Getting out of the "lowest of low"


I can't for the life of me even find the slightest hint of motivation to work out. I am eating without a thought and not thinking or caring about tomorrow. I don't dare get on the scale.

How do I talk myself "off the cliff?"
I've been in and out (mostly IN) the lowest of the low for a good couple of years. What works for me (right now, sporadically) is making plans. Even on days I'm not eating well, I'll head to the store to collect and prepare an entire day's (or week's) worth of healthy foods. I'll juice fruits and veggies, make smoothies, cut up greens to steam, and make a menu plan. I do the same with the workouts. By making the food ahead of time (a feat in itself), it forces me to have some good stuff even when I may not feel like it. The workouts are harder if I'm not in the mood, but simply planning ahead of time to make it a part of my schedule makes sure that I'll do it at some point. I also find that during times when I have very little to do, I have less motivation. It gives me too much time to make excuses, and there's no momentum. The activity that comes along with being busy pushes me into fitting in the workouts more often.

It's really hard to give advice, because we are all in the low for different reasons. There has to be something strong enough inside me willing to go along or the healthy habits are not going to happen. It's tough, but you will get through it!

one hour at a time! Go for a walk, have a healthy snack, do healthy things you enjoy. Don't worry about Imaxes or STS.

Hope you get feeling better soon!
I can't for the life of me even find the slightest hint of motivation to work out. I am eating without a thought and not thinking or caring about tomorrow. I don't dare get on the scale.

How do I talk myself "off the cliff?"

OMG, you are living my life!!! :eek::eek:

I haven't even opened any of the Shock cardio DVD's. I have found every reason NOT to's too cold, I'm too busy, I'm too tired .........
And let's just say my eating habits are teetering on disgusting!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

BUT........ yesterday I printed out a calendar with BABY STEPS on it. I shoveled the snow and ate 3 fruits. And I wrote that on there as a huge accomplishment. Today I wrote that I only used 1 sugar in my coffee instead of 2!!! Now don't everyone clap all at once!!!!!

Baby Steps are the only thing that get me going again. If I think about Imax2 it just brings me further down because that task seems daunting! Now I am looking forward to writing little things on my calendar to keep me motivated and help me get back on track.

Good luck and know that you are not alone!!!!! This is the lowest low I have ever had. You can do it!!!
I can't for the life of me even find the slightest hint of motivation to work out. I am eating without a thought and not thinking or caring about tomorrow. I don't dare get on the scale.

How do I talk myself "off the cliff?"

Same here. I have tried to get through the beginner rotation for some time now. I did join a check in this week hoping this will help me. I feel your frustration. I know how much better I feel when I do exercise, and when I do exercise I have better control over my eating because I know how hard I worked out and don't want to eat junk.
We need some fun and sun.:D:D
When I feel like this sometimes I just need to get outside into the sunshine and fresh air. It doesn't always do the trick for me but many times it does make me feel better.

Good luck!
i'm right there with you. my diet has been good thus far since my last binge (8 days ago) but i'm finding it hard to exercise. i feel like i'm killing myself during my workouts and it gets me nowhere except exhausted, not sleeping, and sore. I know diet is a huge part of weight loss but even when i wasn't binging and eating good and workingout like a maniac my weight didn't budge. Today, no workout for me and i'm not going to until i get the urge to do something. i'm just sooooo tired and i'm so bored with exercise. i've done it all trying to remotivate myself: new workouts, different workouts, different instructors, going to the gym, etc. but i just don't have the heart in it right now and i don't know what to do to get back there.
How do I talk myself "off the cliff?"
Start a challenge. Challenge any one to do a workout say, tomorrow. Pick a workout everyone has or a style (stepping,cardio etc.) you can agree on. Set a time, a Check-in point and know that Everyone who signs up Must do this workout. Camaraderie is a big motivation. You know everyone else is doing it and YOU have to also! It may just start a trend.

This stupid weather (live near DC) has me in terrible mood. I want to crawl under a blanket until I can see green grass. :D
That's a great idea Jann.

I was going to say - just get back to basics. Eat less, move more. Leave a little food on your plate, go for a walk, clean the basement.

Another suggestion - find a service project you can do to help others that is physical. Pack food for the local food pantry or serve a meal, etc. See others less fortunate may help you refocus on how lucky you are that you have so many food choices and exercise stuff and the luxury of a home to work out in and the time to do it.
Maybe do some stretching or yoga workouts and take it easy until you're ready for that Imax and just realize you will get back into the groove in your own time :) Maybe even just download some fun new music and do a good house cleaning :D
I'm in the same boat, absolutely no motivation whatsoever. Just the thought of exercising and eating healthy makes me want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head!!

