Getting Our Licks In!

Well, this was the first morning in about 2 weeks that Ripken and I saw the stars while we were walking. Could we actually be seeing the end of this low pressure system that has been hanging over our heads for 2 weeks? It was also a little on the cool side, which Rippy loves so we did a long walk this morning. Then, the last day of slow and heavy--triceps, biceps and abs this morning. Stuck with pushing up my weight amounts a little, particularly to start off. I did a 20 lb dumbbell for overhead extensions for the first time. Oh boy--I only did one set of 8 reps and then dropped down to 15 for the second and third set, but I felt good about give 20 lbs a try.

Janie: My Joe and I have watched a little bit of the X-Factor, but we last only about 30 minutes tops and then switch to something else. We get annoyed with the bad auditions and bad attitudes. Maybe we will watch more of the bootcamp shows. Are you sticking with TBS and stretches these days or mixing in some more advanced workouts? You've got so much going on, I imagine it is hard for you to do TBS with Joey and then another workout in.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Joey, Dad (did the cardio part) and I did TBS along with ab and stretches. Getting the kegs to the Beach House tomorrow. Will make lists on what we need and throw away what we don't want. Maybe a little cleaning, but not too much yet. The guys are still working on the major repairs. Oh, and my GERD is acting up. Hmmmmm

Michelle, Great job on the long walk. Ripken is now in seventh heaven as the weather get cooler. Sweet little guy.:) Also great job on S&H Triceps biceps and abs. Good for you for experimenting with heavier weight. That is awesome. XFactor, yes I agree, auditions can be awful. Looking forward to the Boot Camp (what ever that is) next week. I'm stuck on TBS, abs and stretches.:rolleyes: I try to do things differently, like faster or slower in some exercises just to mix it up a bit. Lots of times moving up and down in weight. Starting a different side...

Take care,

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Sorry, I have been MIA but I have been busy with hose work, and training, that I have not had a lot of free time but I like it.

Training was good this week we did indoor and out door training including swimming with weights, basic my trainer ties 3lb weights to my legs and arms and I swim for about 15 / 20min. Sparring has been good this week. For lack of a better term my training / sparring partner Tom is fighting the same night so we have been sparring each other this week. Tom is a a bit of a male version of me only he works during the day so most of his training is in the afternoon. Anyway, he started taking aerobic boxing lessons a few years back and decided he wanted to get in the ring.

Today I did some light training and spent time with the family.

Yesterday was a break day and I need it. I've come down with a little cold so yesterday's activities included short walks with Ripken, cleaning the house, and resting. Oh and did I mention that it is now rainy and cooler here. The cooler temps is something new--the rain unfortunately is not. This morning, I did muscle max--the last workout on Cathe's September rotation. I'm thinking over Cathe's October rotation. Tomorrow is body max 2. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get through all of body max 2 with this nagging cold, so I might do just the cardio and the circuits.

Janie: sorry to hear that your GERD is acting up again. It's been a while since you've dealt with that, hasn't it? Now you begin the fun of getting your new place ready. You are in for a busy fall. You know I have a birthday this month and DH wants a gift idea. I'm going to ask for a silver necklace so I can wear the pendant that goes with the earrings you sent me. I get lots of compliments on the earrings but I haven't been able to wear the pendant because all I have are gold necklaces. Go figure.

LizBoxer: You have got to be in fantastic shape. Your workouts are inspiring me to work harder. Have you ever thought about doing a Cathe Roadtrip?

Almost forgot, I did do something else yesterday. Cleaned out my closet. I'm going into the 4th winter season of not being able to wear many of my pants because they are too big (thank you Cathe!). I've slowly been buying new pants that fit so it is time to get rid of the stuff that is too big. Some of the items are almost brand new and they are all from Talbots. Somebody at the Goodwill is going to get some good deals on really nice pants.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday.
Went to our regular play every other month or so and we invited Dad to go with us. It was "The Love List", a comedy. I think Dad enjoyed it. Then we went to dinner at our favorite place. Dad insisted on paying. Was a great day. I found out that my GERD came back because of the way I was eating. Onions, icecream, oysters... yep, can't do that anymore, it really hurt me.:confused::eek::confused: I'm much better now.

