I've been there many times since probably October due to long/tiring work and being short handed, then physical issues and truth be told, I think a big part of it is the long winter (at least in my area). I'm in CA and used to lots of sun to help take my mood to a higher level. We haven't had nearly as much as we are used to.
Work has exhausted me but I am finally getting past that though I'm not thrilled with my current job.
What helps me ? ? ?
When I got my bootie back into even excercising at all (after about 2 months where it just didn't happen hardly at all) I started treating myself the way I wanted to. I still don't have my eating back in check cuz I just don't feel like eating much, but I will take long warm bubble baths and read a book for an hour, lounge around and play here for some inspiration, I haven't stopped checking in with my "Damage Control" group (which really helps me) and I am slowly getting back on track.
Are you involved in a Check in group? I tell you it helps me sooooo much. And . . . I have even signed up for Cathe's EB road trip in San Diego next month so that in and of itself is pushing me a little harder to get back into shape. Just finished Meso 1 of STS using SC as the cardio. Love it.
Start out with things that are easy to accomplish . . . a premade rotation, do things you like to do ("me time", shop, surf the web, read . . .) and take it a day at a time. And, like V said, if there is something else that you need to work out in your life, try to get started on that.
Me . . . I am job hunting and hoping to hear about an interview from last week !
If that doesn't pan out . . . I'll be looking some more.
Only you can change yourself, but KNOW THIS . . . there are many of us here going through the same types of things and you CAN find support here.
Sometimes I come home from work, don my workout clothes, come here to see what everyone else has done during the day (for those who post about workouts) and it gives me the motivation I need.
Hope you can find something to help get you started on the way back up the hill.