Getting it done for July & December 2015

Hi all!

LMC Combat 30 this am (very hard to get up!), 2 mile easy run, dog walk, and a yoga stretch tonight.

Belinda - Did I read that right? MM and ME on the same day, as in MuscleMax and Muscle Endurance? I am a bit confused? That's quite the wo.

Heidi - Well, at least you enjoyed the guests that did come. Make today your rest day, and get back with it tomorrow.

I'm exhausted. Heading to bed. See ya tomorrow.
Good morning,

Today I have Hard Strike on tap? Not sure, if I can do it due to my leg? I may have to sub something else?

Sherry - wow, you did a lot :) Fantastic job, girl. No, I did do MuscleMax and Muscle Endurance the same day. I did MM on Sunday and ME on Monday. That was tough.

Hallo to Heidi :)

Nothing yesterday but work...

Today: SSOD bike workout: May 29, 2015 w/ Rebecca Mystery Ride. 7.70 miles 30 min.

Then a combo workout with itread #5 40 min (as a walker) and ifit TM (Just for a view ;) ) Ran in Lombardy Italy. LOL!
3.27 miles Total Time: 47:33 min.

Phew! That's my cardio for today!

Awesome job on your workouts! :)

Off to shower and busy work.

Have a great one!
Hi all!

Slept in this morning - body needed it. So this evening, I was very ambitious - and kinds of a mish mash: dog walk, then LMC Power Hiit (some weight and plyo work), ISFR Glute Blaster (more plyo and weight work, but hitting the glutes harder), 100 hip thrust challenge (keeping weight to just the barbell), and finishing with KW Fast abs (already feeling those turkish get-ups). Actually, by keeping the weight light, I can really focus on form and go deep for the glutes and hips and not kill my legs for the next day's run.

Belinda - Sorry your leg is still bothering you. Were you able to do something, or did you make it a rest day? Glad you did MM and ME on separate days - I can't imaging doing them together.

Heidi - Wow, monster cardio today! That should have burnt off some fat!

So, I've been stagnate in weight loss lately, but need to get back on track for eating. I'd like to be down another 10-15 before the end of the year. Really 20, but that's a lot of work for me. How are the 2 of you with your weight/body composition goals?

Time to wind down for the night. Back at it tomorrow.
Good morning,

I will do STS TB later today. I have a dental appointment. My tooth still bordering me :( I should have pulled that tooth a long time ago.

Sherry - I did Knockout Rockout yesterday. Thanks! I think I pulled a muscle, it hurts when I twist my foot? Weird. Nice job yesterday.

Heidi - wow, on that run! Can you walk today:D ?
Hi all!

Slept in this morning - body needed it. So this evening, I was very ambitious - and kinds of a mish mash: dog walk, then LMC Power Hiit (some weight and plyo work), ISFR Glute Blaster (more plyo and weight work, but hitting the glutes harder), 100 hip thrust challenge (keeping weight to just the barbell), and finishing with KW Fast abs (already feeling those turkish get-ups). Actually, by keeping the weight light, I can really focus on form and go deep for the glutes and hips and not kill my legs for the next day's run.

Belinda - Sorry your leg is still bothering you. Were you able to do something, or did you make it a rest day? Glad you did MM and ME on separate days - I can't imaging doing them together.

Heidi - Wow, monster cardio today! That should have burnt off some fat!

So, I've been stagnate in weight loss lately, but need to get back on track for eating. I'd like to be down another 10-15 before the end of the year. Really 20, but that's a lot of work for me. How are the 2 of you with your weight/body composition goals?

Time to wind down for the night. Back at it tomorrow.

WOW! AWESOME JOB! :) Turkish get get-ups are not easy!
Good morning,

I will do STS TB later today. I have a dental appointment. My tooth still bordering me :( I should have pulled that tooth a long time ago.

Sherry - I did Knockout Rockout yesterday. Thanks! I think I pulled a muscle, it hurts when I twist my foot? Weird. Nice job yesterday.

Heidi - wow, on that run! Can you walk today:D ?

Morning Belinda! Good luck with your appt.!

