Getting it done for July & December 2015

Good afternoon,

CCPP is done! I ran 5.6 miles :) Not bad! I am getting ready to do Dirty 30!

Sherry - I wasn't thinking about the downloadable guide :) I was done a lot faster with RWH doing it on my own :) Both workouts only took me under 60 min :) Good job on your walk and spin workout.

Heidi - have a great workout today.

I will be back later.

Busy run around weekend. No workouts to report yet.

Belinda! Awesome job on your run! Have a great one with yoga. ;)

Sherry: Nice job on your spin/walk workouts! :) So you are following the RWH 2 month rotation? How far along are you now?
I really like the mixed circuits for legs and upper workouts. They get the job done in a short amount of time and hit it all. :)

Have a great Sunday evening!
Hi all!

Yesterday we did yard work for a long while, as the rain held off longer than expected, then went out to eat with friends for the evening.

That meant today was the day to clean the basement. We actually made good progress, much better than expected. I had time to spin on the bike for about 30 minutes, but now I'm worn out.

Belinda - Great run and yoga. Did you do that run in your basement? Is it hot there, too? Our dog is quite miserable outside with this heat, even with a pool. She's definitely a northern dog.

Heidi - Running around is time consuming. You'll get back with it. Not following RWH - find I'm needing to work the hips and glutes a bit more since they're bothering me on runs. I might try Iron Strength for Runners plus PT exercise for a couple of weeks to see if I can get it worked out.

Time for bed. Hope you had a good one. Back at it tomorrow.
Good morning,

I have a doc appointment this morning. I will do 21 DF Ext. Plyo and Tabatacise.

Sherry - yes, I ran in my basement :) Both my dogs don't like the heat. Hope you enjoy your dinner.

Heidi - I agree on circuit workouts. Get everything done in a short amount of time..

I will be back later this afternoon.
Happy Monday!

Tonight ran 2 miles, then SMax #3 - heaven. That was after I got home from work and gave the dog a bath. We'll be staying at my aunt's a night to 2 when we have basement work done this week, so wanted to de-hair her better than just brushing.

Belinda - Wow, Plyo and Tabatacise - high five! DH still doing it with you? Love that you ran all 5.6 miles as laps in your basement. :) Ours isn't quite that big, so treadmill works much better. But, now ours it much cleaner! :D

Heidi - Did you find time for yourself today?

Gotta sleep. Hope you do, too. Good night.
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Upper and PS BB plus abs this morning.

Sherry - I always wanted a treadmill, but they take up a lot of space. I am downsizing:D LOL, my basement is huge for running laps:) plus is much cooler too. Good job yesterday.

Heidi - have fun with your workout today.

I will be back after my workout.
Hi all!

Tonight was a dog walk and ISFR Glutes. Already doing better on the balance, so making progress.

Belinda - you are doing great! Keep it up! Downsizing already? Didn't you just get that house the way you want it? You put quite a bit of work into it.

Waving Hi to Heidi!

That's it for today. Just trying to stay cool! Hope you are, too!
Wednesday - rest day today - when I got home from work, DH needed help as he had started repairing the garage door frame, which he's going to do more of tomorrow when the guy is here to work on the basement, which we had to get ready for. So much going on.

Hope you did better than me today!
Good morning,

I have 21DF Ext Lower and Plyo HiiT2 (I have to sub something else?) on tap today.

Sherry - yes, I just got the house the way I wanted :) We need to replace all the carpets and my kitchen floor is getting replaced :( Two weeks ago we had water damage outside the house which got underneath the kitchen floor, they had to rip up my kitchen floor/sliding door to remove the mold/damage :( I am still looking for a new kitchen floor and new sliding door:( The basement is next, since we have to take everything out anyway…..I go through things now. I am always organizing and looking for way's to reduce and to make my life easier. I really don't want to wait until it's time to move :) which will be in a few years. I am tired of holding on to stuff that has no purpose and just sitting in a box unused. I already got rid of a lot of stuff, but we still have a lot :) We had 2 houses :)

Heidi - hope all is well :)

I will be back later. Have a great workout everyone.
Hi to you both!

Super busy work week so far. No workouts... ;/

Today however I am home working.
Just finished Basic step and a mini beginner challenge WO from Body Rocker (Day 4). PHEW!

It is super muggy here! When is winter again? LOL!

Belinda: OH NO! What a mess for sure. :/ The never ending things to do when your a home owner. My husband spent his vacation working on getting trim boards up around the first floor. We have painting to do next after sanding and cleaning is completed. Can't paint walls with sawdust everywhere!
How are you feeling? Great job getting back to regular workouts after being sick.

Sherry: Hear you too with projects. ;) I hope you enjoyed your rest day. What's on tap for you today?

