Hard Core Fitness Maniacs September 2024


STS 2 Body Parts Biceps are done. I need to get ready for Sadie‘s appointment.

Diane - I should have gone a little lighter on the chest flys. I need to try not lower my arms too far when doing them next time. I really like Mira‘s chest/shoulder stretch workouts too. They are amazing. It seems to help me too. I hear a lot of cracking going on in a good way. Sorry about your chest, back and rib area. Standing ab workouts are fine, laying on the floor not so much. Maybe try standing for now. Glad your dog is comfortable. Great job on Perfect 30 Pump UB. Those are a little to fast for me at the moment. I like the slower base in STS2.

Jolie - nicely done yesterday.

Gotta run. BBL
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Happy Sunday. Today I had a great workout. I did STS Meso 1 Disc #5 Back and Triceps and did really well with the workout. I did notice that my triceps are strong except for when I do kickbacks, I was dying to get the reps up with just 10# DBs. Lying ext. and seated overhead ext. I am strong but for some reason the kickbacks are really tuff for me now. Workout was 50 minutes and I burned 437 calories.

Next week I may do total body workouts that I put together myself so I can run on my elliptical prior to weight lifting. I love to do that because it really warms my muscles up and I actually do it instead of putting it at the end of the workout where I talk myself out of doing it.
Belinda, great job on the workout today.

I will be on this thread more this coming week now that my husband is home from his trip. Have a nice day.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. I really like this workout but I have to say, I think I'm ready for more Kelly workouts. I'm getting sick of the STS series. Not sure if I'll continue with the one body parts this week or not. I'll decide tomorrow morning. Box & Pump 8 is calling me. LOL!!

1 minute rest between each set.

Flat Bench Press #1: 25's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2: 25's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3: 25's - 8 reps
Flat Chest Fly #1: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly #2: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Bench Press: 26's - 10 reps
Incline Close Grip Press: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Unilateral Chest Press: 20's - 6 reps alternating
Incline Bench Press/Close Grip Combo: 20's - 6 reps (tough!)
Incline Pause Chest Fly #1: 20's - 8 reps
Incline Pause Chest Fly #2: 20's - 6 reps
Incline Unilateral Fly: 20's - 6 reps alternating
Banded Low/High Chest Fly: 15# Band - 12 reps
Banded Mid Chest Fly: 30# Band - 12 reps
Push ups: 10 reps (on knees)

Then I got on my treadmill and walked about a half mile since I had extra time. Total workout was 51 minutes, burned 223 calories, HR 99/133.

No time for personals but I hope Kelly doesn't ove to Youtube. I have a Youtube account but I bet her cost goes up. Why can't these people just be happy with what they have. They have to be making TONS of money. Bums me out, I love her app.

Have a great workout everyone!!
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Today is a rest day for me. I woke up so sore and tired today from yesterday's workout.

I was thinking of buying some of Kelly's DVD's because I hate the streaming workouts due to my internet going out on a regular basis. Where we live there always seems to be a problem and I hate that when you are just about to log in and pick your workout for the day and you cannot. I guess I could use my hot spot on my phone. Do any of you have her DVD's and are there any worth buying?

Roselyn, great job with the workout today.

Debbie, Nice job on the chest workout and walk today. I want to do something new as well, but I do not know what to do. I was thinking of running on my elliptical and then doing a total body workout of my own, but I am not sure I will stick to it. Kelly is thinking about not having her workouts on her website anymore. That does not make sense except for the fact that she can get paid by putting it on Youtube I think. Weird.

I hope you all have a great workout today.
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STS 2 Body Parts Triceps is done. I will go for a walk later, hopefully it will stop raining. Temperature really dropped here :(

Debbie - great job on STS 2 Body Parts Chest. Very impressive weights you are using.

Jolie - great job with STS M2 D 5 yesterday. Enjoy your rest day today. That‘s the reason I still buy DVD‘s. Wished my internet would be more reliable.

Roselyn - nice job on your workout this morning.

I will be back tomorrow. I have an orthopedic for my knees tomorrow.
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Google Evening,

2.74 mile walk outside today, it’s beautiful out.

Debbie & Jolie- she says the Venmo app is costing her a Loy so that is why she is switching if you don’t have a premium subscription it will cost 5.99 with pprem it will be 13.99.

Jolie-Imhave a lot of her dvds and they are definitely worth it same quality as Cathe
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Yesterday was a rest day. Today I did Raw Lower Lift & Kick, 43 minutes, 141 calories, heart rate 103/137. I followed with CDorner Day 22 challenge Relaxing Lower Back Stretch day 22 and Upper Back and Neck day 24, 35 minutes, 46 calories. Total time was 78 minutes, 187 calories. No time for more today. Our e bikes arrived today, but still the front tire does not arrive till Thursday. We unpacked them to get them outside to get them in the house. Too heavy to carry in. We probably won't be able to ride them till this weekend anyway. Plus time to get them set up.

