Hard Core Fitness Maniacs September 2024

Today I did STS Meso 2, Back & Biceps, and had a great workout. I think Friday I will do STS 2 Shoulders and Legs Mish Mosh.

1 minute rest between each set

Warmup with Lat pulldowns, T-Pull and Y's - used blue band
Wide Grip Chin Ups: 50# band
Wide Grip Pullups: 50# band
Close Grip Chin Ups: 50# band
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 30# - 12/10/8 reps
To failure set - 12 reps
Barbell Rows: 40# - 12/10/8 reps
To failure set - 12 reps
Barbell Deadlifts: Skipped (due to time)
To failure set - Skipped

Barbell Curls: 25# - 12/10/8 reps
To failure set: 12 reps
Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curls: 16's - 12/10 reps
To failure set: 9 reps
Barbell Preacher Curls: 15's - 12/10/8 reps (I did hammer curls)

Workout was 50 minutes, burned 243 calories. HR was 107/138.

Not quiet sure what to think of the debate. All I can say is WTF?

Jolie - I am sorry to hear about the fires!! That has to be scary as all hell. I hope you guys get rain soon. Last year all you had was rain. Great job with your walk and have fun lifting!!

Belinda - Wow, a knee replacement? That is scary but maybe you should bite the bullet and get it done. My cousin just went through that and it wasn't easy, but she is now finally feeling a lot better and walking fairly good. Or maybe you should move to FL! LOL!

Diane - Great job on your workout yesterday! I like your workout plan, hopefully it will help you with your arthritis and other issues. I want to try Kelly's Yoga workout too that she just put out there. Maybe tomorrow. I will go back to your Saturday post and see what the fine tune workout is like. I do want to try that one.

Roselyn - Are you feeling better yet? I hope you are ok, getting worried.

Have a great day everyone!!!
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Good morning,

Today I did hip mobility
. Good workout.

Debbie - that is what my doctor said yesterday too. I had X-ray‘s done on both knees, I will wait for the results. Maybe it‘s something I do to irritate my right knee? My husband had a knee replacement a few years ago, he had a lot of problems. He is doing great now. Glad your cousin is doing better. One day I have to get over and bit the bullet. Great job on M2 Bic & Back.

Diane - my doctor also thinks it‘s a good idea to see a spine & pain management. Now I am looking for someone that does also massage therapy, acupuncture,( complementary medicine therapies) not just push pills.
I am struggling finding a pain management without steroids shut, medication and nerve blockers. All they want to do is give you medication. Very frustrating.
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Today I did STS Meso 1 Disc #1 Chest, Sholders and Biceps and had a fantastic workout. I did really well with the weights, a rest break made a big difference in my weights. Workout was 54 minutes and I burned 387 calories.

Debbie, great job with Meso 2 Back and Biceps workout. You did really well with the weights, l love those workouts.

Belinda, that hip mobility workout looks great!

Diane Sue, great job on the workout yesterday.

The fires are still going but the temps have dropped by 30 degrees but the wind is up. They are raging but not too close to me right now. I pray for all of the poor people evacuating right now. Make it a great day.
Today I did CDorner Intermediate Step Fast basic step no breakdown #413 26 minutes, 174 calories. I followed with Raw Yoga Stretch, 14 minutes, 18 calories. Total time 44 minutes, 192 calories. I was feeling dizzy this morning which never happens. I decided not to choose a balance workout. I feel better now after having a tuna sandwich and a banana to get some potassium.

Debbie, nice work on Meso 2 Back and Biceps today. I like the mish mosh workouts. I am sitting through the debate a second time. My husband recorded it since he had to leave at work when it started. Some of that was not even debate questions and the ones asking the questions did not do well and answers we need are still not addressed.

Belinda, I am sorry you are having those problems with getting pain management. I understand because that is all I get too, is steroid injection of meds. I often wonder why I go to see the doctors. I wish mine would maybe do x rays or something to see if something that is bothering so much is worse. They offered to give me an epidural and I declined. My thoracic spine is giving me lots of trouble along with my ribs. I was up last night and took some Advil which I really try to avoid. I tried to save the Yoga you did for neck yesterday and there was no watch later button. It was there today, so will try it soon.
Nice work on the Pilates Hip Mobility today.
My brother in Florida had a knee replacement done and is working out now. He still needs to get the other knee done though.