Off to shower...Make it a good one!
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext. Cardio and PS CST.

Heidi - you got that right, it's a never ending story as a house owner :( Aww….sorry your husband has to spent this vacation on doing house. I been there, done that too. Sometimes that's the only way things get done and it has to get done. On the other hand….you will have a beautiful trim boards and floors. I am getting a new kitchen floor, boards and wall paint. And maybe a new sliding door? I haven't found one I liked :(

Hallo Sherry!

I will be back later, I hope!
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Dirty 30 and Lift it Hiit it Legs. Today I am finishing up Cathe's July rotation. It was a lot of fun.

Waving Hi to the rest of the gang. BBL!
Quick check in : Lift it HiiTit Legs and 21 DF Dirty 30 is done. I also added 2 sets/24 reps of leg extensions plus leg curls at the end.

Cathe Friedrich’s Ripped with HIIT: Lift It HIIT It Legs
Round # 1
Strength: Squats: 24 reps (20s)
Cardio: Squat digs: 32 reps

Round #2
Strength: Plié squats: 16 reps (35)
Cardio: Plié jacks: 24 reps

Round #3
Strength: Static lunges: 16 reps (20s)
Cardio: Split jumps: 24 reps

Round #4
Strength: Static lunges: 16 reps (20s)
Cardio: Split jumps: 24 reps

Round #5
Strength: Squats: 24 reps (25s)
Cardio: Pop squats: 24 reps

Round #6
Strength: Plié squats: 16 reps (40)
Cardio: Touch-down plié jacks: 24 reps

Round #7
Strength: Wood-chop side lunges: 24 reps (10)
Strength: Wood-chop side lunges, other side: 24 reps (10)
Cardio: Traveling side lunges (12)

Round #8
Strength: Cross-back lunges: 16 reps (15)
Strength: Cross-back lunges, other side: 16 reps (15)
Cardio: Lateral power-skates: 32 reps

Round #9
Strength: Low-pulse lunges (15)
Strength: Low-pulse lunges, other leg (15)
Cardio: Power scissors with circling arms: 32 reps

Round #10
Strength: Standard-stance deadlifts: 16 reps (25s)
Cardio: Snow-angel jacks: 20 reps

Round #11
Strength: Wide-stance deadlifts: 16 reps (25s)
Cardio: Frog jumps with a turn: 10 reps

Round #12
Strength: Walking lunges: 6 passes (15s)
Cardio: Scissor, scissor, wide tuck: 5 reps per lead


Have a great day, everyone.
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Yoga today. I need it!

Heidi and Sherry - hope you doing well.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hi all!

We're back in our house. Basement is once again in its "normal" state. Workout area is ready to go. No official wo's since the other day, but lots of lifting and lowering boxes, vacuuming, wiping and mopping. I definitely think all of that counts. Yup, looks like we are all feeling the effects of home ownership. We are done with our basement for a while. I want to paint the kitchen cabinets next, as a hold over until we decide to completely redo the kitchen. DH is absolutely thrilled, of course, with the idea of even more back breaking work. ;)

Belinda - Oh no, about the water damage. Hope you can get everything fixed quickly. I need to do organizing more often - it seems to come in big overwhelming spurts at our house. Great job on keeping up with your wo's. I think I need the yoga today, too.

Heidi - How was the Body Rocker wo? Have fun painting. I know how much work it is.

I need to just relax a bit, now. Hope you are, too. Back at it tomorrow.
Good evening,

Sherry - feels good to have everything in order again :) LOL, at your DH being absolutely thrilled about more work :p That's how my husband feels too. It never ends!! I got my basement nice and organized, soon we will start replacing the carpet, painting. What color kitchen cabinets are you doing? They still have to do the floor, still waiting on the insurance? I don't know what's taking so long? DH needs to call Monday.

Heidi - what are you painting? What color did you pick? Paining is a workout.

Good night, you two:D
I"m back - did a dog walk and then P.M. yoga - maybe not long enough to work out the kinks and get me relaxed.

Belinda - Our kitchen cabinets are walnut, which is so dark, but they are in good condition. The back splash and counter top are white (1970's contrast, thank you), so if we don't want to retile, I think we should go with white for the cabinets. Still debating what to do about the counter top (it's a laminate now). I don't want to put a whole lot of money into it now, because if we stay in this house (don't downsize), then I'll want to completely redo the kitchen. Decisions . . . decisions . . . Good luck working with insurance. It always takes longer than you want.
Good morning,

I will do High Reps and 21 DF Ext Plyo today.

Sherry - I have seen lots of painted kitchen cabinets. They look amazing :) I hear you on not being sure if you stay in the house or not :) I am in the same situation. Why spent so much money?

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later.

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