Getting out of the "lowest of low"

I know this probably sounds strange but whenever I start feeling like that I watch a Rocky movie-dosent matter to me which one and this always make me want to work out and eat better. I also have the CD's from Rocky and are great if you want to go out for a run.

Just a thought!

I've been there many times since probably October due to long/tiring work and being short handed, then physical issues and truth be told, I think a big part of it is the long winter (at least in my area). I'm in CA and used to lots of sun to help take my mood to a higher level. We haven't had nearly as much as we are used to.

Work has exhausted me but I am finally getting past that though I'm not thrilled with my current job.

What helps me ? ? ?

When I got my bootie back into even excercising at all (after about 2 months where it just didn't happen hardly at all) I started treating myself the way I wanted to. I still don't have my eating back in check cuz I just don't feel like eating much, but I will take long warm bubble baths and read a book for an hour, lounge around and play here for some inspiration, I haven't stopped checking in with my "Damage Control" group (which really helps me) and I am slowly getting back on track.

Are you involved in a Check in group? I tell you it helps me sooooo much. And . . . I have even signed up for Cathe's EB road trip in San Diego next month so that in and of itself is pushing me a little harder to get back into shape. Just finished Meso 1 of STS using SC as the cardio. Love it.

Start out with things that are easy to accomplish . . . a premade rotation, do things you like to do ("me time", shop, surf the web, read . . .) and take it a day at a time. And, like V said, if there is something else that you need to work out in your life, try to get started on that.

Me . . . I am job hunting and hoping to hear about an interview from last week ! :p If that doesn't pan out . . . I'll be looking some more.

Only you can change yourself, but KNOW THIS . . . there are many of us here going through the same types of things and you CAN find support here.

Sometimes I come home from work, don my workout clothes, come here to see what everyone else has done during the day (for those who post about workouts) and it gives me the motivation I need.

Hope you can find something to help get you started on the way back up the hill.
It is important to understand what fitness symbolizes for you. It is clearly not just a way to be healthy, to live longer, etc., or you wouldn't be having the psychological effects you are feeling from not feeling motivated; instead you would just be finding other ways of making sure you are maintaining health. There are other elements tied up in the idea of fitness and exercise and eating "right" for you - they are important to you and you feel bad about yourself if you aren't living up to your own standards in this area. You end up feeling guilty, and guilt is the least motivating emotion there is, and so the situation gets worse.

Is it possible to take a step back? To examine what it is about fitness that is so important to you that it makes you feel like a bad person just because you aren't motivated RIGHT NOW? To try to see fitness as a means to an end, but not the only means to that end? To see that just because you aren't into it right now doesn't mean that you never will be again?

Fitness is a journey for life; there are times when we are more into it and times when we are less into it and are more into other things. Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. How much we work out, how we eat, how big our muscles are and how little body fat we have does not make us good or bad people. It's just exercise. It's just food. They're just muscles. It's just fat. No matter how much emotion we attach to each of these things, they won't save us from ourselves.
Awwwwww. (((((hugs))))),

Been there done that, and sometimes it grabs hold of me again.

You have to keep fighting it, and never ever give up. Take some time off perhaps, but always set in your mind you will return to a more healthy exercise routine once again.

It also could be you were over doing it. After a month of hard workouts, take a week off for recovery. Even if it is an active recovery.

Besides, all these wonderful colleagues/cyberspace friends/mentors here will help get you through this nasty period. You've worked too hard to just give it up now.

Don't give up.

It depends on why you are feeling no motivation. If it is just a question of losing discipline, then forcing yourself through the first few times (to quit eating that cake or to get off the couch) will do the trick until your body starts enjoying leading a healthy lifestyle and motivation becomes automatic. Finding a buddy to adopt a healthy resolution can help with motivation.

Sometimes, when I have gone off course with eating and exercise the problem is deeper. It isnt a lack of motivation about exercise and diet per se, but an important issue in my life that I need to come to terms with and find answers to.

It also depends on what you mean by eating without a thought - are you eating less than stellar or eating very unhealthy?

When things are really rough, we should be loving and kind to ourselves and accept that we are sad and un-motivated and give ourselves some time to heal. Without judging ourselves. It is an important phase before positivity can be achieved.

On the other hand, eating healthy and exercising creates positive feelings, lifts the mood and feelings of helplessness drift away. Feelings of empowerment are conducive to discovering solutions to any underlying issue.

If you listen closely an inner voice will most likely tell you whether you need to give yourself some time before you shake yourself back on track.

Loved this post, thank you for writing it:)
Do you have some people you could get together with and start some kind of challenge? That's what I just did. A group of guys I work with were all talking about starting P90X and I told them about how I did it 2 and half years ago and what great results I got from it. They were all talking about how they were going to make a bet out of it and do check ins and compare progress. I asked them if I could join. We are all starting tomorrow and I feel extremely motivated because I feel like I have to prove myself, not only to these guys but to myself as well that I can carry my own against a bunch of men. I can't wait to get started because I don't want to embarass myself with a bad check in.


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