Ghost story


If you think that is creepy then I won't tell you that I dreamed of that Oil refinery explosion in March, the night before it happened...I woke up in the morning and got on my AOL and it was the first thing I seen on my AOL welcome screen...then the dream I had made perfect sense.

I can't remember how many people died..but it was the same number of people I seen that were right in front of the refinery before it exploded in my dream!!!! Freaky!!!!

I had a dream about a guy that was a year older than me in school-which was strange because I had not seen him in years.In the dream he died 2 weeks later he was killed in a car wreck.I have dajavu(spelling)alot.But never a ghost I would die if I seen one.
I had some freaky experiences too. Ever get bad feelings about an environment your in or a particular person? Well I get these alot. Here is one experience, but I have had many others in the past. I haven't had anymore like this one in years and hope I never do again.

Anyhow, I once worked for this daycare. Just being on the property made me feel oppressed immediately for no reason. As soon as I was off the property, I felt normal and happy again. I can't explain it any other way. This lady I worked with said she seen things there (dark shadow-like beings). And another said she seen a carriage horse circle around the building. I thought, these women are C-R-A-Z-Y!!! They were seeing things and I was getting bad feelings so I didn't know what to believe. I hated working there at that place, but hubby and I needed the money. There was alot of accusations being made and alot of turmoil going on in that place where I worked. One night I couldn't sleep well. I was in and out of sleep for abit. Then I was at the stage where I was just about asleep and woke to the sound of the most vicious animal noise of something similiar to wolves, etc., but it was far worse then just an animal, and it was right in my face. I did not open my eyes as I was already paralyzed with fear. I could not move or speak. I just tried to same the name of Jesus so it would go away. Eventually it did.

I have a cool one.

About 5 years ago I was staying at my husband's grandmother's house while on a business trip. His father died about 4 years before we met. While I was sleeping that night, I woke up 3 or 4 times to see a man standing in my room watching me. It was the most peaceful experience. I knew that it was my father-in-law and that he wanted to met the girl his son had married. I knew he was watching over me and there was no danger at all.

In our old house, my son would say that he could see a man floating in the air. He was never scared. I do agree that being young allows you to be more open to things like this - and I never discouraged him from seeing anyone.
Right after my brother died seven years ago, I moved back in with my parents for a short time so we could be there for each other. I lived in his old room he grew up in. One Sunday morning I woke up, and that was during the time when you wake up and realize it's still true, they're still gone, and you get sad. My bedroom door was shut tight, and suddenly opened up (it needed WD-40 too, cuz it was squeaky). I sat there for a second waiting for whoever opened it to come in, but no one did. I got up and went to the doorway and looked out, finding my dad asleep in his chair in the living room, and my mom asleep in her bedroom across the hall (we were the only three living there). I just smiled, and like to believe that was him telling me he's still there :)

Both he and my mom "saw" my grandma after she died in 1980. I never got to though :( I don't know if they really saw her or were dreaming or what, but again, it's one of those things I like to believe are true:)
Well, I have a few stories to tell, even though I don't actually remember any of them... if you feel like a long post...

When I was only a couple of weeks old, my mom was home alone taking care of me and getting me ready for bed. Little things starting happening, which at first she thought was just her tired mind. Such as while carrying me to a different room, I would drop my pacifier. She'd set me up on the table, turn back to get it, and it wouldn't be there.... Then I'd have it in my mouth. I don't remember everything that happened-I'll have to ask her later, but my mother said it mostly revolved around me... Things I had, straps on my seat, I kept acting as though I was interacting with somebody. She would also find the plant in the living room knocked on its side every 20 minutes or so. The big one that sent her over the edge was that a Barbara Streisand song came on the radio and she turned it off (she hated her music). But after a few seconds, it would come back on. She played this game a couple of times until she completely freaked out, grabbed me and went over to my grandparents' house. As soon as she got there, they received news that my grandmother's sister had died a few hours previous. My mother knew immediately it had been her, as 1.) she LOVED Barbara Streisand and 2.) she had really wanted to see me when I was born, but hadn't been able to. My mom wouldn't stay home for a couple of weeks as my dad worked graveyard, and also because of that experience, I slept in my mom's room for nearly 2 years. She wouldn't let me be out of her sight.