Raw Lower Lift and Kick
Moves are done holding 1 dumbbell. Kelly uses 30 and 50 pounds
each move with kicks is done twice and moves to the next one
warm up

Elevated on plate goblet squat 30# db
front kick right
front kick left

Glute Squat Kelly uses 50# I used 40# db
back kicks right
back kicks left

Deadlift/Squat up 30# db
knee circle/twist down right
knee circle/twist down left

Wide stance side to side lunge with db 30#
Round house kick right
round house kick left


Belinda, nice work on yesterday's STS 2 Body Parts Biceps and today's STS 2 Body Parts Triceps. It rained a lot yesterday here. I guess fall weather is coming in. I like the warm weather myself. I almost did the Mira Back stretch. I wanted to get everything in but ran out of time. I felt better after the stretching.

Jolie, good job on STS meso 1 back and triceps yesterday. I hope you had a nice rest day. I have most of Kelly's dvds except the most recent ones that are on Raw. She has all her dvds on her Raw channel if you wanted to check some out before you purchase them. I have been using the Raw channel from the start and never stopped. I did buy Box Fit when it came out. I like it. It has two workouts, one is shadow boxing and the other is a weight workout. It also has a combined workout that mixes both the weights and the shadow boxing on it. Build and Burn has a good Superset upper body workout. It is a 4 workout set. I really like her Raw workouts and hardly pay attention to the others. Also, you can purchase the Raw Lean physique workouts and the Timesaver Workouts which are good. She started putting raw workouts out for purchase. I am not sure if they are dvd or download or both. Check out her website. Having internet go out when working out is frustrating. When our internet went out recently mid workout, I finished with my phone.

Roxie, nice job on the walk. The weather here was really nice today too. I am dreading the cold weather though. I hope Kelly e mails us and lets us know when the change is. I was grandfathered in at the low rate and when there was a problem with my subscription and them getting their money, along with warnings on her website every time I tried to let her know this was happening, I just signed back up on Amazon prime and paid for the subscription there for 8.99 a month. Hope I do not have to pay 13.99. I have too many things like that that have went up on me.
This morning I did RAW Cardio Crush and had a good workout. Got sweaty with this one. Good music.

45 seconds on/10 seconds off

Low Jack/2 Jacks
Rt/Lft Knee/Bunny Hops
Both together - 2x's

Plank Wrist/Elbow/Wrist
Plank Jacks
Both together - 2x's
(I subbed 3 squats/basketball shoot and Low Jacks)

Jab Cross 4 Split Switch on Step (right side)
Jab Cross 4 Split Switch on step (left side)
Alternate Jab Cross/Split Switch 2x's

Right side Squat/Heel Click/Shuffle/Squat Side to Side
Left side Squat/Heel Click/Shuffle/Squat Side to Side
Heel Click/Shuffle alternate rt then left 2x's

Right Knee on Step/Power Corner
Left Knee on Step/Power Corner
Triple Knee/Corner to Corner
Alternate Triple Knee

Left Side Hook/Up 2x's/Shuffle
Right Side Hook/Up 2x's/Shuffle
Hook Up 3x's/Switch
Hook Up/Switch

Squat Hip
4 Jabs/Squat Hip both sides 2x's

Workout was 38 minutes, burned 304 calories, did 3307 steps and HR was 139/170.

Diane - Does Kelly hold the weights the entire time or just for the exercise? I'm assuming when she gets done with the exercise she puts the weight down and then does the kicks, right? That looks like a pretty good workout, did you like it? Nice job with it, it looks tough!! Also, what day did you do RAW Box & Pump 8? I want to go back and look at the exercises. Thanks!!

Jolie - I have about 10 of Kelly's workouts but I don't think I've done them all. LOL! And I do RAW so much I don't even know which ones to tell you that I like. Yes, they are worth buying. I find it frustrating that Kelly will go to Youtube as well, sort of makes me mad but I guess that is the trend now. Can't blame her, she will get more noticed on YT.

Belinda - Thanks about my weights, I'm feeling it today! Great job with you triceps workout.

Roxie - Do you know when she will be transitioning to YT? That means I'll be paying $13.99 a month and dealing with stupid ads. :mad: All good things must end I guess... I signed up for her newsletter some time ago and haven't received one. WTH?

Have a great day everyone!!
Today I signed back up for Kelly's RAW workouts and did R & R Dec. 2019 and had an excellent workout. I did the boxing version instead of the spin bike. I used the same weights as Kelly and 2# Egg Weights for the boxing segment. I added on extra weight exercises at the end of the workout just to get in a bit more weights for the day. Also, I did my Max Trainer on manual mode for 4 minutes, resistance 4 and I thought I would die LOL! I love that machine to work my legs and to get a good calorie burn. Workout was minutes and I burned 478 calories. I have to say, I miss boxing workouts a lot. I love the feeling of it, and I never get bored of it either. A great way to burn some serious calories too.

