Hard Core Fitness Maniacs September 2024


STS 2 Body Parts Biceps are done. I need to get ready for Sadie‘s appointment.

Diane - I should have gone a little lighter on the chest flys. I need to try not lower my arms too far when doing them next time. I really like Mira‘s chest/shoulder stretch workouts too. They are amazing. It seems to help me too. I hear a lot of cracking going on in a good way. Sorry about your chest, back and rib area. Standing ab workouts are fine, laying on the floor not so much. Maybe try standing for now. Glad your dog is comfortable. Great job on Perfect 30 Pump UB. Those are a little to fast for me at the moment. I like the slower base in STS2.

Jolie - nicely done yesterday.

Gotta run. BBL
Happy Sunday. Today I had a great workout. I did STS Meso 1 Disc #5 Back and Triceps and did really well with the workout. I did notice that my triceps are strong except for when I do kickbacks, I was dying to get the reps up with just 10# DBs. Lying ext. and seated overhead ext. I am strong but for some reason the kickbacks are really tuff for me now. Workout was 50 minutes and I burned 437 calories.

Next week I may do total body workouts that I put together myself so I can run on my elliptical prior to weight lifting. I love to do that because it really warms my muscles up and I actually do it instead of putting it at the end of the workout where I talk myself out of doing it.
Belinda, great job on the workout today.

I will be on this thread more this coming week now that my husband is home from his trip. Have a nice day.

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