Hi all!
Janie, everyone, sorry to drop off the planet! I sort of forgot I had a trip this week ... it was a short one. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I was in denial about the trip. Also, it turns out that giving me a real true vacation day is a bad idea. That vacation day I took last Friday? I ended up collecting another hobby/responsibility, which has to do with politics in our state. I got elected to something related to our local party, which involved being nominated by our state senator. That is probably all I should post about that here. Just, if I ever mention going to a meeting or something for an organiztion where I'm not a member, please just say: "remember what happened last time???" and I will stay home! It is actually an honor. I'm just a little horrified at having gotten involved in politics so directly on accident
The biz trip was really productive and short, thankfully. Great weather and a lovely site near the suburbs outside of Los Angeles. Even a first class upgrade on the way out, and I was able to do a nice workout.
To top off the oddity of the past week, I also spent yesterday writing five science proposals for a really unusual organization and then preparing (and delivering) my very first commencement address! And ... you will laugh ... it was for a certificate class in Virtual Worlds, and we held it in Second Life. I practiced interacting as an avatar, wore a virtual commencement robe for the talk, and learned how to make gestures with my avatar while speaking at the same time. It is nontrivial! But it seemed very appropriate, and I really enjoyed myself. The students worked hard and this was a neat way to congratulate them.
Workouts have been a little light. One STS, one Cardio Coach, and a walk in four days. Ah well ... there is the weekend.
Shoegal, you found the absolutely perfect home for Gracie ... you brave and kind woman and strong and generous woman!!! I wish you lived nearby, because I hear you needing a ((hug)) pretty badly (actually wish every single one of us lived nearer!!!!). So ... yes. You do know this is Gracie's perfect forever home, because as Gracie's first real human mom, the first real one that she ever had in the world who cared about her welfare more than herself, you would never have let her go if that were not true. Moms always have it rough when their little ones go, no matter how long they are moms. Gracie is a little smile in your heart, and you are a little smile in hers, and you will continue to share more smiles (and tears) with more pups. It will never be easy and it will always be special. And some day you will decide that the perfect home is yours. Just not this time. ((hugs))
Renee, you launch yourself into your summer with such glee! I am loving to read your notes. You make me laugh, and want to buy a boxing set to use with MMA boxing, and go jog somewhere at top speed, all at once. And actually I did, on biz trip, because there was no elliptical and so I used the treadmill. My goodness!
Michelle, one of these days I need to repay that lunch! That was such a lot of fun - thanks for figuring out how to make our schedules work. Everyone, Michelle is athletically beautiful - Cathe-esque! - and she's fun in person too. We had a terrific time in DC

Am strategizing when I will be in DC next. There are three-ish places I need to go, and when it hits four, I will schedule. Possibly July, as everyone disappears in August.
Janie, did something bad happen on a walk for you? Or are you just being careful? I need to go back and read all your notes again because I missed it. From cruises to ... Bears? GPS? My goodness, you are so much fun

We really do need to find a way to take a hike sometime. There are Polar HRMs that have GPS, by the way, but mostly they seem pricy. The plus with those is that you can plot your walks, but then, only us gadget-addicts likely think that's cool

An iphone would also work for you, with the built in GPS, and give you a way to call for someone to find you at the same time. Bet there are other cells that would be similar.
Laura, sounds like you are keeping busy even with the lighter schedule! Are your girls enjoying the summer too???
Elle, I need to back up a page to get to your posts. Sounds like you are pushing through with your exercise, though, which is good!
Well, more soon. If I don't push REPLY soon you can bet I will lose this long post