Getting it done for July & December 2015


This morning was difficult moving after yesterday's workout.

Today's workout:
Run 3.67 miles
abs from RWH core 1
Stretch from LIS tri-set legs

My legs are still quite stiff and sore from PLB. OI!

Sherry: Great job on your workouts! LOL! I have to laugh at myself with the leg issues. I just can't get over how much
they got worked.

I wish I was able to get to the beach yesterday to see those models. :)

Hey Belinda! How's it going? Are you feeling better? How's the foot?

Just the usual weekend stuff...laundry etc.

Have a great Sunday!


Not sure what I will do tomorrow for a workout. Monday's are usually super busy at work.
Morning! Happy Monday to you!

Up early to finish up paperwork. Determined to get in my workout this morning.

High Reps is in the bag! :) Phew! I did skip the abs however because I worked them yesterday.

Off to shower and work.

What are your plans? Make it a good one!

Hi all!

Yesterday was a well deserved rest day.

Today was a dog walk, then a 3 mile run and stretch. So happy that the glute work is paying off - legs and hips are feeling just fine.

Heidi - Nice run yesterday followed by Hi Reps today!

Belinda - I'm glad your foot is better. How about the tooth (or shouldn't I ask?) Hope you enjoyed TB today. Is DH still working out with you now that you are done with 21DF?

We'll all be back at it tomorrow. See you then.
Good morning,

Today I will do HiiT workout? Not sure what yet? Yesterday I also did Barre 3 Standing slim, really like Sandie.

Sherry - nice job on your dog walk, then a 3 mile run and stretch. The tooth still hurts, I will pick up that stuff your recommend the other day. DH still works out with me, lol. He likes Cathe's weight workouts.

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later this afternoon, DH has a doc appointment.
Good morning,

I will do High Reps today and Barre 3 Ballet Core. Yesterday my dog Browler had a lump removed. They are sending it in to make sure it isn't cancer :( Poor thing!

What are your plans today?

I will be back later.

Belinda: Best wishes for your pup!
Have fun with high reps. That got me good!

Yeah Sherry! Glad your workouts are helping with your hips and glutes. :) What's the plan for today?

Yesterday was an itread #7 40 min and Stretch Max with the band. Needed that!

SSOD 7/28/13 Bike workout. Man those hills!!!! My legs were weak today.
I did Core Max 3

Quick shower and off to work.

Have a great Wednesday!
Hi all!

Yesterday - rest day - preseason parent meeting at school - it's already starting!

Tonight - look's like another rest day as I've only been able to do a dog walk. Got busy doing other house/kid stuff this evening.

Tomorrow - really need to get back at it, plus get to bed earlier (I live with a bunch of night owls!) so that I can work up a sweat in teh wee hours of the morn.!

Belinda - Nice wo today. Glad DH is still doing it with you. Poor Browser - seems like if it's not you at the doc, it's one of the pups. Hope you all get better soon!

Heidi - Nice run and then bike today! Love SMax with the band!

That's it. heading to bed early(ier than usual). Hope you had a good one!
Good morning,

The schedule calls for step party today. I have to do another step instead. I also will do Barre3 Studio Shape.

Heidi - thank you! I am sore after High Reps, that's a good one. High fives, on your run and SSOD 7/28/13 Bike workout and CM3.

Sherry - seems like one of us is always going to the doc :) Can't get a break! Good job on your walk yesterday. Have fun with your workout this morning.

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
Hi all!

Yesterday - rest day - preseason parent meeting at school - it's already starting!

Tonight - look's like another rest day as I've only been able to do a dog walk. Got busy doing other house/kid stuff this evening.

Tomorrow - really need to get back at it, plus get to bed earlier (I live with a bunch of night owls!) so that I can work up a sweat in teh wee hours of the morn.!

Belinda - Nice wo today. Glad DH is still doing it with you. Poor Browser - seems like if it's not you at the doc, it's one of the pups. Hope you all get better soon!

