Ghost story

These are great stories. As to why my doll's eyes got scratched out...I don't have a clue. However, i did tell the story to some of my colleagues the other day when I found the picture and one of them felt that Uncle Bill may have been frustrated when I ran out of the room and scratched them out of frustration, anger or to leave a sign. I also want to post the photo (it is an old one) and I have no idea how to do it. If anyone out there knows please post the details. I did sign up for an account at picture trail but this is not a digital photo. Can I scan it and save somehow to my computer in a way that can be seen at picturetrail.
Cathe, scan it and save it to a folder where you can locate it or even to your desktop. Then from your picturetrail account, upload it from your desktop then come back here & post the link.

I have two. . .

When I was little, my great grandmother was visiting and the whole family was playing with the Ouija board. My brother was at the helm. He must have been around 12 or so, maybe a bit older. Well, my great grandmother was asking him a bunch of questions about obscure relatives that he couldn't possibly know the answers to. Like what was great aunt Mickey's middle name, and what year was cousin Elmer born in etc. He was getting all of the answers right. Finally, someone asked "Who is the spirit." It started to spell out the name of my great grandmother's dead husband. Well, she just freaked out and threw the board off the table!

When I was in college a good friend of mine and I were going to the grocery store. On the way, I felt like someone was in the back seat and started to look over my shoulder to see, when it felt like someone grabbed my shoulder! It was just me and my friend in the car and he was driving. When we got to the grocery store, we were in the produce section. I had passed the oranges and was quite a way away when they all started rolling off the display. As I passed each display, fruit kept rolling to the floor, after I had passed.

In my family we have many instances of dreaming the same dreams.
Great stories!

Once during a very stressful time in my life, I just wanted to run away or die or do anything to escape life. One night, I had a dream that i just needed to get away from my lif, so I boarded a train. After a while the train stopped at a station. WHen I got off the train, my great aunt Nancy was there. (My aunt Nancy died on my 16th birthday--a long time ago.) ANyway, I was so happy to see her b/c i was feeling so alone. She looked very suprised to see me and asked what was I doing here. I said my life was too her that I was running away. Then I asked if I could stay with her. She said no, I couldn't stay. It was not time for me to be there. She told me that I had to get back on the train and go home. I then asked if she would come with me, and she said she couldn't. Then she told me that she was waiting for someone. I got back on the train and waved goodbye to my aunt Nancy and woke up from my dream. The next day, my father called me to tell my that my great aunt Dorothy ( the sister of my great aunt Nacy) had passed away earlier that day. I guess that was who Aunt Nancy was waiting for.
Okay, two weekends ago, my SO and I went to a local outdoor antique show. We purchased a beautiful old mirror, some mismatched silver cutlery, a silver wine tray and he got a bayonet from a Canadian-made WWII rifle with someone's initials carved in the handle.

We also apparently brought home someone with one of these items. Ever since then, strange things have been happening in our house. Doors opening and closing, odd noises, footsteps at night. I thought maybe it was just me, but I mentioned it to him, and he said he'd noticed it too. We're pretty sure it's probably the mirror, but who knows!

So far it seems pretty harmless, so we're just letting it be. I'll keep y'all updated;)
Shelley and others-I have always wondered how you all can be so brave! If my doors were opening and closing and I was hearing footsteps I would be scared to death! I live alone (well except for my dog). I have a weird story to tell but I never thought it was ghosts but maybe I was wrong.

When my son was 13 we lived in a townhouse. One night we returned late after being at my my SIL house. When we walked in I had a sense that something was wrong. In the entry way the cover that went over the heating vent was gone. I looked at my son and said did you do this some how before we left? He said No and we went in the Living room. The vent was sitting there on the floor on top of two pillows from my couch. Needless to say I freaked and grabbed the cordless phone. We ran out and sat locked in my car and I called the police. When they arrived there was no sign of forced entry anywhere and They also found my clothes in the closet were all on the floor. We went back to my sil and stayed the night! Well to make a long story short it happened several times with different vents. I changed the locks at the urging of the police. Nothing was ever missing just heating vents moved to weird places. It happned one more time after I changed the locks. We never found out why or who was doing this. My son was as terrified as me and we eventually moved. We had lived ther for 2 years and had never had any other problems. We took to sleeping in the LR me on the couch and him on the floor. We couldn't go on like that so we moved. Weird HUH?

Great thread! I love/hate ghost stories!! I've got one that I rarely tell because I feel like a crazy person when I tell it, but here goes.

When I was 16, my parents moved us to an 100 year old house in Elgin, Il. At the time, I was really angry about the move because I had to leave my first boyfriend of 2 years and well, you know how teenagers can be.

