Hi everyone! (welcome Back EllieP!!
I spent the day with a girl friend who is going through a terrible time with her husband, since you guys don't and won't
know him I can divulge that he is diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder and he is in a really scary psychotic episode, luckily he is out of town at another property he owns in Southern Colorado, but none the less it has been really hard on her so I took her to Boulder for a pedicure and lunch. Sometime it is good to just get out of the house for awhile.....But no exercise for me
I did teach pilates tonight but also moved around the room a lot working with people's bodies to get them to 'feel' where the movements are supposed to be coming this week is turning out to be a little lighter than normal on the exercise front, but I figure that it all works out in the end...
Michelle: You are very smart to let that body heal up a bit, sounds like it could be tendons and they do well with some recovery time. My feet have also been hurting more with the higher impact cardio and it makes me pretty darn nervous actually..
Shoegal: Well I have a BIG confession to make to you! YOU HAVE CONVERTED ME TO A SHOEGAL!!!!!

I used to not give one little darn about shoes, well maybe that they were comfortable and didn't look to bad, but I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the new shoe styles going on out there right now. I even took my friend into a high end shoe store on the Pearl Street walking mall just to look at them. It was almost like going to a museum, each shoe a perfect piece of art. One of them even had semi precious stones on it! SO WHO KNEW I HAD IT IN ME? And know I look at everyone shoes to see what they are wearing. Now I just need to live in area that I could actually wear these cute shoes, all snow,mud and rocks up here...I was joking with my friend that I could carry my shoes into the houses so they wouldn't get ruined but everyone makes you take your shoes off at their houses up here to keep out the muck so what would be the point??
I spent the day with a girl friend who is going through a terrible time with her husband, since you guys don't and won't
I did teach pilates tonight but also moved around the room a lot working with people's bodies to get them to 'feel' where the movements are supposed to be coming this week is turning out to be a little lighter than normal on the exercise front, but I figure that it all works out in the end...
Michelle: You are very smart to let that body heal up a bit, sounds like it could be tendons and they do well with some recovery time. My feet have also been hurting more with the higher impact cardio and it makes me pretty darn nervous actually..
Shoegal: Well I have a BIG confession to make to you! YOU HAVE CONVERTED ME TO A SHOEGAL!!!!!