Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in for April 2018

Jolie, it sounds like you needed a rest day. That was not much of one with the house cleaning ;) I am sure you had plenty of calories just cleaning.

Roselyn, nice job with Body Beast.
Today I did a total body workout, I had an excellent workout and love this one!!

Did 3 circuits of 8 reps, no rest during the circuits but rested a bit in between starting a new set. I warmed up with XTrain

Barbell Shoulder Press - 35#
Front Raises - 12's
Dumbbell Chest Press - 35's - Holy smokes these were hard!
Incline Flies - 25's
Alternate Dumbbell Curl w/Twist - 20's
Hammer Curls - 20's
Leg Extensions - 30#
Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 12's
Kickbacks - 8's
T-Bar Rows - 55#
Reverse Flies - 12's

Workout was 34 minutes, burned 212 calories. Avg HR was 123 and Max was 193.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 21 minutes, went 1.05 miles, burned 114 calories and went 2567 steps. Avg HR was 93 and Max was 127.

Diane Sue - Did your FB calculate your rest last night? I can't wear mine at night, it makes my hand swell which is really weird. Thanks for that link, I will check out her website.

Jolie - Sounds like you had a workout anyways!! :) Cleaning house can really get the HR up.

Roselyn - Nice job on Shoulders! I will be starting Beast in June I think.

DOZ - I need to check out the Les Mills workouts. I remember when only trainers could buy those workouts. Nice job!

Hope you all have great workouts and a great weekend!!
Morning guys

Today’s workout, LesMill’s Upper body blow out and Lower body Lean blow out. After I finished went for a walk 1 hr 20 mins; felt so good I will check back in a bit.

Diane Sue- Thank you they are pricey.
Today I did a total body workout and then did some extra exercises at the end to failure. I did 3 rounds of the circuit and the last round was TF. I liked this workout a lot got a good calorie burn. Workout was 56 minutes and I burned 318 calories. I wish I had a higher calorie burn but oh well. I plan on doing a lot of walking this weekend, I need to get out of the house. Maybe I will go to the beach in Newport and walk the bike path by the ocean.

Warm up to STS Meso 2

Chest Flies- 20# x 12, x 12, x 13 TF ( 3 rounds of the circuit )
Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 12, x 12, x 14 TF
Upright Rows- 17# x 12, x 12, x 14 TF
Hammer Curls- 17# x 12, x 12, x 15 TF
Close Grip Chest Press- 17# x 12, x 12, x 18 TF ( need to go heavier next time )
Leg Curls- 22.5# x 14, x 14, x 14 TF
ABS ( all different kinds ) x 30, x 40, x 40
Plie Squats to 1 arm shoulder press- 12# x 12, x 12, x 16 TF ( I did one side then the next for one set )

Chest Press- 20# x 21 TF
Close Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 16 TF
Lateral Raise- 8# x 16 TF, 5# x 13 TF
Bicep Curls- 15# x 20 TF
Lying Triceps Ext.- 12# x 21 TF

I feel great! I had to do extra since I didn't get all my weight training in this week.

Debbie, that full body workout looks like a killer! You are lifting some impressive weights lately! I wish we lived close to each other, I would love to workout with you! Have a great weekend.

Diane Sue, I hope you have a great workout today. I am going to Sprouts to get some fresh veggies so I can make something really healthy for dinner. Not sure what to make, I guess I will see what looks good at the store. Maybe some chicken with some grilled veggies and hummus. Yum! or Turkey chili sounds good. I will check back later to see what you did for your workout today.

DOZ, once again, another kick butt workout! I bet you sleep well at night lol!

Roselyn, good job on the Body Beast workouts. What are you doing for cardio? I don't like his cardio workout that much, I always did something else.

Have a nice day, winds are blowing here today for the second day in a row. I hate when I cant open my windows.
Jolie- awesome workout yourself. Menopause won’t let me sleep wake up about 5 to 6 times a night.