But with that said Lent is starting so that WILL be my motivation. I'm going to start exercising and eating healthy again starting Sunday. Last Lenten season by giving up sweets, pizza, alcohol and any and all kind of junk food I lost 7 lbs and I don't remember but I don't think I changed my exercise all that much then. I bought a calendar so I will log what I have done and that will help me. I've cleaned up my act before and I can do it again and this time I will stick with it.

Good Luck!!!!
I can't for the life of me even find the slightest hint of motivation to work out. I am eating without a thought and not thinking or caring about tomorrow. I don't dare get on the scale.

How do I talk myself "off the cliff?"

It depends on why you are feeling no motivation. If it is just a question of losing discipline, then forcing yourself through the first few times (to quit eating that cake or to get off the couch) will do the trick until your body starts enjoying leading a healthy lifestyle and motivation becomes automatic. Finding a buddy to adopt a healthy resolution can help with motivation.

Sometimes, when I have gone off course with eating and exercise the problem is deeper. It isnt a lack of motivation about exercise and diet per se, but an important issue in my life that I need to come to terms with and find answers to.

It also depends on what you mean by eating without a thought - are you eating less than stellar or eating very unhealthy?

When things are really rough, we should be loving and kind to ourselves and accept that we are sad and un-motivated and give ourselves some time to heal. Without judging ourselves. It is an important phase before positivity can be achieved.

On the other hand, eating healthy and exercising creates positive feelings, lifts the mood and feelings of helplessness drift away. Feelings of empowerment are conducive to discovering solutions to any underlying issue.

If you listen closely an inner voice will most likely tell you whether you need to give yourself some time before you shake yourself back on track.
I have to give myself something to work for. Like last year I wanted to lose 20# before I turned 50. This year I'm having a hard time.

I signed up for singles tennis and if I don't get my cardio going and my heart in shape then I will not be able to play well. And of course I waited until last week to start my cardio. But I've been doing it every day and I'm stronger already.

One step at a time. Make goals, or make a reward item that you will get yourself when you hit a milestone. I actually would love to have someone like Jillian to email me daily and see what I've done and crab at me and call me fat to get my butt in gear !
I get into these slumps. That's when I find a little retail therapy helps! I buy a new workout and make a new rotation with that workout. It really helps get me excited again. For me, I have to be working out regularly and the diet follows. I can't do one without the other. When my diet is off, it makes me sluggish and not interested in working out. It also makes me ill and moody. But when I start working out regularly, I WANT to eat better again, and then I'm a happier camper.

So, go get a new workout!! I guarantee it will do the trick! :)
I've been struggling with some of the same stuff. Apathy - inertia. Doing something for someone else sounds monumentally difficult maybe - also perhaps even counter-intuitive. Still, Cindi1 mentioned service work. I have a friend that always tells me to do something for somebody else and get out of myself when I'm "struggling." It really does help. I think for me because we're all so interconnected. Adding something positive to someone else's life - in any way at all - makes me feel better. Maybe because when I'm in a funk, I think about it too much - that keeps me stuck there. A couple of times I've taken my son to go do something for someone "secretly." That is, we help someone in some way but can never tell anyone - not them or anyone else (oops - guess I just blew that??!!!). We have a couple shut-ins in out neighborhood, so it isn't hard to come up with something. And that's the thing. It really isn't ever hard to find someone in need or a way to add to someone else's life. Maybe it helps make me grateful for what I have and shifts my attitude a bit. Not sure. Anyway, I hope you (all of you and me included) get feeling better. It's actually been tough for me ... going on several months now. Feel like I could just sleep all day. Of course I can't, but that pull is there.

Really, more than anything I've said here, I poked around and found this link(hope it helps):
This may sound harsh, but when I get into a slump, it helps me to think about how lucky I am to be healthy and physically able to work out! I know a young woman in her early 20's who was an amazing extreme skier and rock climber- she had no fear and was so athletically gifted. Last year, she was in a horrible car accident and is now a quadriplegic. This incredible young woman hasn't lost her spirit and works as hard as she can in physical therapy. Every day is a struggle for her-even breathing is difficult-but she is so optimistic and never gives up! I know she works much harder in one day of therapy than I do in a whole month of doing workouts. So whenever I feel like I don't want to work out, I think about this young woman, and get my butt off the couch and start moving!

I get into these slumps. That's when I find a little retail therapy helps! I buy a new workout and make a new rotation with that workout. It really helps get me excited again. For me, I have to be working out regularly and the diet follows. I can't do one without the other. When my diet is off, it makes me sluggish and not interested in working out. It also makes me ill and moody. But when I start working out regularly, I WANT to eat better again, and then I'm a happier camper.

So, go get a new workout!! I guarantee it will do the trick! :)

This works for me too. (BTW, beautiful picture Stephanie!!)
Thanks Joan! Another thing that works for me: a new hairdo. I'm getting my hair cut short (like Norah Jones) today, and that always motivates me. Anything to boost self esteem can do wonders for your workout/diet routine I've found.

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