Happy Birthday, Cathe!

I know this is a day early, but happy birthday, Cathe! I hope all of our warm wishes put a great big happy birthday smile on your face! :)

Happy birthday to a person who has motivated and pushed many of us to a new level of fitness. Please take this day and do something FUN and relaxing.

Birthday hugs to you!
Happy Birtday Cathe!!!

What workout are you doing to celebrate your birthday?:) Wishing a wonderful birthday and great workout!

Happy Birthday to the greatest inspiration in the exercose world of videos! I can hardly believe another year has passed. I hope you have a very great day with your family and friends.

I am looking forward to your new DVD's - you are the BEST!!!


I know just the perfect gift, at least the perfect gift on my birthday wish list, which is any workout by Cathe! Oh wait, that is you!

Hope you have a wonderful Birthday in that the special day is all about you!! ENJOY!!

Hope you have a stellar time!

:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;-) :D :D :D :D :D :D
Happy birthday, Cathe! I don't need to tell you what an inspiration you are to me and countless others. I hope you have a wonderful year!:)
Holy Birthday Candles

Hi Everyone! What a special surprise to log on and see this warm post from all of you. My birthday is actually on the 20th but your well wishes are sincerely appreciated anytime. Boy, you sure do know how to make me feel super special. This soon to be 42'er thanks you from the bottom of her heart!

((((((((Hugs to you)))))))))

RE: Holy Birthday Candles

Whoopsie, I guess I jumped the gun a little bit. I thought your birthday was the same day as my aunt! Oh, well, I hope your day is fabulous tomorrow.


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