Roselyn- nice job

Debbie- glad you enjoyed your workout. I adore LesMill’s workouts, they are hardcore.
My workout was cut short at 10 minutes, so it is hardly worth mentioning. I did the first 10 minutes of Strong and Sweaty Boot camp (which I had planned to add the Zcut power Strength bonus. Maybe I will get that added to something tomorrow. I burned 67 calories in that 10 minutes :) We had friends come over a earlier than expected and we had lunch and visited a good part of the afternoon. I could use the rest anyway. I have no desire to go back and do a workout now.

Debbie, nice workout. My Fit bit calculated my sleep stages last night. I don't know why it sometimes will be totally blank. Yesterday it gave my sleep hours and time awake, but not the stages or graphs. I find it interesting when I know what times I wake or am turning over in bed trying to get comfortable and it is pretty accurate. I wish I could get more deep sleep than I do. It generally ends up being a few minutes. Once in awhile I might get an hour or a bit more. I can tell when I get more deep sleep because I am not so tired during the day, even if I did not get that many hours of sleep. Also, I think your resting heart rate when you are sleeping helps it calculate your calorie burns and heart rate averages. I think you can still get Les Mills Combat , but I don't think Les Mills Pump workouts are available anymore. I think you would like Les Mills Combat. They use variations of marshal arts moves. The bonus workouts have the upper that has some weights incorporated. I love the core one.

Jolie, nice workout. A walk at the beach sounds nice and relaxing. Not so much like work :) I went to Sprouts today to make a stir fry recipe I saw in my Whole 30 Fast and Easy cookbook. I had the beef strips and carrots, but needed broccoli. I had contemplated using the riced broccoli instead of buying broccoli since I think it is put on a bed of cabbage. Funny my daughter was saying how she ate a healthy dinner here the other evening and then she kept going back for more cookies since I had made snickerdoodles. I wish our winds would let up. I dread going outside.
We turned on the air today since it was in the 80's and we had company. The next couple of days it is going to be much cooler again.

Doz, I doubt those Z cut workouts were that much when they first came out. I got the Z Cut abs and the Z cut power yoga and they were only 10 dollars each. If I remember right the Lower Body lean out from the bonus set of Les Mills Combat seemed pretty much like another 30 minute plus workout like the other combat workouts. A lot of kicking. Upper Blow out can get tough if you pick up very heavy weights. They are good workouts. I am awake off and on all night too, but no longer have menopause. I have to avoid caffeine most of the time or keep it only a bit in the mornings.
This morning I did Strong and Sweaty Bootcamp, 45 minutes, 286 calories, met 5.9, 2,117 steps. I then did Z cut power strength bonus workout with stretch, 20 minutes, met 4.5, 100 calories, 187 steps. Total time was 65 minutes, 386 calories.
I used Cathe's weights on Bootcamp.
Z Cut Power strength 10# dumbbell max suggested weight she uses 3 rounds 11 minutes
10 competition burpees, 10 pistol squats with db
40 chair hops
10 dive bombers
Today I walked for 2 hours and traveled 6.4 miles. I burned an amazing 1,189 calories!!! I walked 3.2 miles uphill and it was a butt burner! Unfortunately, I had to walk 3.2 miles back downhill and that hurt my feet. All in all, it was a great workout!

Diane Sue,
Great job on Boot camp workout today. I am going to make chicken lettuce wraps today using lettuce, chicken, shaved carrots, green onion, red pepper, spouts, cilantro, avocado and a home made spicy peanut sauce. Yum! Time to loose some weight before my sons high school graduation on June 2.

I hope you all have great workouts and a nice day today!
Jolie, I remember a few long walks that were great on the way out, but on the way back I wondered why I wondered why I went so far. I remember going to Las Vegas once and us walking to a casino that was much further than we had anticipated and I was wearing new heels :0 We got a cab to go back to our hotel. My grandson and granddaughter's graduations are mid May here. School generally starts mid August though. Those wraps sound really good, particularly the spicy peanut sauce.

Today’s workout, Cardio Coach ‘Press Play’ T: 56:00 D: 3.125, C: 361.

