Hi all,
I am back for a few days ... huzzah! But then even more of the same. It does not get any slower than this til June! At least these trips are productive ones and none of them have involved tornados, volcanoes, or that fungus I read about in Oregon (!). What is going on the world these days???
This is going to be a short posting as we have the Garden Club/Master Gardeners coming over for a tour in about half an hour. Talk about things I never expected to host

But last year someone from the club stopped by and saw the daffodils in the woods, and talked about it, and since DH is taking the Master Gardener's class he agreed to a tour. We had twelve people yesterday, and there will perhaps be three or four today. This was not the easiest weekend for such a thing, but daffodils bloom when they feel like it and there really is no easy weekend this spring
I'll post you some pictures. It really is very beautiful out, and I don't mind having an excuse to spend extra time in the woods rather than figuring out how to unpack etc etc etc!
Yesterday night, did Legs for Meso 2, week 4. That leaves back/biceps. Then, because of this travel, I think I'll delay starting Meso 3 until June, and do something whole body that can be done on the weekends with TRX for catch-up during the week.
Michelle, I'll be out in DC next week again! I have no clue as to the schedule except that it is packed on Mon/Tues; Wed morning looks not too bad, and I think Thurs pm is my flight home.
Laura, I love CTX too! Usually it is Meaner Legs that I use on that one

There are many many premixes.
Shoegal, are you going overseas soon ... ? Sounds like flights are just now opening up, but problems lingering from the volcano may be treated as pre-existing conditions by the airlines; we've been warned to be cautious about overseas travel.
Renee, wholly with you on those skinny jeans. I don't think anyone looks particularly good in them, even those who fit in them. They just seem uncomfortably tight looking. Very curious about Wavemaster - tell us all about it!
Janie, thinking good thoughts about you on your wonderful cruise, with all those bathing suits
And now I better go do things to the house and so on, before those gardeners show up. The ones yesterday were very nice and did not mention the piles of brush etc, so hopefully this will go just as well.
No overseas travel for me for awhile, but I did agree to do a keynote at a meeting in PARIS next year, in April. Fun! I have never been to Paris ... and it's a good meeting, so definitely a win-win