Liz, Nice to see you here again. Sounds great that you like the training. I knew you'd have some good times with the training. You should be very proud of yourself. Like I said before, sometimes you'll have bad days, but I think most day's will be good. Yes? I hope so for you anyway. Enjoy your family.

Michelle, Glad you took care of your cold. Very smart of you. We are having very rainy weather too. Great job on MM. Congratulations on finishing the rotation. YEA! Aw, that is so sweet to want a silver necklace to wear the pendant I made. You are so thoughtful. Congratulations on getting rid of pants that are to big. I know it's hard to give new clothes up, but you did! It's OK to get rid of them. I'm so proud of you, and you should be too.

GoodnessGracious??? I have been in a serious time warp! I am checking in briefly and will have to come back at another time to catch up.

I've been so busy, mostly with social engagements (birthday parties galore) and my workouts have suffered along with my check ins.... Terrible especially after missing so much while being sick, this is a bad rut/pattern I am falling into & need serious support to get back in gear!!!! What better place to ask for that than from you guys,

Friday: had clients all day then went to Ted Rocks for a Further concert. No workout, but those of you who know Red Rocks know just getting around there is a serious step workout plus several hours of dancing

Saturday: I had my P.C.A gathering all day so no workout

Sunday: Clean Max & 4DS KB & then the Biceps/Tricep work from 4DS BC

Monday: clients this morning, meetin in the afternoon then Pilates & Ski Conditioning

Hard to get back into it, that's for sure... Hope everyone is well & well now go catch up
Dad (not so much today) Joey and I did TBS, abs and stretches.

Laura, Glad to see you here. I've missed you!:) I'm here cheering you on. You'll get there soon. Just think of Christmas in a beautiful dress and then Spring dress, then a fantastic Summer dress. You deserve it and because we care about you. Fantastic job on dancing. That is one of my favorite things to do as a workout. Good for you! CleanMax, bidceps and triceps workout. Also thePilates & Ski Conditioning. Keep doing what you are doing and you'll be back where you want to be in no time at all.

Take care,

Took another break day from exercise. I'll be doing Cathe's October rotation but just didn't feel like I was up to BodyMax2 yesterday with this cold. I don't feel horrible but I didn't feel like BM2 was in the cards. Ripken and I had a wonderful walk this morning, clear sky, big bright stars, and then the clouds starting rolling in. But Mr. Sun is peaking over my shoulder through the window here at work so maybe, just maybe, this low front is moving on out. I did exercise this morning: Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. This is a shorter weight workout and it moves fast. I lifted heavier on my biceps so I had to slow down a little but I got all my reps in. ;) Loving the ab work. Cathe sure has been piling on the ab work of late.

Laura: Okay--consider yourself kicked in the butt--now get back on track with eating better and exercising. You can still have fun and party but you just have to do "push aways" at the table--that's the sitting down version of a tricep push-up, in case you are wondering.;)

Janie: What a nice day of activities with your father. I haven't been to a play in forever, but I do love the theatre. Sadly, my DH is not much of a theatre goer. You are busy--getting the workout in with Joey is good--you can kick it up next month.

Hope everyone has a great day. Hi to sister and LizBoxer.
So taught my beginner Pilates class today & that's pretty much all she wrote...easing into it again.. My triceps ate still sore from Sunday

Michelle: our weather has been amazing the fall colors are spectacular and there has been little to no wind so they haven't blown away yet.. A cols front is coming our way though... Thanks for the kick in the butt!! I needed that!!

Janie: I love going to the theater & ballets! Glad you are enjoying your dad, I hope he makes it work out for his in place, sounds like he isn't ready to live with your sister. Bet you were excited about making the payment on your beach house

Liz : wow another fight this Friday! You all mended up & ready to roll?? Sounds like your trainer us pretty tough! Can I borrow him for a swift kick in the hinny? I need it

Renee: great to hear from you... Sorry about the weather aggravating your knew. good luck doing a step routine!!!
We did TBS, abs and stretches.

Yesterday went to the beach house to start cleaning it. Something there that smells so bad. Must be wet stuff under the house and the carpet was wet too in the tip out. Had contractors there to work on that and all the major repairs.