Jolie, great job on getting in STS Meso 1 Disc #1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. It sounds like you need some rain there.
Today I had an excellent workout. I did STS Meso 1 Disc #2 Back and Triceps. This workout was 1 hour, and I burned 448 calories. This is my favorite type of workout lately, the no repeating of exercises. This format seems to go by quickly, I do not get bored and there is no dread factor either. Tomorrow will be a long walk with the pup. I want to start getting more cardio in each week, perhaps I will do a short Max Trainer workout or even my elliptical machine. I used to run a mile prior to lifting just to get in some cardio and to use it as a warmup for lifting weights.

Diane Sue, great job with the step and stretch for a workout today. Have you ever thought of getting a micro dose of Trizepitide to manage your RA? My dad's friend uses this peptide to manage his and he is almost pain free. He has RA really bad and it works so good for him. Look into it and see what you think for pain management. If you micro dose, you probably will not lose weight especially if you eat a lot of protein. I know they use it for weight loss, but now they are finding it is unbelievable for managing Arthritis and inflammation. Just a thought.

I hope everyone has a great workout today. It is cool and overcast today, this will help get these darn fires under control. They are currently evacuating Big Bear where my sister lives. Bummer...
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This morning I walked on my treadmill for 32 minutes, burned 250 calories, went 1.57 miles, did 3735 steps and HR was 132/161. Which is weird because every time I Looked at my HR it was steady at 125.

I also did STS 2 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core, love that one. I used a 5# plate and a 10# plate.

Jolie - I should start using my Max Trainer again. It sits there collecting dust. I just have such a dread factor with it anymore. I remember how much I loved that thing and did the workouts they had if you bought the subscription, but anymore it seems too much for me. Maybe one of these days I'll get on it again. Great job with STS 1 - those are great workouts. Those fires out there are truly devastating. I feel bad for everyone who is living near them.

Belinda - I guess only you can make the decision to have knee surgery. I'd be hesitant too. Scary!! Hope you can find something to help with your pain. :(

Diane - Great job with your workout. I have no desire to do step workouts anymore. The only cardio I like is boxing or the heavy bag. And since I don't want to do those type of workouts more than once a week, I get on my treadmill. Oh well, it works for me. I think the ABC mediators were very biased against Trump - as they usually are. They kept fact checking him, but not Harris. WTH?? So frustrating. I hope they have another debate with FoxNews and the people Trump wants to mediate it. I bet that never happens, though.

Have a great day everyone!

Today I did STS 2 Lower body 2 and the neck/shoulder and chest mobility I posted a few day’s ago.

Diane - I am sorry you also went to the problem with pain management. It’s frustrating all they want to do is give you meds, steroids shot/ epidural and blockers. I was giving a long list of pain management. I called a few to have them explain to me what treatments they use, so far they all the same. Not one is offering alternative therapy like acupuncture, massages, PT and stretching. There are other things besides those heavy medication with side effects. Sorry about your thoracic spine is giving you lots of trouble along with your ribs. I feel so bad for you :( I am still waiting for the x ray’s on both my knees. It’s my right one that borders me the most. My left knee made a lot of cracking sounds at my doctors office. I think that is way he wanted both x rayed. Great job on your workout.

Debbie - I know! I had a few moments where I was ready to get surgery, than I chicken out, lol. One of those day’s I have to get it done. I do like the standing ab workout. Great job!

Jolie - the hip mobility workout was very good. I use to do her Pilates a few years ago, really like her. Give it a try. Great job on M1 D2 Back and Biceps. I love STS too.

