Am I the only one who hasn't done any 1RM testing in preparation for STS? I've done nothing to prepare....have barely even exercised in a couple months! That right...I'm a rebel. They don't call me the Queen of Procrastination for nuthin'!
I haven't done them, and I probably won't do them (at least not more than a few basic exercises, more as a way of gauging my progress than to decide which weights to use).
Another big slug here! Haven't worked out in months ... haven't done a 1RM (though I did print out the chart!) ... all I seem to be good at lately is checking this forum!!!
I'm waiting so I have something to do w/ the DVD's once they get here. Because of timing i'm going to have to wait until Feb 12th to start (i'm going on vacay 3/6 and want to make sure i'm on an "off week" during vacation). If I wait to do the 1RM until I can do them watching the workout it will give me something to hold me over until I can start!
I haven't done them either. I'd rather do the tests when STS gets here based on my strength at that point, rather than what I can lift now. (I'm working hard on upper body right now, so I'm expecting my upper body strength to go up. My lower body strength will go down because I'm having knee issues and need to back off on leg workouts.)
It's so good to hear others out there who haven't finished their 1RMs in a day or two, or are not finished at all. I feel like a complete sluggard sometimes. I've not worked out steadily for years and am quite weak. I've done about half of all the 1RMs, but I'm still so sore I have to space them out. I'm trying to do cardio or Tracy Effinger's Stretch in between these days, but I'm sore from those, too! I'm anxious about getting the STS dvds....... feel like I won't be able to even complete a session. Guess we have to start somewhere. Just a bit envious of reading about others who are practically doing marathons in between breakfast and afternoon tea, and then doing 20-25 more 1RMs
Well, today is a fresh start.....let's see what I can accomplish! (Getting out of this chair without a groan would be a start!)
I dont plan on doing them. I'll figure it out as I go along. I'm also planning on doing a 6 month rotation so I first plan to preview the first workout, then do them for one week using the weight I think I should be using based on what I've used in the past for similar exercises and noting where I need to up the weight during the second week.