. I warmed up with XTrain. The extra exercises were 16 reps each.

Pullovers - 35#
Dumbbell Chest Press - 35's
Overhead Barbell Shoulder Press - 40#
EZ Barbell Curl - 45#
Alternate Hammer Curls - 15's - 16 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Ext - 30#
Deads to Squats - 55#/65#/65# (love these)
Firewalkers - 4 sets of 4 reps each way so 32 reps
V-Ups - 20/16/16 reps

Workout was 36 minutes, burned calories. Avg HR was 1 and Max was 170.

Then I wanted to do a kickboxing workouts but didn't really have enough time to finish one of them, I only had 20 minutes left. So I just walked on my treadmill. Boring! At least I'm reading a good book! That helps. Walked for 20 minutes, went 1 mile, burned 106 calories and went 2436 steps. Avg HR was 81 and Max was 97. Really low.

Diane Sue - My FB does not record stairs either, unless I'm swinging my arms on the way up. It's stupid. I actually got to 10 flights of stairs the other day, I think that was the first time ever. Great job on your workout!!

DOZ - Great job with STS! Love that series. I really wish Cathe would do a Body Beast series, you should check those out, they are very fun. Beachbody makes them. The only thing about them is there is very little cardio in it unless you have time to add it on during the day.

Jolie - Powerstrike? That sounds familiar, I wonder if I have it. LOL!! Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm telling you, 5-HTP did wonders for me. Be careful with Kava Kava, it does have some side effects.

Roselyn - Have a great workout today!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
This morning I did Fit Split Mixed Impact Cardio time saver, average heart rate 131, max 158, 32 minutes as I started the warm up ,got side tracked, and had to go back, 212 calories, met 6.0, 2810 steps. I then did Ice Low Impact sweat workout #1 skipping the warm up, 22 minutes, 144 calories, heart rate average 125, max 162, 1,510 steps. Total time was 53 minutes, calories burned 356. I have grandchildren here today :)

Debbie, it really does save time to have more than one bar when changing weights. I have 3 but my long one migrated to my husbands weight bench. I wish the Tread Climber had a regular book rack. It has a pocket for a cell phone. If I had a smaller tablet I could probably read that way. Mine is a 12 inch Galaxy Note which I love. If I want to try to read it I have to strap it on with bungee cords. I bought a surf shelf hoping that would help but it doesn't work well, it is more geared for strapping a laptop on a treadmill. I used to do a lot of reading when I had my treadmill. I get bored fast on fitness equipment. My Fit Bit didn't read all of the stats on the sleep stages today. According to it I got the whole 7 hours I was in bed. I guarantee that is not so. I had a hard time sleeping, my husband seemed restless, then at midnight the dog starts howling at the moon or something(which she never does) and my husband got up and checked on her and let her out for a bit, I was starting to wonder what was up with all of the restlessness with us and the dog. My fitbit is usually right on with the floors, that is why I thought it was odd that it messed up like that. Usually I do not get 10 floors in a day though, unless my young grandchildren are here and then I easily double or triple it.

Today’s workout, Legs & Glutes Xtreme I did everything except deadlifts, since I did yesterday; and LesMill’s Core Attack. I’m yet to master CT even tho i have gotten stronger, if I continue to strengthen my back I’ll be okay. It truly is a good and complete ab workout.

I’m headed to Walmart GK on there way here from Columbus. I know my puppy will be happy to see his brother and his papa.

Debbie - 35 pull over, that’s impressive. I use 15/20, feel it in my lats, tri’s and my obliques. Nice work

Diane Sue - awesome workout, you are so consistent. Nice work
Today is my rest day TGIF!

, wow on the reps and the weights!!! Holy Moly you are getting strong!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will look into all of the Kava Kava side affects and I will look into what you used. Thanks!

Diane Sue,
nice job on the workout and have a wonderful time with the grand kiddies!

Doz, WOW on the legs and glutes extreme! I always had a hard time with that workout. I have a bad back and foot so some leg exercises just don't work for me. oh well, I modify

I hope you are having some good workouts this week!

Have a nice day.
Doz, enjoy the grandchildren and the dogs :) Company usually means a trip to Walmart. I sort of planned ahead the last time I went, knowing over the next couple of weeks I will have grandchildren staying. I used to do that extra long legs and glutes extreme mix too. Now it doesn't seem like something I want to do so much. Adding core attack made that some tough workout for sure.

Jolie, enjoy your rest day.

Hi to Roselyn
The grandchildren just left. We had a pleasant time together. They can be so sweet. Olivia and I tied a quilt project that she brought over. I got in my workout. It was a bit of a challenge with the 4 year old and my dog in the room with me. He was tossing my therapy balls and jumping on the rebounder and the balls and him would come flying off periodically. It is raining today. I guess it started early this morning. It is greatly needed here.
My workout was Low Impact Series After Burn, 61 minutes( there was a couple of breaks which made it longer),met 5.8, heart rate 118 average, 156 max, 2,945 steps. I then did Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 13 minutes, 57 calories, met 4.0, 288 steps, heart rate average 103, max 134, 288 steps. Total time was 74 minutes, 447 calories.

Just checking in, today was my rest day, however this morning after I finished cleaning up a bit walking the pups, oh btw they turned 5 months today I went for a walk 1 hour 20 minutes.

Diane Sue - glad you were able to get your workout in, even with a 4 year old, good job.

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