Found out that when you get a furnished place, what you really are getting is, stuff to take to the dump. Most is useless. That's OK, I was about to tell them that I didn't want the furniture anyway. We'll just toss it out or give it to the 2nd hand store. One good thing though, there are all kinds of vintage bean pots and milk glass. I looked them up on the internet to see if they were worth anything, and I think I have something. There might be 20-25 or more pieces of bean pot sets and 20-25 or more milk glass pieces. They might be worth $400-$500 all together. That is based on only a few pieces I looked up on the internet. It would be fun to sell it on ebay. I don't know if it is the right time to sell now because of the economy, but perhaps in 2-3 years. I'll put it away and wait for a good time to sell.

Michelle, When you have a cold, it is time to lay low from exercising. Also I usually take a week off and do dancing, yoga... after a month rotation. Seems to help me a lot. Wonder when I'll do more than TBS again? I'm thinking about it anyway. Great job on the walk with Ripken. It seemed like a beautiful day for it. Fantastic job on on PS, back, biceps and abs. Congrats for lifting heavier weight.

Laura, Great job on the Pilates class. DOM's are great, good for you. Yep, the beach house is completely paid for and we are going to enjoy the heck out of it.

Take care ladies,

No laying low today, even though my cold is now gone to the end stage: the cough. Hopefully it won't be too bad and last too long. Ripken and I had a beautiful walk under the stars this morning and then I did Bootcamp. It took me until the 3rd cycle to start feeling pretty good.

Okay--be back in a few minutes--got to talk to one of my junior analysts.

Sorry, I have been MIA but I have been a tad busy :) Training has been non stop, I feel like I should be sleeping in the gym :) Anyway, it has been good and we have been doing 6 to 7 hour sessions this week. I have been getting up between 3 and 4am to do a nice walk / run than my trainer and I meet and I do swimming with weights on my arms and legs. After that its back to the gym and speed and heavy bag work along with time on the focus mitts. After that its ab work for 45min. We cut back on the weight work a bit because I don't want to go over weight :) Sparring and than some more ab and bag work than my favorite a nice RUB DOWN!! Today is going to be a bit different because I have the weigh in and I HATE that because you have to strip down to you bra and panties or bikini to get an accurate weight. Anyway, I'm excited about the fight and my opponent I've wanted to fight her for a good year.

Laura: Is it hard to teach beginners? How many people are in a class? It must be hard with everyone at different skills? I'm all mended up and got the green light from my doctor to fight last week. My trainer is good, he is very old fashion and I'm the first woman he's ever trained so it can be interesting sometimes :)

“Found out that when you get a furnished place, what you really are getting is, stuff to take to the dump” LOL!! Janie: So sorry about the damage and the problems you are having.

Michelle: I hope you feel better soon! Take it easy and ease back into working out.

I need to start my run.

Took part of the day off today to go to the doctor with my DH. Just his 4 month visit with his cardiologist. Sometimes I like to go just to hear what the doc has to say first hand. Little Rippy and I did a nice long walk this morning. We are into Indian Summer weather and it is just glorious. Did Pure Strength legs this morning as well. That's a good leg workout if you have not done it in a while. Cathe throws in a little bit of everything that we love to hate on legs: lunges, squats, plie squats, leg presses, quarter deadlifts, and plenty of calve raises--all followed by fun floor work and then abs.

Janie: not surprised to hear that you are taking most of the used stuff to the dump. The previous owner didn't want to deal with disposing of the stuff so she is letting ya'll do it. Cleaning out your new place will sure keep you active and burn some calories (gotta find the silver lining, right?)

Laura: Nice to have you back a little more regularly. Hope we can continue to help you get back on track with the exercising. Funny how when we stray from our check-in, we ease off the exercise routine--one does help reinforce the other.

Liz: If this is your fight weekend--kick some butt! If not, then kick butt getting ready for your fight weekend.


Walk / run was good this morning and I got about 5mi in and I was happy with that. Workout was not that intense today because we had the weigh in today I came it at 132lbs and my opponent came it at 134lbs. Anyway, I think its going to be a good fight, and can't wait to get in the ring!!

