Hey Ally - I am 40, BTW. Been in BC pills since I was about 21 or 22, but off and on. It is was never bad to go off them, except that my skin rebelled and I had a painful problem with ovulation. TTOTM was not bad for me off the pill but I have heard horror stories. What pill are you on now? Some seem worse than others for PMS eating. I could not take Yaz - it gave me these horrid panic attacks. I had never had them before. When I went off, I was like another person. Also, I was on a generic BCP and nearly lost it. Had all sorts of problems that I did not have on the name brand. I am now on OrthoTriCyclen Lo and have been for a while. No problems at all. The only odd thing that has been going on for the past couple of weeks is that I wake up and my hands are so puffy, sometimes my feet too. After a few hours, it goes away so obviously water retention. I forgot two pills (no idea how that happened b/c I just never forget...and I forget two??!) so maybe that is it. Like mentioned, off the pill, I get unbelievable ovulation pain and bloating for about a week. Sometimes I can hardly get up and down without grimacing from the pain in the area of my ovaries. This never happened before the pill so just an FYI in case you go off. I didn't know what it was for a while. It was almost every symptom of ovarian cancer that we hear about. There - a dissertion on the pill!

Which one are you on now? Do you get mammograms yearly?
Suz - great leg workout. Is the leg press on your Bowflex? I think it is, and you probably won't have time to read this anyway.
Debbie - ok, I am going to have to try yoga. Today is going to be cardio for me too...Spinervals. Excited about that. I'll be ready for some good stretching. Also, since I got off the rotation with the back thing, I decided to try my own thing for the last week. I am using what I have learned from you. It was really a lot of fun - got to use some brain power and muscle power!
Teddygirl - I know about the frustration. I just want things to work when it comes to computers and TVs. Maybe b/c I can't take them apart. I will take anything apart that I think I can fix. When it comes to pushing the right combo of buttons, etc, I want to just smash it with a hammer
Patti - I have noticed a difference in calorie burn when I am just not that into the workout. I mean, I am working hard, even on the same settings on the machine, and I just can't make the same calorie burn. It's like my heart literally is not that into it! It seems completely differenty when I am excited and/or hyped up about the workout. Today, for Spinervals, I am hyped so it should be good! I will need to take Charlotte's advice and wear a bikini top
So, workout last night was PUB but I did not use the DVD - did it on my own and threw in extras for a good extra burn, AND I went heavier on chest and triceps. Next time, I am going heavier on biceps. Really enjoyed my little mix that I did too. Next was my own mix of abs - short b/c they were still a bit sore I discovered from a couple of days ago.
Have a great day, maniacs!