LOL on the can I walk today. ;) Yeah my legs feel a little weak so I topped it all of by doing PLB today. ;) I most likely wont be walking tomorrow however.
Morning to you both!

PLB completed! Used a BB 20-30

Legs were a little weak getting moving this morning after all the cardio yesterday. Now they are fried! LOL!

Eating is ok...trying to follow a 20/20 program but it is difficult sticking with the program. You know how it is with family and guests etc.
If I lived alone it would be a cinch because the only food in the house is what I would buy.

Still working on my weight goals as well. Its not over the top but I just feel like my jeans could fit a little better...hate clothes shopping.

I think adding more cardio is what is best for me at this point. Weights are great but I feel like a gain instead of losing. :/

So this evening the goal is to add another 20-40 min run. This may help loosen my legs too.

Have a good one ladies! Belina: Wishing the best today!

Good evening,

DH and I finished STS TB a while ago. That was a lot of fun. The ab workout was brutal.

I had a follow up appointment for my root canal which is still bordering me a lot. Seven month of pain :( She thinks it's a ligament around the root that's causing the pain. She wants me to wait until Jan.

Heidi - you must have legs of steel :p You did another LB workout today? You go, girl! Maybe you need to take a break tomorrow.

Sherry - have a great workout today.

Good night, everyone.
Hi all!

Slept in this morning and did LMC Combat 45 tonight. Weather helped make the decision. No run tonight - it's just too hot and muggy - so easy to put that off until tomorrow (waiting for a storm to come through and cool things down), and sleep in this a.m. At least I'm doing something.

Belinda - Good about the wo. Weird about the foot. Oh no about the tooth. Not sure I understand about waiting until Jan. Hang in there!

Heidi - Great on the legs. Brave to do PLB after that cardio. I agree, take a break tomorrow. And if I also lived alone, food would be so much easier to deal with.

And that means it's now dinner - grilled pork tenderloin - yum. Catch ya tomorrow.
Hey gals!

This a.m. was a rest day on the LMC rotation. Tonight was a 3 mile run - wonderfully cool with a brisk breeze.

Hope you both had a good one!
Good morning,

MM is done!

Sherry - I think I pulled a muscle in my foot? As far as my tooth goes…..she doesn't want to do another root canal right away, that's what she has to do if the pain doesn't stop. Quit frankly neither do I :) I rather wait. She said in worst cases it can take up to a year for not to feel any pain. WTG, yesterday.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hi all!

Tonight was ISFR Glute Blaster and a dog walk.

Belinda - oh not about your tooth. Really that long? I am so sorry. Impressed you can still get in the exercise that you do.

Sorry so short tonight. I'm tired. Run day tomorrow - need to get my rest.
Good morning,

I will do Afterburn after my coffee.

Sherry - wtg, on your workout yesterday. Enjoy your run this morning. Crazy about the tooth, hah?

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later this afternoon.
Hi all!

Tonight was ISFR Glute Blaster and a dog walk.

Belinda - oh not about your tooth. Really that long? I am so sorry. Impressed you can still get in the exercise that you do.

Sorry so short tonight. I'm tired. Run day tomorrow - need to get my rest.

NICE JOB! How are those glutes today. :)
Thurs. nothing but paperwork... ;/

Friday: Very busy work day. Late last night I did get in a TM run using itread #3 40min.

First thing I made my Green smoothie. Then cooked a lentil soup.

Just finished RWH circuit upper. PHEW!

Now for a shower and grocery shopping.

Make it a good one!


Plan for tomorrow:
Run and core max 2 with added stretching. My hamstrings are still very tight from PLB the other day.
Happy Saturday!

Did LMC Combat 30 first, to get the legs loosened up, then went for a 4 mile run. Now, the run was easy on the legs, but today's a bit hotter than it was the other day, so was really working my hr more than I'd like. However, run and SMax are done, so now to get on with the rest of the day.

Belinda - Great job on Afterburn. I'm sure you were sweating after that one.

Heidi - Good job squeezing in your wo's. Glutes are doing good - wo's are helping. And those things on the beach look really cool!

Now to get on all those regular weekend chores. Have a good one!

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