Debbie, great job on the workout today. I will be doing these workouts along with Cathe's Live workouts for my future workouts. I want to get in some cardio now and I also need to get my legs in shape for ski season. I think I can do it with these two programs. Will her website still be available since I just signed up or is she going to do away with it?

Roxie, I have a few dvds of Kelly's but it has been so long since I have done any of them. I signed up for the RAW workouts since Diane said I can do the dvd workouts on this platform as well. Good job on the walk.

Diane Sue, thanks for all of the info on Kelly's workouts and website. I opted to sign back up instead of buying any dvds. Nice job on your workout by the way. :)

Belinda, great job on the body parts Triceps workout!

Have a wonderful day. Walk with the pup tomorrow for me.
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Good Evening,

2.18 mile walk before the rain starts only 70 here today.

Debbie-it’s on her a Facebook group for her called Train Smart. Right now they are just taking a pole to see how everyone feels about it and most people say they don’t care. It won’t be until next year if it happens
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Today I did Deep stretch from JS Walk Strong 3.

I had my orthopedic appointment today. I saw a different doctor, really liked his approach. He wants to hold of 6 month on more shots and surgery. He said walking isn‘t good for my knees :( He wants me to use a elliptical, swim or ride a bike. I don‘t swim and I don‘t like riding a bike. I may look into an elliptical? They fitted me for a Ovation Medical knee brace, which I been wearing since this office visit. I have to get used to it, I only have to wear it if I am moving/walking. I am also getting Physical Therapy for my knees.

Debbie - great job on Raw Cardio Crush. Glad you feeling better.

Jolie - good job on your Raw workout. They look like good workouts. I never got into KCM much. I do own most of her DVD’s.

Roxie - great job on your walk.

Good night.
This morning I did CDorner Hiit Style Step with dumbbells stopping at 20 minutes (workout is over 40 minutes), 91 calories. I was liking the workout, but I got a call from brother in law and my husband's sister passed away. Things altered the morning and I was not feeling cardio anymore. I did go back later and do Glow with Mira, Back and Spine Pilates stretch and mobility, 31 minutes, along with CDorner Neck stretch she did standing, for 13 minutes. Total time spent today was 64 minutes, 135 calories.

Debbie, I did Raw Box and Pump #8 on the 4th of September. I am looking through my agenda book and I have sure done a lot of rest days and short workout days this month. I hope next month is not that way as I have appointments. The Lower Lift and kicks does the weight work then the kicks are no weight. I liked it.

Jolie, Nice work on Raw Ripped and Ride December 2019 and working in your Max Trainer too. I figure Kelly will make the transition from her Raw channel to youtube work for everyone. Not sure how though. It seems it would take some work to put her workouts up on youtube. She still has some on youtube that have been free and that is where she had started. I am pretty sure it will not be an instant change.

Roxie, good job on getting a walk in before the rain started today. I figured you probably heard it on the facebook group. I miss that group and she was good about answering questions and seeing what others liked. Facebook kicked me off wanting info on me that I was not going to give them to prove who I was. They already had my email and phone number, I was not giving them other id like drivers license, medical cards etc on their list. They were picking on me because I used America in my name and wore what I have on in my avatar.

Belinda, nice work on the Deep Stretch with Jessica Smith from Walk Strong 3. That is the one by the pool right? I like that one. That is good the orthopedic surgeon is going to hold off on shots and surgery and help you work with PT and changes instead. I hope it goes well for you.
This morning I did RAW Lower Lift & Kick. I really liked this workout and the music was 70's music so it was cool other than the Jump one. She could have skipped that song. But great workout and music and it went by fast. I've missed these kinds of workouts, I like the cardio & weight workouts better now a days.

Each exercise is 1 minute

Elevated Heel Squats: 30#/25#
R/L Chamber Kicks

Glute Squat: 30#
R/L Back Kicks

Deadlifts/Squat Ups: 25#
Knee Circle/Twist

Alternate Side Lunge: 25#
R/L Side Kick

I will be feeling this tomorrow, my legs got really tight doing it. I did about 10 minutes of lower body stretching as well.

Workout was 42 minutes, burned 204 calories, HR was 105/138.

Jolie - The workout me and Diane just did (above) I think you'd really like. Works the legs good. I honestly don't know much about what Kelly is doing, Roxie is the one that has the down low. She said that the switch won't happen for a while so I think we're good for now.

Roxie - Thanks for the info. Nice job with your walk. Anything new released at Ulta lately that you like? I'm always looking for a good eyeshadow pallet.

Belinda - I wouldn't think biking is good for the knees since the motion is continually bending and straightening your legs. Doesn't make sense to me. Biking always bothered my knees. Hope the brace helps. All these doctors seem like quacks to me. LOL! They never seem to know what to do for anyone.

Diane - Even though it seems you haven't gotten many workouts in this month, I feel you have done some good ones when you did workout. I wouldn't worry about it. We gotta do what we gotta do. I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. Prayers to your family, that is sad.

Hope you all have a great day and workouts!!

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