The other story took place about 10 years ago or so. My mom's father had been paralyzed in bed for many years. During that time, his grandson (my cousin) had either been killed or committed suicide (we're not completely sure which), but because he was in such bad shape, and so angry and bitter about being in the state he was in anyway, the family didn't tell him he had died. About 2 years later, my aunt (mother of my cousin who had died) came walking in my grandfather's room and he started yelling (he was a cranky, grumpy old man - but 100% mentally there) at her saying her son was crazy, and what the hell was he talking about that he would be leaving with him, and to be ready? And why didn't they tell him he was home visiting? He went on and on and on about how he had come in that morning telling him that he needed to get ready to go with him. He had no idea he was dead. Needless to say it was extraordinarily painful for my aunt, and she thought he was full of crap, maybe dreaming or something. But my grandfather died that night.

I'm not always a believer, but sometimes I just have to be :)
Great experiences all! My stepfather owns a 100 plus 3-story farm house in this tiny town in New Hampshire. One of the town legends is that one of the former house occupants, a man named Purly Heath, went crazy and his relatives chained him in the attic. My folks spend six months of the year there and when the "kids" (all over 40) visit someone invariably ends up sleeping in the attic. I refuse to do so anymore after I felt a presence hovering over me several years ago. Others however have not had such "pleasant" experiences, my brother for example was wakened by "someone" (Purly?) sitting on his legs and it wouldn't let him up for about five minutes. Another time,Purly pushed on one of my sleeping stepbrothers chest almost to the point of smothering. There have been numerous chain rattles in the attic, moved furniture, someone sitting on the bed, and just an overall feeling of someone always watching. Last year when I visited, I slept in a second floor bedroom but I swear that Purly visited me several times and just stared at me long enough to wake me up to a feeling of pure terror. Now, I love to visit NH cause its too beautiful for words and the antiques are some of the best around, but after last year's events, I freaked myself out so much so I had to pass on a trip this year. Am I chicken or what :-(

These are all creepy. I just wouldn't have the gut's to "see" this sort of stuff or be open to it.

These are awesome stories and I have really enjoyed reading them! I never beleived in ghost until my dad (who I beleived everything he said) said that anything we can't see or feel, we think is not there but that is not the case.In other words he beleives in ghost.Also a very religious man and I am sure there are stories of ghost in the bible.
I have never seen a ghost but I did a have one of those weird dreams one night.
I was dreaming that I was doing the dishes and I was pretty much throwing the mugs into a cupboard that was already full.I would put a mug in the cupboard and then close the door as fast as I could so that it wouldn't fall out.
This was on a morning that I had my alarm set to get up bright and early to workout.I got up and got ready to work out.Which also meant, getting a cup of coffee, when I opened up the cupboard door and mug fell out unto the counter and broke.
That was really weird and the dream was so freash in my mind that I remembered what I had dreamed as soon as the mug fell out of the cupboard.
Okay now,
how the heck am i supposed to sleep tonight??? I love ghost stories but they freak me out.

Also wondering why uncle bill would scratch out Jenny's eyes?
These are some good stories!

I had a ghost. I have no idea what it's name was or who old or if it was a boy or a girl, but it was a friendly ghost. It started right after the birth of my first son. I would be trying to rest on the couch, and then some of his toys would start playing music. I would be listening to the radio while I was cleaning, and someone would turn it off. I even heard it fall down the stairs. My DH heard it, too, and I know he did because he looked completely freaked out although he denies it. We heard something on the stairs and then some running water even though there are no pipes on that side of the townhouse.