Heidi - Nice run and then bike today! Love SMax with the band!

That's it. heading to bed early(ier than usual). Hope you had a good one!

Morning Sherry: Have a great workout today! :)
Good morning,

The schedule calls for step party today. I have to do another step instead. I also will do Barre3 Studio Shape.

Heidi - thank you! I am sore after High Reps, that's a good one. High fives, on your run and SSOD 7/28/13 Bike workout and CM3.

Sherry - seems like one of us is always going to the doc :) Can't get a break! Good job on your walk yesterday. Have fun with your workout this morning.

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.

Morning Belinda: I like High Reps and boy does it hit it all. :) Nice job!
Have a great workout today!

After my workouts I went into work. Later in the evening I went for a walk with my DH. About 4 miles total.
My legs and shins are feeling it all today.

So my plan for today: PUB to give my lower body some time off. ;)

Have a great one and remember to drink your water and eat as clean as you can. It all counts.


After my workouts I went into work. Later in the evening I went for a walk with my DH. About 4 miles total.
My legs and shins are feeling it all today.

So my plan for today: PUB to give my lower body some time off. ;)

Have a great one and remember to drink your water and eat as clean as you can. It all counts.


Wow, on that walk! Hope you stretched your shins afterwards. Have fun with PUB. Thanks about the reminder to drink more water :)
Good evening!

Finally, a wo! So, was just too slow this a.m., but tonight got in a dog walk, ISFR - the full wo (which is glutes, core and some UB - really exhausting) and 100 hip thrusts. Now, just tired!

Belinda - Enjoy those DOMS! Nice job on wo's today - which step did you do? How are the glutes/hips after the barre?

Heidi - Good idea to give the LB a break today, 'course, if you pushed it on PUB, you fried the UB as well.

Yes, drink more water. I cut up lemons every day to add to my water. Think I'm influencing people that I work with, in a good way, 'cause they all see it. And though I like berries in the water, they tend to look really gross by the end of the day.

Hope you had a good one. Back at it tomorrow.
Good evening,

My washer broke today, I have someone come and see if they can fix it. Fingers crossed.

Sherry - no wonder your are tired, you did A LOT :D I didn't do a step workout today, I did one from YT instead. It was cardio, it was pretty good.

Good night, ladies.
Happy Saturday!

Yesterday - came home from work to DD cooking dinner and a house full of kids, so no wo other than walking the dog.

Today - dog walk, and 3.5 mile run. Wanted to run longer but didn't like where my hr was, so cut it short. There was a day when I wouldn't have believed that I'd be saying I cut a run short at 3.5 miles. :D We are making progress, aren't we.

Belinda - Get your washer fixed? Do step wo's bother your foot? I was looking at my wo's the other day - might just break out some of those older step video's. Step is what got me into exercising.

Heidi - what are your plans today?

Usual house/yard stuff to do. Make it a good one!
Good morning,

STS TB is done. I did skip the abs. I also did Barre 3 Total Body Lift = 40 min. The ab workout was a killer in that one.

Sherry - that's so sweet of your DD to cook dinner :) I love walking. Walking is a workout :) No step doesn't seem to border my foot, it's when I bent my knee? I am trying to go through all my dvd's + premixes. Step got me into exercising too.

Heidi - what are your plans today? Whatever it is I hope it's a good one.

I will be back later. Have a great weekend everyone.
Afternoon! Happy Sunday to you both!

Busy last couple days and no workouts to report.

Friday: Work and out with a friend for a pedi and dinner. :)

Saturday: Guest over night and hang out at the pool all day. Dinner again last night.

Today: Catch up on house stuff and paperwork in prep for the new week ahead.

Belinda: Awesome job on STS TB! :) Enjoy your stretching today. Are you sore?

Sherry: Nice job on your run! :) Sounds like an enjoyable evening with the kids and DH being the chef. :)

Not sure what the rest of this day will be as for a workout....will see. Just a lot to catch up on first.

Have a great day!

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