Ghost story


I know its not Halloween yet but I have a ghost story to share and I wonder if anyone else has had an uncanny experience that they would like to share.
This is an experience that happened to me when I was five and I remembered it today as I opened a box in my office that had "the photograph" in it. I shared the story with some of my colleagues and I will share it with you.
I went for a visit to my greatgrandmother's house with my maternal grandmother, her sister, my mother and her sister, my aunt Mary. While they were talking boring lady stuff, I went into the living room to play with my doll, Jenny. A nice looking young man walked down the steps into the living room, called me by my childhood nickname and asked me if I knew who he was. I said no and he said he said he was my Uncle Bill. I also remember him asking me what the name of my doll was and I told him. I clearly remember what he looked like and him bending down to speak to me. I don't remember what else he said except that for some reason he frightened me so much I ran out of the room into the kitchen where I started crying that I wanted to go home. My mother asked why and I said because Uncle Bill is scaring me. My Italian greatgrandmother blessed herself and everyone else seemed beside themselves and my mother got up with my aunt Mary to take me home. I remembered that my doll was still in the living room and I asked my Mom to get it for me. The doll's eyes were scratched out and I went into hysterics. Several days later my grandmother gave me a bunch of old photos to look at and asked me if Uncle Bill was in any of them. I picked out a man in his wedding picture. It turns out that this was my grandmother's brother Bill, my greatgrandmother's son who died shortly after his wedding of an acute abdominal illness. He died at my greatgrandmother's house where he and his wife were living while he was ill. He was not yet thirty and I don't believe I had ever heard of him. My mom saved the photo for me. I have carried it with me for years but packed it up when my company left its old location just over a year ago. I unpacked it today while I was looking for something else and the memory came back. My Mom and my aunt are still spooked by the incident and said it gave themthe heebie jeebies. I don't know how to explain it except that maybe it was a supernatural experience and that my Uncle Bill was still an angry man when I met him. I don't know why he spoke to me but I do beleive that there are some things that just can't be explained. True story. I would like to post the picture. I have a scanner at work. If someone can tell me how to get a scanned pic up on these boards I can post the photo tomorrow.
Wow, what a great story!! I love ghost stories! I would love to see the picture, so hopefully you can get it posted. (Although I don't know how to do that except with a Picture Trail account)
Children often will have experiences like this. It's because as a child we're completely innocent and we have no preconceptions of what should and shouldn't be. Not all imaginary friends are imaginary but as we grow older and are continually told that we're imagining things, we begin to believe that. And so, we lose our ability to connect with these energies.

Your mother and aunt reacted as most people do the first time something like this occurs. It's nothing to fret about. If anything, you should look back at the experience and smile. It takes an incredible amount of energy for them to manifest themselves into something you can actually see. As far as the scratched out eyes, it doesn't make sense with what sounds like the gentle interaction you had with him. Perhaps there was a negative energy there with him. Most are not malevolent and angry like the movies portray them to be.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Okay, I'll share my ghost story. I have two, actually.

1) When I was a little girl (elementary school age), I shared a room with my brother and one night I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go to the bathroom. I headed out into the hall and standing there in front of me was a little girl in a floral print dress. I froze - petrified in fear - then found my legs and jolted around and darted back into my bedroom and under the covers. I made my brother get up and take me to the bathroom because I was absolutely terrified.

2) This one is the creepy one. I think it was a couple of years after ghost experience number 1 and I finally had my own room. Same house, though. I had just gotten to the point where I could sleep with the door open again, but I still required a night light from ghost story #1. My bed was positioned against the wall so that if I was lying in bed, I could roll over and look down the hall into the bathroom.

So, one night, I suddenly woke up for no reason. I wasn't hot or cold, or thirsty, and I didn't have to go to the bathroom. I was just suddenly awake from a dead sleep - and there was no reason for my waking up. I remember kind of looking up at the ceiling and wondering what woke me up, and I kind of sighed and rolled my head over on my pillow to look down the hall (I don't know why). A faint light was coming from the bathroom, but I don't think we had a night light in there at the time. The bathroom door was half open. Suddenly, out from behind the door, a very tall (had to have been six feet tall at least) hooded figure appeared. It was greenish in color and was floating about 6-12 inches off the floor and the bottom of the robe was kind of ebbing in and out, the way a long flowing skirt does when a woman is wearing it and walking - the feet lightly kick out the bottom of the skirt and the material flows in and out in time with the walking. At any rate, it was coming down the hall toward me, its "head" passing through the top of the bathroom door's frame. I couldn't see a face inside the hood. I froze in terror - again - thinking "Why me?!" then jumped up and hid behind the doorway of my bedroom, thinking that if I didn't look at it, it would disappear. I was wrong. It came into my room and started to turn to face me. It was only inches from me. I did the only thing I could think of: I shot my arm out and hit at it. When I did, I remember seeing it fragmentize into small greenish pieces that quickly dissolved into nothingness. It literaly evaporated into thin air.

I was so shocked that I could barely breathe or move. I was absolutely petrified with fear and it took an amazing amount of courage (and a lot of self-encouragement for about half an hour) to make myself sprint to my brother's room. I curled up at the foot of his bed and when he woke up to ask me what I was doing, I told him that I saw another ghost and that I was going to stay with him that night. He fell back to sleep, and the next morning when my mom didn't find me in my bed, and saw me curled up on my brother's, she knew that I'd seen something again. She was always kind of jealous that she never saw anything (because my brother also saw someone/something sitting in the living room chair one night), but I don't think she could have handled what I saw. :)

I wish I knew what this "visitor" wanted from me, because to this day, I think I missed an important message that night. I think this apparition was bringing me a message, but my fear got in the way so that I couldn't receive it. At any rate, there's my ghost story.