3 sets of 16 Squats w/ side leg lifts, Pile squats, fire walkers, and jumped on trampoline, finished w/ abs

I’m in Columbus, till tomorrow visiting my daughter in law she doesn’t have any weights, I used my grandkids hover board to do the exercise, worked out well lol. I check back later, enjoy your day everyone
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Today was my usual church and Sunday Family brunch rest day. I did go to Sprouts and get some of the shopping done. I will go to Walmart tomorrow. I do not like going there and especially on weekends. They are so over crowded all of the time. Then parking is not good either. Particularly since they added their monstrosity grocery pick up building which took up parking.

Roselyn, I have heard others that liked Toby Massenburg workouts. Nice work.

Doz, nice workout for not having access to your own equipment ;) I bet the hover board was a nice addition. Enjoy your visit.
Today I did a total body workout. This week I will do two exercises for two body parts each day. So today I did two exercises for Chest and Tri's. Had a great workout and lifted heavy.

Did 3 circuits of 6 reps, no rest during the circuits but rested a bit in between starting a new set. I warmed up with XTrain. The extra exercises were 16 reps each.

Barbell Rows - 65#
Barbell Chest Press - 80#
Push-Ups - 16 reps
Upright Rows - 40#/45#
Barbell Curl - 40#/45#
Close Grip Barbell Press - 70#
Dips - 16 reps
Squats - 25's

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 204 calories. Avg HR was 125 and Max was 160.

Then I did the Tabata workout on my treadmill and then walked the rest of the time. 27 minutes, went 1.5 miles, burned 168 calories and went 3317 steps. Avg HR was 106 and Max was 158.

Diane Sue - I will look into Les Mills, they sound fun. Sorry your one workout was cut short, I guess that happens sometimes.

Jolie - Great job with your hill climb walk. Wow, that is some major calories being burned!! Wish I could even get outside to walk in my driveway - we had two nice days and now we're back to the 40's and rain. It rained all weekend and is supposed to snow tomorrow. Ridiculous!! I also wish we could workout together, that would be totally awesome!!!

Roselyn - Nice job with your workout!!! Love Beast Legs!

DOZ - Great job working out even when you weren't home! Now that is dedication!!

Have great workouts everyone!
Morning guys

Today’s workout, Cardio Coach #8 T: 60:00; D. 3.03, C: 306 I kept a slow steady paces, no incline my legs was tight; couldn’t figure it out, then it down on me, it was from the workout on trampoline. Then I did 3 sets of kicks, abs and finished up on the trampoline doing various moves.

All packed, just waitin on my son, We’re headed back to Cleveland, my pup had a great time with his brother and papa. I’ll check back once we touch down.

Debbie- another awesome workout. Nice work.
Today I did a total body workout, 3 rounds of the circuit and the last round I added a Drop Set. Wow, this was hard! On a couple of exercises I did a few more reps because I didn't have the weight just right so I did more reps instead of stopping and getting heavier weight. Workout was 50 minutes and I burned 312 calories. I warmed up to STS Meso 2 disc.

Incline Chest Press- 27# x 10, x 10, x 10 ( 3 rounds with a drop set on the last round )
Drop Set- 20# x 10

1 Arm Horzt. Rows- 20# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 15# x 10

Front/Rear Raise- 10# x 10, x 10, x 10 ( like Cathe does in 4 day split workout )
Drop Set- 8# x 10

Seated Hammer Curl with a twist- 17# x 12, x 12, x 12
Drop Set- 15# x 12

1 Arm Kickback- 10# x 10, x 10, x 10
Drop Set- 8# x 10

Leg Ext- 60# x 16, x 16, x 16
Drop Set 50# x 10
Drop Set 40# x 10

Abs- x 40, x 30, x 40

Leg Curls- 22.5# x 14, x 14, x 14
Drop Set - 20# x 14

nice workout today! I like the way you put it together, I will have to try it soon. The weather is cooler today, thank goodness, I need a break. I live where there are canyons all around me so I can walk to about 50 different roads and trails and get the best workout in. There are so many people out on the weekends working out, it is fun and motivating. This is the land of Plastic Surgery and looking your best!!!

Diane Sue, I hope you had a nice day at church yesterday. My spicy peanut sauce is awesome. Here it is for your enjoyment!

