Suz - thanks for looking that up! I just went to the website for the museum and it is here through Feb something. I wonder what the difference is b/w this one and the first one? And, if the heart one comes here, how different would it be? I am going to make a plan to go. Should have been a doctor - always wanted to do that. DH says I should just go back to school. My addictions - cleaning, working out, and school

I think I am a complete bore to some!! I sent you a PM too.
Dallys - bummer. Maybe there would not be a big crowd at that time. I would think that the stuff you look at should do a good job of keeping you awake.
Patti - you are lucky your kids take naps. No matter what I tried, Halle would never consistently take naps. She is 9 next month and still does not need much sleep.
Charlotte - glad your DH is better.
Linda - are you in a better state of mind? Hope so.
Sonya - hope you had fun shopping
Diane Sue - looks like you are mastering the KB workouts. I love to see the way you mix and match.