Edited to add: I lived in that house for several years, and I was always very uncomfortable there. I was afraid every night, and didn't like to go to bed after everyone else. I sometimes made myself stay up late because I didn't want to go to sleep for fear of what I might wake up and see. I got into some strange habits to try to keep from waking up at night - going to the bathroom repeatedly to pee out every last drop before falling asleep (so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom during the night), and forcing myself to stay up 'til all hours so I would basically just "pass out" from exhaustion and not wake up. That house creeped me out.
I went to Europe to do an international internship during college. We were staying in a Japanese dorm/finishing school for young girls. This dorm had previously been a hospital so it was kinda creepy. So one night I wake up in the middle of the night and see this figure in full ornate, Japanese dress floating right above me. I closed & rubbed my eyes only to open them again and thankfully the image was gone. The next morning when I woke I told my room mate what I had witnessed and she got this freaked out look on her face. She proceeded to tell me how she woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone standing beside my bed. Several other students had similar bizarre stories. I wasn't a believer until this.


Great story. I love ghost stories. I've never actually seen a ghost and I think that would scare the crap out of me but I have had supernatural experiences. When I was a kid I remember laying in bed which looked directly into my parents room. My dad was in his police uniform finishing up getting ready for night work and all of a sudden I felt like someone was jumping up and down in my bed as I was laying in it. I ran into my dad's room..told him...and he told me I was just dreaming and to go back to bed. I was FREAKED out that night. I've had other experiences like banging on bedroom doors and when I opened it no one was there. Or, missing earrings which would show up in very peculiar areas...once even after I cleaned my car out thoroughly and the next morning my earring is laying on my car seat after it had been missing for over a year. There are others but nothing really too interesting...just strange experiences.
These are fantastic! I love hearing about supernatural experiences. I don't have any interesting ghost stories, but at the risk of appearing like a froot loop, I will say that I believe as a five year old I had contact with extraterrestrials. In fact, I so took it for granted that around the age of 11 I asked my mom when "they" were coming back to visit, and was shocked to find out that no one else remembered this encounter.


Awesome stories. Mine are way too long to post here but I've had several, one that went on for quite some time and involved my SO's best friend, who froze to death a few years ago. He always used to tell my SO that when he died, he was going to come back and haunt him. He was true to his word. cannot say something like that and just leave it there!


I really would like to hear your stories. They sound fascinating!

:) Nicole
Awesome stories!!! I don't have scary stories but a few unexplained experiences. The night my maternal grandfather died I had a dream that he and I were walking. We were walking through various scences from life (holidays, BBQs, etc.). It reminded me of walking down a hall with each room filled with a different scene. When we reached the end of the hallway, he knelt down, called me by my childhood nickname and told me he had to go. I asked if I could go too but he said no. At the moment (at least it seemed that moment to me), the phone rang. It was the hospital informing us he was gone.

Over the years, we've had items disappear and find them in peculiar places. After my DD was born, we could smell my grandmother's scent (Oil of Olay and White Shoulders). Oh, DD is named after my grandmother. We had company who described smelling Oil of Olay... "the kind in the glass bottle"... which is what my grandmother used. We've smelled other scents, such as my dad and aunt.

My DD has had experiences... talking and laughing with our friend Steve who passed away when she was 14 months old. We attended a memorial for him that was held at the cemetery. She played all over the cemetery. On the way home, she started naming names of people she had talked to. She freaked our friend's mother out because she mentioned Gordon, which was our friend's maternal grandfather. I kept asking her if she meant Jordan and she insisted "NO, Gordon".

The night before my mother died, DD asked me why grandpa just smiles at her but doesn't say anything. She went on to tell me he had been in her room that day. She says she has seen my parents since my mom passed away. She told me not to be sad that grandma and grandpa were happy and always smiling. We were looking through old photos and she found one of my parents when they were first married. She told me that was what grandma and grandpa looked like now. I've smelled my mother's undeniable scent, but I guess it could be my mind playing tricks.

My DH says he saw my parents, and I believe he did see something based on the way he responded.

I worked for two hospitals where patients described seeing and feeling similar things. I wish I could remember the details.

I have other stories, but I have rambled enough already.

Keep them coming.
Another Fruit Loop here, sharing:

I've experienced astral travel, only once, when I lived in Columbus Ohio, during grad school.

Great stories!
>Another Fruit Loop here, sharing:
>I've experienced astral travel, only once, when I lived in
>Columbus Ohio, during grad school.
>Great stories!

Please elaborate!
I have a strange story that might fit in very nice in this thread.

This was a recent event!

One early morning I had been awakened by a dream that someone was trying to drown my father's head in a large mop bucket like thing. I woke up hubby and he went to the patio door to check on our 4 lb Pomerianian dog named Sandi... as he had forgot to let her in the house that evening. He called and called, but she did not come..he felt like he should go over by the pool, and there she was almost completely submerged in our pool...the only thing keeping her from drowning was a string that was tied to our pool ladder that was attached to a pool thermometer. My hubby picked her up and she just flopped over..we really thought she was going to die.. but in a few hours she was fine..

Here is the weird part:

Our dog is very strange...she is not a typical dog...she does not like to be touched or picked up EVER! However our little dog has a very special relationship with my father..and he can always pick her up and touch her!!!!!!!!!!!! She is crazy about him and cries until he pays attention to her....:eek:

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