We are heating out again on Saturday to drop of the RV at Alabama. Yesterday Tiffin did sent out their mechanics (they at Hershey Park at the RV show) to make sure the RV is safe for us to drive. He fixed a few things like put another seal on the outside of the slides to make sure when it rains outside, we don’t get flooded inside. We shall see. They have to replace the front windows, they installed them wrong. They will fix everything that we put on the list on Monday. They think they get it all done in 5 day’s? Who knows? DH and I emptied the entire RV. It makes it easier for the to work on things. I will leave my weights and everything I need to get a workout in.
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Today the internet was out most of the afternoon, it came back once and went back out. It is fixed now, but late. Today I did Raw Fine Tuning, 34 minutes, 77 calories, Cathe 2023 Killer Legs timesaver moderate weights, 25 minutes, 67 calories, and finished with Flow with Mira, Chest stretching exercises/shoulders and Neck release (thanks Belinda I loved it and felt much better after) 24 minutes. Total time spent 83 minutes, 174 calories.

Raw Fine Tuning
1 minute each move 5# dumbbells and optional ankle weights (I used 3# ankle weights)
Round 1 alternates lower and upper body
lateral raise/scare crow 5# dbs
balance shin block
triceps kickback/bent over scapular squeeze
leg lift behind/bend at knee/release balance move
pec deck/overhead press/ scapular squeeze
leg lift front/ reach with opposite arm towards toe/crunch balance
squat/ push out 5# db 1 minute right then 1 minute left
Round 2 repeat all moves

Killer Legs timesaver moderate weights
Warm Up
Squat Oblique Twist 10# db
Squat Alternating Arm Up 10# dbs
Alternating Rear Lunges 10# dbs
Pass Under Squats 12# db
Crossback Lunges 15# dbs 10 reps
Crossback Lunge Deadlift Combo 15# dbs
Front Lunge Knee Lift no weight
Lunge Side Bend Combo holding db overhead 10# db
Sumo Squat to Side Lunge 15# db
Calf Raises 15# dbs 20 reps 2 times
Sumo Calf Raise Combo 15# db
Cooldown Stretch

Jolie nice work on STS Meso 1 Disc #2 Back and Triceps. I gather that Tirzepatide it a prescription med. I would have to look into what it is. Most meds that work for RA have lots of side effects and can damage other areas of the body. I have avoided them so far other than the hydroxychloroquine and I only take half the dose of that because it makes me feel like I need to go lie down. I use it at night. The company Lily says there is not enough study for it for RA. At least what I just saw on the internet. I do not need to lose weight for sure. I upped my calories by 300 and I stood on the scale and have dropped to 102. I am disappointed, as my Withings app and scale shows I have gained muscle. It's weird. I read something recently about something new that they were trying to get FDA approval for that worked better than Methotrexate which most rheumatologists seem to insist on trying first. I do not remember what it was called. My daughter in law switched to a different Dr that is quite far from either of us because she has been going to the place I am for 9 years and no help.

Debbie, nice job on the Treadmill and Standing abs metabolic core. I had my watch showing 99 calories a couple of days ago during cardio. I loosened the strap and it went up. I will say, my Garmin is slow getting the information out on stats. I do some high knee runs to try and get my heart rate up and it takes a minute or two then it shoots up. I would not call what they had a debate. I did not hear actual debating coming out of it. It would be nice to have a real debate with actual moderators.

Belinda, good job on STS 2 Lower Body 2, and the Neck/ Shoulders/chest mobility again. I really felt a lot better after I did that stretch again. Lying down on a towel and doing moves felt so good. I used a Mackenzie neck Roll I bought years ago to lie on with a smaller towel wrapped around it. Too lazy to go get out a beach towel. Some of it reminded me of some moves they had me do with a towel roll at PT. I cannot use my neck roll under my neck, it makes it hurt, but I keep it in the workout room and use it for other things. The PT told me those things are usually too big for necks. The one I got was designed by a PT guy who has books out. Bob and Brad on Youtube have mentioned them. I guess it depends on the neck. It would sure be nice to find some specialist that wanted to help us learn ways to feel better and get some hands on help rather than just meds. I guess that is all they do anymore. Here there is not a lot of selection for even a rheumatologist. I was hoping you would be able to find someone good with pain management. Why go if you are just going to get what you already have that is doing that same thing.
My husband bought me a new desk for my art work that moves up and down, a new stool with a back on it to make me comfortable and a new easel that works better. All so maybe I can still paint without causing myself pain.