It was a 2 story house(built by our neighbor's father)and my room was directly to the left at the top of the stairs.
It was the beginning of the summer when we moved in and we slept with the doors open because the house had no air conditioning. Very late one night, my sister and I were sitting at the foot of my bed watching a movie when I heard someone walking up the stairs. Because it was such an old house you could hear basically every footstep. So, thinking nothing of it, I assumed it was my mother coming to check on us because we were up so late. I waited to see her enter my room but she never did. I waited for a couple of minutes and got up and checked the door but no one was there. I thought nothing of it and went back to the floor to watch the rest of the movie. It was at this time that I noticed my sister was asleep so I decided to wake her up so she could get into bed and I decided to let her sleep with me. As I was getting ready for bed, I heard the footsteps up the stairs again and again waited to see my mom. But there was no one there. I remember listening closely this time to double check what I was hearing. I distinctly heard very very slow footsteps coming up the stairs. And this time, because my sister was awake, she heard them too. At this point, I was kinda scared, but still convinced that for some reason, one of my parents were walking up the stairs and just turning around and going back down(even though I didn't hear any footsteps going back down). I tried to act calm so as not to scare my sister and we tried to go to sleep. I think I remember hearing those footsteps 2 more times that night, so needless to say, I didn't get much sleep.

The next morning, I asked both of my parents about it and they denied walking up the stairs at all. Sensing that I was scared, they told me that old houses were very loud and you could hear them settling at night. I wasn't buying it. I knew what I heard and I heard someone really walking up the stairs.
After a couple of months of this, I eventually got sort of used to it. Not that it didn't wake me up sometimes(and scare the you know what out of me). I think it helped to have my sister sleep with me though. I seriously was scared to sleep alone in my room at 16!

Other wierd things happened in that house and occasionally I would have the impression that there was someone standing in my doorway. I never saw them but I just had that feeling that someone was just standing there and staring at me. I even woke up for no reason in the middle of the night with that feeling. I remember just laying there in bed and staring at my doorway just waiting for something to move.
It was extremly creepy!

We only lived there a couple of years, but a few weeks before we moved my mother came in with some groceries saying that she just had a conversation with our neighbor and previous owner of the house(the one who's father built the house). She said that he told her about his grandmother(now at that time he was in his 80's)who used to live in that house with his family and that she was confined to a wheelchair. He also said that she died in that house.

At that moment, everything made sense to me for some reason. I just knew that it had to be her walking up the stairs every night. And she did it in death because she was unable to in life. You'd think that that would have scared me, but for some reason, I felt comforted by this knowledge. Like a puzzle had been solved and I didn't have to think about it anymore.
Strange huh?
>Why the heck would Uncle Bill scratch Jenny's eyes out?
>Goosebumps for me too!

Bobbi this is exactly what I was thinking to????
Oh, Terri, that is really creepy! Did you ever find out if there was a previous occupant that had passed away there?

Angie-N0 I never found out but I never asked around either. At the time I wasn;t thinking ghosts. My son is now 24 and still talks about when that happened. It was a very traumatic time for us. He would never stay home alone nor would I!

Back when I was about 16, me & two of my friends played with a Ouija Board a lot and started talking to this ghost named Fred, which brought about a lot of creepy things. One of the weirdest was when he told us what radio station to put on and said Pink Floyd would be on it. We put it on and Pink Floyd was not on, so we blew it off. Then when I was leaving her house, I turned on my car radio and all of my presets were changed to that station and Pink Floyd was on!

When I was telling this story to another friend about a year later while driving in my car, my interior lights started blinking on and off.
"give me any zombie movie and I am fine, but watching movies about hauntings and posessions, no way. That stuff can really happen, and ignorance is bliss IMO.x( "

Missy, that cracked me up! I am still giggling about that! :D

These are all wonderful - some creepier than others but it makes you think. Makes you wonder if things that happened in the past, truly happened or was just your imagination or you were dreaming.

I'm going to forward this link to my daughter. She loves hearing about ghosts and hauntings.

Welll as halloween is fast aproaching I dug this thread back up. I know there has to be more stories people can share!

Thanks, Autumn, for that link. I am going to go look up that passage in the Bible right now!

Edited to add: Revelation Chp 10 and 11 are not describing this storm, folks. They describe the 2 witnesses. I look forward to seeing them some day but I have absolutely no priveleged information on who/ when/ where they will be. It definitely does not describe the New Orleans tragedy.

It describes instead, two witnesses who prophesy for 1260 days (about 3 and a half years). It says that when they're done, the 2 witnesses will be killed, and their bodies will lie there 3 and a half days, and people will celebrate. But, then the breath of life from God comes into them, and they stand on their feet. Those who are watching will get the willies. (Actually the wording is slightly different but that's the gist of that part.)

There are demons mentioned in the Bible. From what I remember, "ghosts" are described in the Bible as actually demons impersonating the dead. They find out some secrets and use them to pose as a dearly departed one.

People who don't believe there are demons are, according to C.S. Lewis, at a disadvantage because the demons want to act undercover. Anyway I find comfort in those words and I trust the sources.

I am so glad none of these things ever happened to me. I am a Christian, and I certainly believe in the existence of evil. However I am grateful to be protected from it.

There is some stuff going on in my life that includes evil, but it's all happening through live people. Combined with the occasional temptation to do the wrong thing, from inside my own self, I guess that's about all I can handle!
Since Halloween is less than three weeks away (OMG!!!), I thought I would revive this thread so that we could either get spooked or to add some more scary stories!


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