Michelle: Is everything okay with DH? Sounds like you had a good walk today. My fight is tomorrow night in Orlando. Tomorrow I'll do a light workout, go home rest and than my trainer and I make the drive to Orlando. I'm the fifth fight on the under card so we need to show up around 7pm and I should be in the ring between 9 and 10pm. Thanks for the encouragement!

Good Evening Fitness Friends!

I forgot to mention that I have subbed the Yoga class the last two Wednesdays and I have really enjoyed it. I got lots of compliments from the students and several even said I was better than the actual teacher, which was quite a compliment since I am not actually trained in Yoga. I just watched Cathe's Yoga clips and I am sooo excited!!:D:D:D:D I also taught my Total Tone class last night, today I took off of exercise.

Janie: pretty cool about the glasses,huh? But not the rest of the stuff!:rolleyes::rolleyes: Is your dad still visiting?

Michelle: sorry about the cold, no fun, what time do you walk to see stars? Boot Camp is fun, did you do 4DS or the Intensity series one? Thanks for the support, definitely true about the relationship between checking in and exercising, certainly don't want to check in day after day and say that I haven't exercised again..guess I better do something tomorrow!!

Liz: holly molly you sure are hitting it hard!! Very inspiring and motivating! What does your trainer think about over training? Good luck tomorrow night! That seems late! Do you get tired or are you so pumped up? How do you sleep after a fight? Sorry about all the questions but I am so curious! I actually like teaching beginners, but it can be tough sometimes when the levels are really different in the class.
Another beautiful day here in Virginia. It's Friday and Ripken and I usually do a shorter walk on Friday mornings, just because we can I guess. This is my telecommute day, so I worked a couple of hours then took a break and did HIIT 40/20. As ya'll know I have a love/hate relationship with the HIIT workouts--love them because they go by so fast; hate them because I huff and puff through the whole thing. And while you only get 20 seconds between each interval, you do get the 1 minute "break" after every fourth interval. Love those 1 minute breaks.

LixBoxer: good energy and positive thoughts for you this evening. My DH has some chronic health issues that come from over 50 years of smoking. The good news is that he finally quit smoking over a year ago. The bad news is the damage is done: COPD and heart disease. This is not something we enjoy but we deal with it. Regular visits to the cardiologist are part of life. Sometimes I like to go just because I need to--plus it helps to hear what the doctor has to say first-hand and I can tell him stuff/ask questions that DH might forget about it.

Laura: Total tone and yoga sound good to me. I think tomorrow is going to be a stretch day for me, assuming we get over to the boat this afternoon.

Janie must be doing her "clean out the beach house cardio workout." Hope things are going well on that front.

Happy Friday to all. Kick butt Liz!
Today, was a bit of a short workout no outdoor running because we had thunderstorms.

Laura: As for over training that is a hard question, I think you don't want to overdo it to the point you might hurt yourself or get overexerted. But you don't want to under do it also. I can't say I have never gotten tired, I only had one fight that I was tired and that was because I did not sleep good the night before. But getting in the ring at 9:00pm or later is no big deal because you are so pumped and want to mix it up! As for sleeping after a fight you usually sleep good! After the fight you get looked over by the doctor and sometimes go to the hospital. But you might have a newspaper reporter ask a question or two shower, change and drive home. For example I'm guessing I should get in the ring by 9pm and if the fight does last a full six rounds it should be done by 9:30pm by the time I get looked over by the doctor shower change answer any questions my trainer and I should leave Orlando by 11:00pm and I should get home by 1:00am so I sleep just fine!! Feel free to ask any more questions. Congrats on doing a good job in the yoga class!!

Michelle: I'm so sorry about your DH, however, I can relate my mother smoked for a number of years and I go through the same thing with her.

Thank you for all of the positive thought!!

Daddy did the cardio/warm up and Joey and I did TBS, stretches, abs and stretches. Took Dad out 2nd handing again. It was fun.

Liz, You are doing so well on your training. I'm very impressed. Continue the good work. Cheering you on.

Laura, Yes, my dad is still here. He is so cool. Love him to pieces. Sounds like you were fantastic at subbing a yoga class. Good for you! O I'm excited about Cathe's yoga clips too. I can't wait! Great job on TT class last night. Hope you enjoyed your day off.

