I forgot to turn on the alarm this morning. So workout before I came over to dd's was Amy Bento's Kettlebell Dynamics workout 3 and first two combos of workout 1. I burned 311 calories and worked out for 42 minutes. I bought Tony one on one road warrior and tubing with me along with a couple of kickbox workouts. The children are still asleep. I am really struggling with the eating. No salad on Alfredo night. Last night was enchiladas, tacos, beans. DD does not use lowfat products either

I took my grandson and the baby and had a sandwich at subway for lunch.
Diane Sue, Hang in there, once you get into your own home, it will be so much better. I'm struggling also with my eating. (I know, it doesn't make it right). When I have company or if I'm away from home, something happens and everything goes out the door. It is a struggle. This first workout looks really good to me. I think you are on your way to getting back in a routine.
I am really sore in my biceps and triceps today. :hyper: Love it! It's hard for me to get my biceps sore.
Today was Shoulder and Abs. Shoulder work went well, I petered out with the ab work. I did it, but not what I wanted to do.
Debbie, Yeah! I also love it when I have DOM's. After my breakfast will do abs, shoulders, biceps and triceps and hopefully I'll feel DOM's as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with my calories, protein powders, eating. You are so great to people who need help. I have to take my hat off to you.
Morning! I am doing Tracey Staehle's High Intensity Step Mix 2 today and abs- haven't decided what yet. My mom is finally going to start exercising (I'm so happy!) and is coming over to trade time with me in the workout room downstairs. I'm setting her up with a Cathe upper body premix of some sort and she has a beginning cardio DVD too.
Patti, Love Tracey Staehle. I'm so proud of your Mom and taking hold of the reins with her health. Good for her! Sounds like a great workout.
**So I know I am suppose to go light with weights for the higher reps, but honestly felt like I could go higher on a few and so I did. For some reason I felt very fatigued doing the EZ Curls. Just a low energy day, I guess.
Today I want to ride my bike, but they are calling for rain off and on and right now it is sunny so I am pretty much bored with all other cardio so maybe I should just bike in the rain? lol. Gotta work abs too..didn't yesterday.
Char, What a great workout. 60#'s on EZ curls? Maybe that's why you had a little bit of low energy.LOL

That is a great workout!
Carol - Thanks for posting. I'm with you on the shoulder pain. I think I tore something in my rotator cuff doing 115# bench presses a few months back. It seems to be getting better, though, I just don't want to push my luck with heavy benching right now. I haven't had it checked, but I know I should.
You should post here with your workouts. You seem like a Hardcore Maniac to me! Nice job working out while you are batteling MS and Lupus. You deserve a huge kudos for that!!! You are definitely an inspiration!
Debbie, I agree, Carol is an inspiration.
Carol, Do think about coming here to post workouts.
I may take a break today (it is supposed to be my recovery week and I have yet to "recover!") but probably not. Did not do abs yesterday b/c they were still sore from the KB workout. 2 weeks and 2 days until Florida - no time to be wasting! Mark did comment (I had to ask him though) that he could see changes in my body so that was nice. Calories were too low yesterday but macros were ok. I missed my last snack and that messed it up.
Meowracer, You should try to revocer at least a few days. Love it when our other half comments on great things about our bodies. Yeah! Today you have another chance for macros.
I am finished with my workout. I burned 1084 calories total today. I did Amy's Kickbox surge stopping at the core refining, then I did Tony's Road Warrior One on One workout with the tubing.
Diane Sue, See, you are doing great as we speak. Love the calorie burn.
Morning Maniacs! Sorry I've been MIA, but that is just how it goes this time of year. Anyways, I've been riding my road bike a lot! Up to 47 miles right now. Lot's of good long hard climbs too. I've also been doing the Dove Bodies workouts this week. Last week was Kettlebells and 30 day shred. Going to Fruita Co. to ride the mountain bikes this weekend.
Sunnyside, You are amazing! But then what Maniac isn't? I can't even imagine 47 miles except in a car. Have fun in Fruita Co. bike riding. Whew! Let us know how it goes.
Morning Ladies
How is everyone doing? Me, I am good. I missed you guys. Back from North Carolina and my first day back at work, argh……….. I am so ready to get back into my workout routine it is ridiculous. This morning, I had the hardest time trying to find something to wear EVERTYHING is to tight or I can not fit it. While there in NC my girlfriend grandmother, bless her heart she’s 89 years young live by herself, she out run me. I never seen met anyone like her I felted in love with her. Alls we did was eat…eat…and eat drink..drink...drink...cook out more cook out. I am up from when we left 4.6 lbs. I am not mad just ready to work
Any who, I will check in tomorrow probably start with a light workout maybe hit treadmill I have Ipod charging. Okay enough for now, tty guys later.
Teddygirl, I hear ya about getting back into an exercise routine. It sounds like you had a fantastic time. Good for you. I would like to meet this 89 year young person. What an inspirational story!
I did BM2 double upper body premix. Are you any of you ordering the STS cardio? What are your thoughts on it?
PRAGE64, I ordered them and can't wait to get my hands on um. There are so many to choose from. There will now be no excuses at all to do cardio. The weigt STS series, has been fanstic for me, I'm sure the cardio will be as well.
Will be doing Disc 27 today - Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps.
See ya later,