Workout was Empire State joint mobility, Providence then I added round 2,3,&4 of Newport with a 15# kettlebell to get a feel for it
I followed this with MIS abs using a 15 and 10# dumbbells, Step Jam abs using 10# dumbbell, Turbo Jam Kicken Core Core segment and the stretch(this didn't feel like much) at the last where Chalene was doing pushups off of the ball I did pikes. I finished with Flexible Warrior foam roller doing sections 2 and 3.
Doing Kettlebell workouts including joint mobility I burned 723 calories.
Total calories burned was 977 40% fat Max hr was 169 which is high for me
Empire State Joint Mobility 10 minutes
Joint mobility warm up 5 minutes
round 1: 2 handed swing, 1 arm swing, hand to hand swing,
15# kettlebell 30 sec. 2 handsing, left arm swing then right 30 each, alternating arm swing 30 seconds (I repeated this round)
round 2: cleans 20# kettlebell reps 5,4,3,2,1,each arm, then alternate
round 3: chest press 15# 5,4,3,2,1 reps alternating 5 rt, 5 left etc then alternating 1&1 to finish
round 4: squat/sumo deadlift 30 sec ea w/25# squat,35# sumo deadlift,25poundsquat, 35poundsumo deadlift
round5: 1 leg deadlift 35# kettlebell 5 slow right, 5 slow left to end of 2 minutes
round 6: windmill into overhead squat 15# kettlebell 30sec each windmill right, squat overhead, windmill left, squat overhead
round 7: clean and press 15# kettlebell 5,4,3,2,1 reps left then right then alternate to end of 2 minutes
round 8: flip and squat/or high pull squat: 2 minutes 25# kettlebell I did the high pull version
round 9: tactical lunge: 2 minutes 25# kettlebell alternating legs in the lunge ( was really pushing that last 30 seconds ) I think this is my first time on this workout with 35# even though I did do it on Empire State)
round 10: triple crush, 2 minutes 25# kettlebell 30 seconds each tri and bi combo, triceps only, biceps only, tri and bi combo
round 11: sling shot into figure 8 with a static hold 30 seconds each figure 8's, sling shot right, figure 8's, sling shot left 25# kettlebell
round 12 seated press 2min 20# kettlebell 5,4,3,2,1 right and then left, then alternate to end
round 13: one arm row 25# kettlebell 5,4,3,2,1, switch Then repeat at a faster pace(I could go heavier on this but then Anthony speeds up at the last
round 14: pullovers, russian twists, sicilian twist 25# kettlebell 2 minutes
round 15: 3 minutes snatch test 15# kettlebell snatching right and left he speeds up the pace after first minute
Rnd 2 squat, 1 arm swing, double leg raise I used 15# kettlebell
they alternated 30 second of squats with 30 seconds of 1 arm swings then switch arms for 4 minutes, then did the double leg raise for 1 minutes, 1 minutes rest
Rnd 3 2 hand swing, hot potato, twist crunch
they alternated 2 hand swings with the hot potato I used 15# kettlebell then fast on the twist crunch
1 minutes rest
Rnd 4 Punch Matris, Planks alternated then last minute was single leg raise.
1 minutes rest
Suz, I did a long post to you yesterday about the shoulder rehab. I guess I didn't post it

Anyway I found that at first I thought Kettlebells was hurting. After a month of this and all of the joint mobility along with using the foam roller it feels almost back to normal. My range of motion is good. It was hurting so bad before. I would feel tears coming when I would reach overhead or try to reach back behind me for something. No, the triceps dips did not hurt at all this time. They were when it was causing me so much problem though.
Patti, I can relate to the being addicted to the endorphins thing too. Have heard that from family. Well, I think that is a good addiction so I will keep it. g