Michelle, The contractors are still working on the Beach House. It will be a while before we go again. Maybe a week or so. It smells so bad in there when we left it. The fabric stuff (bedding) we brought home took 3 washings and a lot of vinegar before they wouldn't smell any longer. Yuck! That was awful, and we smelled just carrying it around. Great job on the walk with Ripken and Hiit 40/20.

Well, the Reeds couldn't get motivated yesterday to get our butts over to the boat, so that meant I was able to get the last Pure Strength workout in for the week: chest, shoulders, and triceps. The reps on Pure Strength are more like an endurance weight workout--little faster, but I tried to go a little heavier than I have been on this workout in the past. My triceps were really feeling happy by the time we finished. Not sure what is on the rotation for next week. I'm on travel so I'll be doing workouts that travel well and not necessarily what is on the rotation, but I'll pick it back up the next week.

Janie: I think if I had to wash bedding 3 times to get the smell out, I would have given up and thrown everything out. Probably a good idea not to go back over to the beach house until the contractors are about done.

Liz: Well you are probably recovering today from your fight. Hope it went well. Looking forward to hearing how things went.

It's Saturday and we did make it over to the boat. Beautiful day. Ripken is hanging out in the stern sleeping in the shade with the breeze blowing through his fur. This is perfect puppy weather.

Well, I'm pleased to report I WON last night!! It was a very hard fought bloody battle, with it going to the cards and me winning by three punches on each card. Our my fight was the only women's fight that night at the Iron Fist so we both got privet dressing rooms! And this is what I hate about boxing before a fight it is a big production, I need to put on my breast protection and that is like a cup or as some of call them turtle shells than I like to put on two more bras. Than you have the protection for the crotch. After you get that done you get your hands warped and that has to be inspected. With cage fighting I put my bra, panties, and skort on and go!! However, before all that I do some yoga to relax. After I get all that done my trainer he gives me a rub down to relax my body, and he does a good job focusing on my feet, legs, shoulders and arms. However, he was not to thrilled about my pink toe nail polish!! After that we have a 15min pep talk put my gloves on than he ties my shoes and puts my robe on and we go!!

We got into the ring around 9:30pm and I could tell my opponent really wanted to beat on me. At the weigh in she said a few things to me but I did not listen, than when we met in the ring for instructions from the reff she told me an old woman like me should not be in the ring and she would knock me out. The first two rounds I took a bad beating, and it took me a while to find my groove, and my opponent took full advantage hitting me with everything she had and I even got knocked to the mat for a few seconds in round two. I got back to my corner and boy did my trainer let lose and that ignited a fire!! I went out in round three, and let lose and I could tell my opponent did not expect that. My only problem was my left I stated to swell shut on me causing me to go blind but the ice in between each round caused the swelling to go down and keep it at bay. Round 4 & 5 I clearly dominated landing jabs, upper cuts, left and right hooks, getting her in the corner and proving this old gal could fight!! And I knew she could not believe this had turned into an actual fight. Now, at the start of round 6 I began to get tired and she landed some good hooks that landed on my left eye and for the last 2min of the round I was blind in my left eye, so it was very hard but it was an even round. It went to the cards and I felt I had a 50 / 50 shot because I did sloppy in the first two rounds and the last round was 50 / 50 It came out to 46/49 50/53 46/49!! I was obviously VERY HAPPY!! My opponent was not, she left the ring and did not eve shake hands.

I got my eye and nose looked over by the Doctor and was okay just keep iceing it, took a long shower got a full body rub down for 30min to relax my body and changed. My trainer and I finally left Orlando around 11:30ish and when we were leaving we ran into my opponent and she was VERY ANGRY!! She wanted to go at it on the parking lot demanding a rematch!! Needless to say with that said I want to get back in the ring with her. I got home around 2:00am because we stopped and had dinner.

A bit sore today, but not to bad and spending it with my family. Hubby is taking me out for a celebratory dinner!! I'm going to take the next two or three weeks off and relax than focus on getting locked in the cage again.

Thanks for all of the support and kind words!!


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