I had a Candle party three years ago, and we were all just chatting. Someone started talking about ghosts, so I shared about how I had one that lived in the house that would play with the kids toys, the tv and radio. Everyone looked at me like, "yeah, right, what a nut." And, as if right on cue, the lamp in the corner of the room started to dim. Everyone looked as the lamp when slowly out, and then came back on slowly. Oh my gosh!!! I cannot tell you how eager people were to leave.

We have since moved and I have heard no more from our ghost. I do wonder where he/she came from and why it's still here.

Cathy, any idea why your uncle scratched out your doll's eyes?

I wonder why a ghost haunts a certain house? Unless that is where they died. If I ever come back a ghost, I think I am just going to travel the world and spook people out as I do it:7 Like stealing people swimsuits when they are skinny dipping or taking the last peice of cake from the fridge.Can ghost eat? I hope so:)
I think that I would want to be an ornery ghost, too! Or maybe I would haunt the showers of some of, or all of, the hottest men on Earth. Does that classify as a perverted ghost? Well, then I am a pervert.}(

I bet it would be boring to be a ghost, though. I imagine for some it would even be torture. You aren't with the people you love, you can't talk to anyone, read books, you can't FEEL anything. YOu are just there, a presence.

I think that if you are in heaven you can eat all you want, whatever you want! God is good like that.:D

last night when I woke at 3 am I re-read this thread. Not a good idea at 3 am! I do love ghost storis and scary stuff though. Is anyone going to see the movie The posession of emily rose? It come out today.

It sounds very scary. There was quite a comentary on my radio station about it this morning. The critic thought the movie went back and forth too much between the court room/legal drama and the familie's actual very scary experience. The critic felt that the two themes in the movie interrupted the development of the other. I'd like to hear what others think about this after viewing it.

Was there a book written about Emily Rose?

"Likes2bfit" since 1999

PS comments above are not intended to hijack this very interesting thread.
I know what you mean. I was just reading them this afternoon in broad daylight and was getting freaked out by some of them because I am alone!

About little Miss Emily.....I don't know....I get freaked out by supernatural movies. After I saw the Grudge, The Ring, The Sixth Sense and others in that genre, I couldn't get up at night to pee, and if our house caught on fire, I would not be able to rescue my kids I get so paralyzed. give me any zombie movie and I am fine, but watching movies about hauntings and posessions, no way. That stuff can really happen, and ignorance is bliss IMO.x( I still want to see Wedding Crashers. :p

Oh! I have another one that is a recent encounter. Can't believe I forgot!

My boyfriend used to live out on a ranch about 30 miles out of town. His house was an old, old ranchouse built while the railroads were being built. That ranch had been the original train station in this area. The girls who had lived there right before my boyfriend moved out because they were scared to death of things that had happened to them. I didn't believe them at first, because they truly are drama queens.

However, as time went on, that entire ranch started giving me very, very bad feelings. And I usually have no trouble being in the middle of nowhere alone. I go running out in the boonies without any bad feelings. My boyfriend would get upset with me because I was always so on edge in his place. He lived there for a couple of years and never saw or heard anything. Well, one night, we were sleeping in the living room, as there is a fireplace there and we were watching movies. We turned everything off, and were lying there just falling asleep. Suddenly, I heard two voices whispering to eachother. Clear as day. I didn't understand everything, but one thing I heard was "what about these two...". I didn't move a muscle, and didn't want to say anything, as I didn't want DB to think I was a nutbag, but I was scared to death. But only 1/2 a second later, he jumped up, turned everything on, and had the most frightened look on his face. He said, did you @#$%*& hear that!!?? I said yes, and we also confirmed to eachother that we heard the same words. We didn't sleep all night. We had every light on and the TV, too.

We then asked around about the history on the place. A lot of lifers live around there who know most of the stories. Two men had been killed in that room when 2 boys escaped from the prison nearby sometime around 1910. They were ranch hands. My DB moved out within a couple of months, as he had a very bad feeling from then on. Odd, as that stuff normally doesn't bother him, and he's had previous experiences that never scared him. He is even begging me to stay in the haunted room at the Hotel del Coronado near San Diego!!!


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