Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 1/10

Here is where they go next in USA. It's almost completely sold out now (only 8 tickets left in the middle of the night). It has been running 24hrs a day for the weekend. Why do I wait until the last minute for things. Why!

Is that Body World thing where they show actual bodies, like blood and tendons and stuff...for real? I don't think I could deal with that. Sounds a little too real for me.

Charlotte, have you or your husband ever tried homeopathic medicine? I had horrible congestion in my chest once with a cough so bad it nearly made me hurl, and I took antimonium tart, a homeopathic remedy, and it cleared it right up; I didn't have to go to the doctor at all. I was amazed because it was pretty bad. My cough was like a bark and I could barely talk without hacking away.

So I've done some housework today (yay!), and then I did the stability ball segment of Core Max and the warm up and standing series of Tracey's Yoga Solutions, and now I need to do more housework and then some grading, make dinner, and hopefully get to work on my cross stitch projects at some point today.
Suz - thanks for looking that up! I just went to the website for the museum and it is here through Feb something. I wonder what the difference is b/w this one and the first one? And, if the heart one comes here, how different would it be? I am going to make a plan to go. Should have been a doctor - always wanted to do that. DH says I should just go back to school. My addictions - cleaning, working out, and school :) I think I am a complete bore to some!! I sent you a PM too.

Dallys - bummer. Maybe there would not be a big crowd at that time. I would think that the stuff you look at should do a good job of keeping you awake. :eek:

Patti - you are lucky your kids take naps. No matter what I tried, Halle would never consistently take naps. She is 9 next month and still does not need much sleep.

Charlotte - glad your DH is better.

Linda - are you in a better state of mind? Hope so.

Sonya - hope you had fun shopping :)

Diane Sue - looks like you are mastering the KB workouts. I love to see the way you mix and match.

Would love to see something like that. Am I weird? :D


My husband is stubborn with such things, but thanks for the advice anyways because if it was me, I would try it. I get mad at my husband for taking stuff he really doesn't need. I am not one that likes taking pills myself and would rather drink chamomile tea if I have a headache or stomach upset then to take advil. I do take melatonin so I can sleep thru the night. I keep waking up at 1am for some reason! YEAAHHHH...on getting in the housework! Right on, girl! lol.
Suz - thanks for looking that up! I just went to the website for the museum and it is here through Feb something. I wonder what the difference is b/w this one and the first one? And, if the heart one comes here, how different would it be? I am going to make a plan to go. Should have been a doctor - always wanted to do that. DH says I should just go back to school. My addictions - cleaning, working out, and school :) I think I am a complete bore to some!! I sent you a PM too.

Dallys - bummer. Maybe there would not be a big crowd at that time. I would think that the stuff you look at should do a good job of keeping you awake. :eek:

Patti - you are lucky your kids take naps. No matter what I tried, Halle would never consistently take naps. She is 9 next month and still does not need much sleep.

Charlotte - glad your DH is better.

Linda - are you in a better state of mind? Hope so.

Sonya - hope you had fun shopping :)

Diane Sue - looks like you are mastering the KB workouts. I love to see the way you mix and match.

Thanks! Glad he is too cuz all of his coughing is just horrible. Never heard anyone cough so much like that. You know when we were in the doctor's office the nurse kept talking so loud to him like he was an old deaf man. Just ticked me off!
Had a great time shopping! Bath and Body Works is having an awesome sale! I love their antibacterial soaps...I keep them them in all the bathrooms and kitchen and they were only $3 each...shampoo and conditioner (which I keep in guest bath) only $2 each! I love great sales! Also had some gift cards to spend...always nice when its 'free' stuff!

Dally's...bummer about the Body World. I think it has been in San Fransisco (about an hour from us) but we didn't get an opportunity to go :(

Patti...that's the beauty of building muscle...you eat more and lose weight!!!!! But I know what you mean. Before I got serious about this I was lucky to have my calorie intake above 1400...now it's about 1700 but it should be above 2000! It's all about feeding the muscle just like Tom Venuto says!

