Good morning all! Here's hoping we are each waking to blue skies ... or, in
Laura's case, a wonderful ski weekend. Laura, your brother is due about now for a skii vacation, isn't he?
Yesterday was a rest day - turned out I hadn't taken a true full day away from training for a week and a half

One of those days was a mobility test (from Assess and Correct dvd series), which wasn't all that intense, so it isn't like I was pushing hard the whole time.
Janie, poor Joey ... it is good he keeps an eye on this. I'm really worried about a few spots on my DH's back, and he doesn't get them tested. He says he will, and then it turns out to be 'too much trouble'. Maybe I can persuade him to go if I can tell him more about it. Does Joey get a skin scraping periodically to check for skin cancer and is it an in-office procedure? I lost a colleague last fall who didn't get a suspicious mole checked until too late, and it is worrysome. Anyway, I'm really sorry you two have to deal with this and I hope his face heals up soon.
Shoegal, foster parents for kids and pups alike have my respect! I tried it once ... that is sort of how we ended up with our terrific black lab, KC. Couldn't bear to let him go

He wasn't a foster dog exactly; he was an overflow dog from the local no-kill shelter; and they were delighted we decided to adopt. Having three dogs now we decided fostering was too risky to try again ... But without foster families who are willing to love a pet, help him become normal and joyful the way you are, there would be many sad animals who were unadoptable. Not everyone has your patience in bringing a dog out of his shell. All those meds would be worrysome to me also ... do foster homes have the option of trying to wean him off of them under a vet's supervision?
Renee, Michelle, Laura - it is fun to see you on FB! I'm enjoying the updates
More personals later, I'm not really officially 'up' yet for the day, just wakeful this morning and thought I'd stop in to wish us all a happy weekend.