Roselyn, glad you are back and feeling better.
This morning I did STS 2 One Body Part Shoulder & Legs Mish Mosh #2 and had a great workout. I liked the exercises she mixed in this workout, not a lot of changing with equipment, etc., which was good.

This is how it went:

Barbell Overhead Press: 25# - 3 sets/8 reps
Squats w/Fabric Band: 15's/pink fabric band - 2 sets/10 reps
Heel Elevated Squats: 20# - 10 reps
Reverse Static Lunges: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps
Incline Front Raise on SB: 8's - 8 reps; 8's/5's - 12 reps (had to drop for the last 2 reps)
Seated Isohold w/Overhead Press: 5# & 8# - 8 reps then 5# & 10# for 8 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 20's - 2 sets/8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squat: 30# - 8 reps
Seated Lateral Raise: 8's - 2 sets/8 reps
Alternate Seated Lateral Raise: 5's - 12 reps
Rear Delt Raise/Hip Huggers - 5's/15's - 2 sets/8 reps each exercise
In the Box Calf Raises: 15's - 64 reps (I did all forward but turned my toes in/out and forward)
In the Box Calf Raises: 15's - 32 reps (same)

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 246 calories and HR was 109/137.

Belinda - Great job with Lower Body 2. Hope your RV gets fixed quickly. What a bunch of crap, those problems should not have ever happened. I'd be pissed.

Roselyn - Glad you are back to normal and great workout!

Diane - I wear my Garmin a bit loose, too. When it's tight it doesn't seem to see my HR correctly - which is weird. Nice job with your workouts yesterday, even though you had to do them later in the day. I hate when the power goes out - especially for no reason.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
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Today I did STS 2 Upper Body 2.

Debbie - great job with your STS 2 One Body Part Shoulder & Legs Mish Mosh #2. I have never done this one before, need to check it out. I am pissed about the situation. I agree, this problems should not have ever happened.

Diane - great job on your workout. I hate when the internet isn’t working. I do follow Bob and Brad. They give good advice. I am sorry you having so much trouble with your neck. I do need to look into a better support. Need to look the pillow up. I am still waiting for the x ray results with should be up by tomorrow. My doctor is sending me to orthopedics for my knees. I am waiting for this call, I probably will ask the orthopedics about my shoulder/neck and biceps when I see him. I do like those exercises with the towels.

Good night.
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Today I did CDorner Aerobics & Core 90's music, high or low all standing no equipment. 46 minutes, 192 calories, heart rate 119/164, 3,472 steps. I then did Raw Yoga Stretch 14 minutes, 17 calories, and Dorner Upper Body Stretch from challenge 10 minutes. Total time was 71 minutes, 224 calories.

Debbie, great job with STS 2 Mish Mosh 2 Body Parts Shoulders and Legs. The odd thing with the Garmin it has to be really loose when exercising, but sleeping it requires being tight so the light does not glow out the sides when using sleeping and getting my Sp02. I kept wondering why Sp02 was low and looked it up and it said the watch has to be tight. It made the difference.

Belinda, nice work on STS 2 Upper Body 2. Hopefully the orthopedics doctor will be helpful. Here is the Neck roll pillow link. A physical therapist designed it. It is just a bit much for my neck on my back. I am not sure why, but it hurts. On my side it is okay.
Today I did CDorner Step and Strike, 44 minutes, 213 calories, 3,956 steps, heart rate 128/158. This alternated 5 minutes step with 5 minutes kickboxing. I then did Cathe Pyramid Pump Triceps and Biceps with the stretch, 20 minutes, 56 calories, heart rate 98/118. I finished with Flow with Mira Back Pain exercises stretch and mobility/relieve back pain with Pilates34 minutes, 32 calories. This really helped my back. Total time 98 minutes, 301 calories.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 lower body 2.
This morning I did RAW Kicbox NRG and had a great workout. This one is fun and it goes by so fast.

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 276 calories, did 3524 steps and HR was 147/183.