Hi to everyone else....I'm heading upstairs to workout...like Suz says...no really I mean it! :p
Hey again! Wouldn't it be fun if we could all get together and go to Body Worlds. We could all point out our past and present injuries, muscle by tendon.:p

Suz - thanks for looking that up! I just went to the website for the museum and it is here through Feb something. I wonder what the difference is b/w this one and the first one? And, if the heart one comes here, how different would it be? I am going to make a plan to go. Should have been a doctor - always wanted to do that. DH says I should just go back to school. My addictions - cleaning, working out, and school :) I think I am a complete bore to some!! I sent you a PM too.

Dallys - bummer. Maybe there would not be a big crowd at that time. I would think that the stuff you look at should do a good job of keeping you awake. :eek:

Yeah, I bet it would keep me awake just looking at the weirdness of it all. My daughter got tickets for 2am. I just didn't want to drive that far at night. It'd take me about 45 min. Anyways, I bet in the brain one, you'd see more sawed off sculls and in the heart one, you'd see more open chests. Just a thought. You can donate your body too.:eek:

Hermia- I love seeing that kind of stuff. What lies under the skin fascinates me. I bet my daughter will get faint though. She faints at even the thought of this kind of thing, now that I think of it. It'll be interesting to see how she does.

Toasty- I hope dh gets better soon. I'm worn out just thinking of him coughing. That is so hard on somebody.

Sophia- Keep forgetting to say how mad I was that the Sooners lost, darn it.:confused: I happy you got such good deals and B&BW.:)
Linda - are you in a better state of mind? Hope so.

Yes I am Shana. It's tough because I want the extra weight off now, but I am trying to be patient. The good news is I have gotten completely frustrated and thrown in the towel and start eating what ever I want. I just keep improving my diet. One step at a time. :D
Thought I would check and see what everyone was doing.

Shana, dd loved watching surgeries and stuff on television. She finally went to school and became a PA. Originally she wanted to be a doctor that specialized in plastic surgury for children with defects. She was pregnant with her first child when going to school and decided that a PA was the way to go. She works in dermatology right now. You should go to school if you enjoy that sort of thing. My grandbaby is 10 months and arrives at 6:15 am. I try to get as much of my workout as I can done before she arrives:D She chases me around the room. Can't get out the step bench without her on it. I went through this with my other grandchildren too but they are all 8 years and older now. She laughs when she is crawling over me pulling my hair etc.. I am really enjoying my Kettlebells:D

Sonya, the Sooner game didn't go well Thursday. Everytime I go to Bath and Bodyworks they are so crowded.

Hermia, sounds like you are getting back on top of things.
Hermia - I know what you mean about doing less cardio so you can gain some weight. I struggle with that. This week was good since I missed a couple of cardio sessions. I'm up to ALMOST 115!!! I never did get my cardio in today which I know surprises the living daylights out of everyone. I hope you got some cross stich done.

Crazy Biceps Chick - It's amazing how many people have been sick for weeks. I hope that Bobby is on the downhill slide now and that he can sleep in the bed like a real person instead of like a bat now! :p Poor guy!

Linda - You did great for taking it easy today! I hope your headache is gone. Nice calorie burn! I'm happy to see NO chins or pullups in your workout. Tee hee. :p

Patti - You also had a nice calorie burn! Don't be too impressed with the 40# - I can barely eek out those reps! But Charlotte can pound 'em out!!!

Diane Sue - What a great workout!!! Wow! You know what's funny about my shoulder is that it never really bothered me to reach overhead EXCEPT at night in bed. But it hurt like a you-know-what to reach forward to move my mouse at work, I couldn't even move my arm to my side at all to get anything off of the table next to the couch and udoing my bra - forget it. I still have trouble with that. And I still have pain in the front of my shoulder, and obvioulsy with dips. But that's such good news that the joint mobility stuff made a diff. I think that's exactly what Gregg is saying. I'm going to do it because I want to be where you are now.

I can't believe that newborn baby is 10 months old already!!!!!! :eek:

Shana - I PM'd you back. You should follow your dreams, btw! I think that Body World looks sooooo cool!

Sonya - Nice job on the sales. I hope you made it upstairs to work out. :p

Dallys - We'd be there all day pointing out our injuries! Thanks for looking up where it is going next. Dang it! I want it to come to Denver!!! *stomps feet*

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