Good morning all! It was a typical Monday working from home - lots of busy administrative things that came up over the weekend, all kinds of fun work too including paper deadlines

, and probably just as well that the skies were dripping water all over us, or I'd've had trouble getting everything done!
Feel free to skip over the next - it is my time management accountability post and probably boring ...
getting everything done is getting closer and closer, with my goal-based time management now. It isn't that there is any less to do. It isn't even that I'm finishing more (though I suspect I am). It is that I am setting far more realistic targets for my day, which reduces my self-imposed stress, which makes it easier to get into a flow state on the 'right' projects ... . I've been spending fifteen minutes each morning looking over at my personal and professional goals with my Single Step software, writing out my top ten goals overall. After that I use my 2Do gadget to list a few highlights based on the goals. And then I go to my inbox, spend an hou. All that goal work sounds tedious, but it takes maybe an extra fifteen minutes in the morning, and really makes me feel better about
why I'm including or excluding a task. I've been consistent with this for over three weeks now
The administrative extras that came up are an example of where things are going better. I had my list of what I wanted to do, and discovered another two-ish hours of must-do's in the inbox. As usual. But this time I'd planned for it, and by the end of the day, found that I'd finished all but one (half hour's worth) of goal-oriented tasks plus the extras, and had only felt mildly strained. And as a result, I had a better evening on the personal side, slept better, and am awak earlier this morning. I know not every day is going to go as well as this but it is nice to see progress.
Back to personals and fitness...
Anyway, as a result of all of that, I had a great workout with STS last night, Meso 2, disk 16 chest/shoulder/triceps, and did my foam roller work in advance. I've been reading Cressey's book Maximum Strength, and he strongly urges foam roller/mobility work before strength training. What's neat is that Cathe's warmup has much of the 'prehab' (I do not like that word but it s what people use) that he recommends, so really all I needed to add is the foam roller. Have to say, my back has never felt better than these weeks when I do foam rolling and my TRX! On the STS, it went really well except for one set of chest exercises. I must have put in a typo when I adjusted my 1RMS, because the weight was really out of line with anything I'd done before!!! Normally my flies and chest presses on incline and flat are within a few pounds, but the workout card wanted me to bump up eight per arm - 38 pounds x2. That was way to much; I tried it, failed on about four, felt warning quivers up and down the arm, and used what the card had for flat presses and shoulders, which is 32 (x2 dumbbells). That worked out fine.
Shoegal, it's fun to read about Hobi. I went through your earlier posts, and he just sounds like a wonderful dog who had some hard breaks earlier, and has now lucked into a terrific situation. Is he a foster dog ... or an adoptee ... ? Thunderstorms scare our lab and one of the border collies; the other one thinks his job is to chase them away! Poor Hobi. Let me know what you think about the Pres challenge. We could have a Getting Our Licks In team if enough of us want to, but it is another place to go record workouts, which might be a bit much. And I love hearing about Step! It is inspiring me to keep my step workouts. There is no space to do them now, but perhaps by summer I'll be asking you to recommend something that is easy for the choreographically challenged, and tough enough to be a real workout. You make it sound like such fun
Laura, not surprised you are exhausted after three classes!!! Glad you posted anyway

And aren't your holidays starting up about now - is that this weekend, or this week?
Janie, you are so consistent. After that tough rotation, seems like you gave yourself just a few break days and you're now back in the thick of it. And of course you
need all those suits! Who knows which one you will want to wear??? Personally I think you're going to be a real inspiration out by the pool. Knock 'em dead, that's my position
Michelle, did you end up going with the plyo legs? Sounds like you are really doing well with Meso 3... Pizza was a combined veggie with some leftover breakfast sausage and chicken. It was definitely yummy! And you are right about the restlessness. I do relax and enjoy ... but it tends to be around animals and plants. Or when working. They finally had to give me a real light switch at work, because the motion detector isn't sensitive enough to catch my fingers typing and nothing else moves when I get into flow!
Hi to
Renee! If you did Legs, that must mean you are feeling fine and just busy with the school week
Ironlady, come back and say hello when you get a chance. We are wondering if you've recovered?