Spicy Peanut Sauce
1/3 Cup all natural Peanut Butter
1 Tbsp Syrup
1 teaspoon fresh ginger grated fine
2 Tbsp soy sauce low sodium
1 Tbsp white vinegar or rice
1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
1/4 cup hot water
1/2 teaspoon hot chili oil or red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon tahini
Mix it all up and drizzle it on your lettuce wraps! I BBQ chicken with some lime juice, olive oil and teriyaki sauce on it and lay a leaf of cabbage, lettuce, chicken, sliced red bell pepper, shaved carrots, green onion, cilantro and sauce on the top. Yum, I am having it again today.

great job on getting in your workout while out of town!

Roselyn, Body Beast legs is a hard workout, good for you! I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week!

Have a nice day.
Today I did STS Shock cardio athletic step, 48 minutes, heart rate average 139, max 169, 337 calories, met 6.5, 4055 steps. I then did Fit Split Mixed Impact timesaver pre-mix #5 pull day 2 sets (this skips the pull overs and does set 2 and 3), 31 minutes, heart rate average 99, max 127, met 5.0, 154 calories, 448 steps. Total time was 79 minutes and calories burned 491.
one arm rows 30# db x 10 , 10 reps
overhand row with firewalker loop 15# dbs 10 , 10 reps
deadlift barbell 55# 10 reps, 10 reps
super set
upright rows barbell 45# 8 reps with rear delt flies 12#dbs 8 reps
super set
lateral raise 8# dbs 8 reps with 5# external rotation with firewalker loop 6 reps depending on how you count the pulses
giant set
barbell curls 45# 8 reps/ w curls 15# dbs 8 reps/ sweeper curls 15# dbs 8 reps
repeat with everything 6 reps
hamstring roll ins lots of reps and pulses :)
I have to head to Walmart before schools let out this afternoon otherwise terrible traffic.

Debbie, nice work on the presses. I should do some Les Mills combat. I always have fun doing them and the music and the instructors are fun on it.

Jolie, great workout today. Your walks always sound so nice and relaxing. Thanks for the recipe. I am printing it off. It looks delicious.

Doz, have a nice trip home to Cleveland. Yes, it is surprising but the trampoline will really affect the legs. It sounds like you need some stretching :)
Today I did Cardio Coach 6 w/Candace and had a great workout. This one is my favorite long CC workout, it has some great challenges. I did really well with it.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.67 miles, burned 408 calories (TM said 514) and went 7466 steps. Avg HR was 129 and Max was 207. It took a while to get my HR up this morning, and I certainly don't think it actually hit 207. By the last challenge, though, it was up there.

No time for personals today, I am late for work. I hope you all have great workouts today! You all did great yesterday!!
Debbie, nice calorie burn. I doubt you hit over 200 for your heart rate. My Fitbit is acting up lately. This morning it gave me 0 sleep, but that I was in bed 7 hours. Then it told me it wasntbworking to restart my phone. I did that and it says restart the app. It has been giving me extremely low heart rates and burns for workouts that I know that it is not correct on. I have had to make adjustments. I think Fit Bit must be messing with their next new watch I think is coming out.

Today’s workout, STS chest shoulders & triceps add on between rest, did squats, Pile, step ups, side raises, and a few others. Figure I make uses of min rest.

Guys it’s snowing; Cleveland weather. I told my son we won’t be in the warmer days for another week or two.

Debbie - Nice work did I mention, I figured out how to load workouts from my PC to iPod, it was really simply just copy and pasted., duh. Now I have Candance. I haven’t done her workout in a longtime; my favorite to. Enjoy your day.

Diane Sue - I been eyeballing one, they have them at Kohl’s. Your workout yesterday NICE

Off to soak......
Today I walked outside, 6 miles, 1 hour 50 minutes and I burned 889 calories. I walked fast, average heart rate was 134 and my max 184 up the hills. It is beautiful here today, sunny and 74 degrees. It is a lot easier to walk when it is cool out instead of high heat.

Running late today, I will read your posts later. I hope you all have fantastic workouts today!

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