I also did RAW String Along Abs and honestly did not like it at all. There were two of the exercises she did I skipped because it seemed to be too much for my upper back and shouldrs. I won't be doing this one again.

This was 14 minutes, burned 82 calories.

No time for personals, hope you all have a great day.
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Hi everyone,

We are dropping off the RV at Tiffin headquarters Red Bay , AL. Yesterday driving up here, at a rest area to stretch our legs. Another RVer noticed our exhaust pipe was coming off. We did made it safely up here. We probably will not see the RV for awhile. We decided not to stay in Alabama, instead we are driving home. We will stop in Tennessee tonight.

I got up at 4 am to do STS 2 Body Parts Legs. I am on week 5 off STS 2.

I will try to do some personals.
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Sorry I did not check in the past few days, I try to be off line on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday I walked the pup, 3 miles each day at the beach. Today I had an excellent workout. I started off with running on my elliptical on Interval mode for 20 minutes, traveled 2.3 miles and I burned 231 calories. I feel so good working up a good sweat and getting the heart rate up again. Next, I did Cath's STS Meso 1 Disc #4 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and did really well with the weights but had to go down in the chest press because my collar bone felt a little weird and I did not want to aggravate it. Workout was 1 hour and 4 minutes and I burned 427 calories. I added 3 sets of BW squats at the end, ski season is right around the corner! Total workout time was 1 hour 24 minutes and I burned 658 calories. I feel great today, the weather is cooler and I had a good nights sleep.

Debbie, nice job on the RAW kickboxing workout and the ab workout today.

Belinda, crazy issues with a brand new motorhome! Great job getting up at the crack of dawn to get your workout in too!

Diane Sue, yes Trizepzatide is by a doctor but you can get it at Med Spas and other kind of places.

Have a great workout today everyone and make it a great day.
Today I did Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, 41 minutes, (actual 31 minutes), 101 calories, heart rate 93/118. I did not push with this, I lightened up from my usual weights. I also did Flow with Mira, Chest stretching} neck and shoulder relief, 28 minutes with a couple of added stretches, 38 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 139 calories. I host ladies get together tomorrow, so it depends on how early I drag myself out of bed if I do a workout.

Perfect Pump Upper Body
warm up 3# dbs and light tubing
pullover set 1 10# dbs 10 reps
pullover set 2 10# dbs 10 reps
one arm row set 1 15# db 12 reps
one arm row set 2 15# db 10 reps
bent over clutch row 15# dbs 10 reps
posture pull light tubing
rapid row toss 15# db 10 reps
biceps curls with tubing and 5# dbs
standing sweeper curls 15# dbs 10 reps
clutch curls 12# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls 1 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls 2 12# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls #3 10# dbs 10 reps
incline front V lat raise combo 5# dbs 6 times
lateral raise 5# dbs 12 reps
scarecrow 3# dbs 12 reps
push press 3.5's 8# dbs
Incline bench press 12# dbs 16 reps
incline clutch press 12# dbs 10 reps
flat dead bug fly 10# dbs 10 reps
decline push up 4 point-- I just did push ups on knees
overhead triceps extensions12# db 12 reps
kickbacks with tubing
kickbacks 10# dbs 10 reps
push ups with step top(skipped)
triceps dips set 1 10# db 20 reps
triceps dips 2 10# db 18 reps
triceps dips #3 10# db 16 reps

Debbie, nice work on Kickbox NRG and string along abs today. I alter ab work that hurts my upper back and neck or just do another set of another move. Even with the stretch I did today, when Mira extended her arms and there was no protection for my neck, I kept my hands behind my head. My head needs to be supported.

Belinda, nice work on STS 2 Body Parts Legs. You sure are good at getting those workouts in. 4 AM would mean I would skip the workout. That is so sad that your exhaust pipe was coming loose. They need to check every bolt and nut again. I hope it is perfect when you get it back.

Jolie, good job on the walks, elliptical, and STS meso 1 disc 4 chest, shoulders, & biceps, and add on of bw squats. Thanks for the information on Trizepzatide. Does the Med spas give it in a compound? I have been looking up stuff online. They say there is a shortage.

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