Getting it done for July & December 2015

Hi all!

Sorry, got distracted yesterday getting the normal things done around the house that we didn't get done over the weekend while getting the basement back in order. Got in a dog walk, but nothing else.

Today, did the ISFR glutes wo plus dog walks. Also, trying to get things done because we're leaving town to visit the family. Did I mention that we replaced the trim around the garage door? Wood was water rotted. That turned out to be the couple day project, as nothing is square in this house! Really trying to get these projects done before DH starts teaching again, but I feel we are running out of time.

Belinda - you are doing absolutely great! Keep it up. I am envious of your time available to wo.

Waving Hi to Heidi!

Hope you had a good one.
Good morning,

I will do MM and 21 DF Ext Pilates today.

Sherry - thank you :) I don't watch a lot of TV :) And I don't like sitting around and not do anything :) I can't sit still for to long:pI rather get a workout in. When I do watch a show at night, I get up and empty the dishwasher or do something else. Oh no…about the garage door :( Hope your husband gets everything done before he goes back to work. It never ends, hah?

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later.

Argh! Getting it done these days has been difficult... lack of ambition isn't helping either.

I FINALLY go something in this morning. STS Total Body. PHEW! So weak! Especially my legs. But HEY! I got it done right? ;)

Sherry: Lots of work around the house for you all lately. Nice job getting the basement cleared up and the garage fixed. We did the same
as far as having DH home on vacation. It wasn't a vacation as you might know when there are projects to get done. I hope you all can find a little
break before the vacation time ends.
Nice job on your glute and doggie walk. ;)

Belinda: I hear ya on sitting around bit...I drive my DH nuts when he wants to watch a show with me. LOL! I get up and down for one reason or another...
Great job on your workout! Have fun with MM and pilates today. :)

Off to shower and house stuff. Taking the day off.

Make it a good one!

OH new rotation..trying to follow. August Cathe 2015. Tomorrow is intensity
Good evening,

I did both workouts earlier, just getting around to post.

Heidi - wtg, on STS TB. You are like me when watching TV :p I really can't sit for to long :(

Hi Sherry - have a great workout today.

Good night, ladies.
Evening Belinda and Sherry!

Belinda: Awesome job on your workouts!

Sherry: How was your day?

This morning I was so sore from yesterday's STS TB workout. I almost chickened out of Intensity. Well in a way I did. LOL!
I only did the first portion of the step WO. Warm-up Step and then stretch. No Max etc. I just sat down and watched. I was so beat just
from the first part.

Tomorrow's plan...well on the schedule that is :
HIIT 30/30 and ab circuits no equipment abs.

My legs and butt are sore still.... will see how I feel tomorrow. ;)

Have a great evening!
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Cardio and HR (probably a FB premix, to mix things up!):)

Heidi - nice job on STS TB and Intensity. That step is very intense. I did it the other day….wow!

Sherry - hope you have a great workout today.

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
Good afternoon,

I never got CF in yesterday. DH and I went sliding door shopping…by the time we got home it was late. We ended up doing 21 DF Ext Cardio and a dog walk.

I just finished CF :) Getting ready to do 21 DF Ext Dirty 30. If I feel up to it tonight I will also do HR?

Heidi and Sherry - what are your plans this weekend?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
Hey! No workout yesterday. Very busy work day...

Today I did STS 30/30 and Ab circuits no equipment abs. :) Felt those abs!

Belinda: Nice job on your workouts! I was super sore after Total Body. I found intensity hard so I only did the first step portion. My legs were fried! I guess taking that rest day yesterday helped with all the DOMS. :)

Tomorrow's plan: A run and short yoga WO to get in some stretching.

Sherry: How are you? How is your rotation going?

Have a great evening!
Good evening,

I did High Reps premix FB Upper first and 21 DF Yoga Ext.

Heidi - amazing job yesterday on STS 30/30 and Ab circuits no equipment abs. How are your run and short yoga WO today?

Hi Sherry !

Good night, ladies.
Good evening,

DH and I just finished MM and 21 DF Ext Plyo.

Heidi and Sherry - hope you had a great workout today.

Good night, ladies. I will be back tomorrow.
Hi all!

Back in town. I did mention that we were going to visit the family, didn't I? I'll need to look back and check. Anyway, we're back in town, back at work today, and exhausted. However, I decided to get my rear in gear. I woke up and did LMC Combat 30 before I went to work, and then this evening I went for a light, easy, short run. I can feel my hips having issues, so right now I'm working on getting them strong again.

Other goal is to follow 21DF plan with an extra serving or two of protein. Gotta get the eating clean. Making flank steak on the grill tonight - should be enough leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Belinda - you are doing great! My idol! Are the two wo's complementing each other daily, or are they competing and making you sore?

Heidi - good job not chickening out on Intensity.

Dinner's about done. Back at it tomorrow. See ya then.
Good morning,

Today I will do 21 DF Ext Upper Body Fix and cardio (?).

Sherry - wtg, on LMC Power Hiit is morning. Aww…thank you:D I am sore every day, lol.

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later.

Sunday I went out with my Mom shopping and we had lunch together. Later was out to dinner with my DH and a Friend. So far as workouts I didn't get much done.

Yesterday was my typical super busy Monday. No wonder I dread it... ;/
Late last night was an iTread #5 20 min. as a walker. Been dealing with a horrible headache since the weekend and my legs/body are just super weak.

Today I did GS Legs. OMG! LOL! I usually don't feel it until the 2nd day...will see.
I don't know how I did this today after the last couple days of a headache etc. but I did it. I guess I slept better???

Sherry: Sounds like a great time with your family. :) Awesome job getting your rear in gear and back to clean eating and workouts. :)

What is the LMC program?

Belinda: Nice job with your workout too! Like Sherry you are my idol and a great example to us all to keep moving. :) Thank you!

I am following the August 2015 rotation...a couple days off but hey I am trying to stick to the program. HEHE

Tomorrow I will do a bike workout instead of Step blast.

Have a great one!
Les Mills Combat - got it from a friend. Kickboxing helps keep everything loose.

Plan tonight is ISFR Glutes - gets them good - plus PT exercises. Gotta get it all working correctly in the rear end.

Belinda - DH has been taking Epsom salt baths regularly to deal with his aches and soreness. Have you tried that?

Heidi - 2 days in a row in the morning is a new record fir me. Mondays are always rough, bur making it a rest day seems like chickening out.

Ok, back to work. Keep up the good sweat!
Quick check in :) I did Step Blast and 21 DF Ext Upper body.

Sherry - good job on Les Mills Combat :) How did you like it? I use Epsom salt baths mostly in colder weather. Glad it's helping your husband.

Have a great evening.

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