Getting it done for July & December 2015

ISFR Glutes done, plus dog walk.

Belinda - I've only done 2 wo's, but so far, yes, enjoying it. Instructors good at cueing and explaining form. Surprised how I was feeling my glutes and hamstrings after the first one, so all this will definitely help.
Good afternoon,

21 DF Ext Pilates and ME is done.

Sherry - glad you enjoy your workouts and the Instructors good at cueing and explaining good form. Nice job yesterday.

Hi Heidi.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Was up this morning and did LMC Combat 45, then this evening went for an easy run, dog walk, and finished with Yoga for Athletes. Just didn't get a chance to post until now. I'm exhausted, as expected.

Belinda - nice job today.

Catch ya tomorrow.
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Lower Fix and a walk or maybe take a complete rest day? I am having pain right under my knee?

Sherry - wow, you did a lot yesterday. Glad you enjoy Less Mill Combat.

Hi Heidi :)

Happy Hump Day.
Good morning!

Quick post to say today is a rest day - enjoyed sleeping in. Also, wasn't as stiff as I've been first thing when I get up - muscles are getting conditioned - yay!

Belinda - how about take it easy and rest for a bit, then see how your knee is as the day goes on. Maybe it'll go away as you loosen up. And roll - couldn't live without our assortment of rollers.

Waving Hi to Heidi!

Have a good one!
Good evening,

I did 21 DF Ext Lower and All Out Low Impact Hiit.

Sherry - thanks! I took it easy on my workouts. I will get a good stretch in too. Enjoy your rest day :)

Hi Heidi !

Good night!
So, it might have been a rest day this morning, but tonight was ISFR Core, 100 Hip Thrust Challenge (that had them burning) and KW Fast Fat Burn (which worked the glutes even more). Oh, and a quick dog walk, too, though shorter 'cause she doesn't like the heat.

Belinda - knee must be feeling better if you could get in your wo. Did you roll at all?

Tomorrow is another early morning, so good night.
Good morning! LMC Shock Plyo done!

Do either of you subscribe to Hungry Girl? Wondering if the recipes are easy and tasty.

Have a good sweat! And a clean eating day!
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Cardio today.

Sherry - good for you getting your workouts in early in the morning. I never subscribed to Hungry Girl :) Try it and see how you like it. I did roll yesterday.

Hi Heidi :)

I will be back later.
Hi! oi I thought things would slow down a bit with work... :/

Tues: GS legs
Weds: itread #5 as a walker and STS ab circuits Yoga
Thurs. GS chest and triceps
Today: itread #5 as a jogger.

I am sore! That's all I can say for this weeks workouts so far. :)

Tomorrow's plan: GS Back, Biceps and shoulders OI!

Sunday will be a short run on the TM and a bike/core workout. Guests due to arrive again...

Awesome job ladies on your workouts this week!

Sherry: I do not subscribe to Hungry Girl....YET. ;) Let us know what you think too.
Your doing Les Mills rotation? How do you like it so far?

Belinda: Sorry about your ankle issues. How is it today?

Have a great evening!
OH! question...

Do either of you use the phone app for this forum? Or is not not working anymore since the latest updates?

I ended up deleting it awhile back and haven't looked it up to see if it was working again.
Good evening,

21 DF Ext Cardio is done. I am in week 12 of 21 DF and this is my last week of 21 DF Ext.

Heidi - I can't access the forum from my phone? Nice job on your workouts this week. Keep it up, girl!

Hi Sherry!

Good night ladies.
Happy Saturday!

Started off with LMC Combat 30 (great warm up for the legs!), then an easy 3 mile run (because it's already hot outside), and a cool down walk with the dog.

LMC - I am enjoying it. It's working to get me moving in the morning, and really helping to work out the legs and hips. I'll let you know about Hungry Girl - go to the website, there's a lot! Didn't realize it was that popular (apparently I'm out of the loop).

Belinda - High five! Great job on 12 weeks of 21DF! Bet you are getting great results! What's up next?

Heidi - Great job on wo's this week - even with the craziness at work! Enjoy your guests - are they only for the day or for several?

Gotta go now - the flowers are waiting for water - it's hot, and the rain we were supposed to get slid north, so they're baking!
Sherry - can't believe you run in this heat :) High five, girl! I had no idea it was popular? There are so many out there kinda hard keeping up with everyone. I usefully come up with my own food ideas :) My mom was a professional chef :) She never used a cook book:D I do like some recipes from
Happy Sunday!

Moved DS back home from the apartment he was living in for the summer. Now we get a couple of weeks of all of us together again. With that along with all the other house stuff, I didn't get my wo in until this evening - dog walk, ISFR and 100 hip thrusts. Glutes are still burning! :D

Belinda - I ran early, which was hot but before the heat got bad, if that's possible. As for cooking, my family baked - my grandmothers (and I'm sure before them) preferred baking to the mundane task of daily cooking. I'm sure that's part of my problem with carbs and sugar. I'd joke it was my german heritage, but you might disagree with that. ;) But we were definitely the ones making the strudels.

That's it for today. Hope it was a good one. Back at it tomorrow.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday :( I did finish the 21 DF Ext 12 week rotation yesterday. I did 21 DF Ext yoga and Cardio Supersets.

Today is ME )

Sherry - good job yesterday. Enjoy the time you have left with your son, school starts soon. I agree with you on the carbs :) I also have a sweet tooth :) I just got a handle on mine after all this years. My mom backed a lot too. There is a bakery on every corner in Germany, lots of good stuff. That's why I don't bake stuff anymore. It's not good for my hips:p My sister bakes a cake every week:D she is skinny!

Hi Heidi !

I will be back later.

Argh its that time again..Monday Madness at work.

Yesterday was busy with guests and running around. However, in the morning I did get in GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I opted for the Timesaver WO. :)

Today is super busy so maybe a run later....on the TM because it is suppose to be super hot and humid today. When will this end? Argh Hate this type of weather. :/

Guests were just for the evening. The actual guest we were expecting didn't show! Didn't even have the manners to call. :/

Nice job on your workouts ladies! High Fives ^^^^^ :)

Have a great one!

Oh this week will be a mish mosh of workouts. I don't like this weeks schedule for the august rotation.
Good evening,

ME is done :) It was tough after MM :( Felt my chest/triceps.

Heidi - serious? You guest didn't even call? How rude :( Good job on your workout yesterday. Did you get that run in today?

Hi Sherry!

I will be back tomorrow. Good night ladies.

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