Cardio Coach Challenge!
Let's get ready to Rumble!
I'm reposting from CC site to share with you all as well!
Ok I'm gonna keep this simple as far as wording goes ;-)
It's a cardio coach challenge so our goal is to do all of Sean's volumes 1 -4 in a week for 4 weeks adding ANY other workout you'd like to the mix! Anything goes! If you are new to cardio coach (hi and welcome) make sure you ease into it and take a day off in between,always listening to your body and training in YOUR zone!
I received a few requests that I emailed off already and will forward to those who want the home or gym program split training as well as the interval workouts! (I put it in word document and I'm not sure it will fit ;-)
Remember the Main Cardio Challenge is CC frequency,so get your volumes ready ;-) I'll post the CCC outline below for those who want to follow the strength portion as well! Remember you can use ANY workout you like & I'll email the workout plans to those who want either gym/home/interval strength! ( I'll see if they fit if not,I'll email!)
CARDIO Portion
Monday Cardiocoach 2
Tuesday Cardio Guerilla
Wed Cardiocoach vol4
Thursday Cardiocoach vol 3
Fri Cardiocoach vol 1
Sat Cardio Guerilla
Sun Off
2nd week
Monday cardiocoach vol 1
Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 3
Wed cardiocoach Cardio Guerilla
Thursday cardiocoach vol 4
Friday CardioGuerilla
Saturday Cardio coach 2
Sun Off
3rd week repeat above but mix up the sprints/ hills
Monday Cardiocoach 2 challenge 2 do all sprints
Tuesday Cardio Guerilla 14 min version
Wed Cardiocoach vol4 reverse the hills & sprints in the challenges
Thursday Cardiocoach vol 3 all hills up resistance
Fri Cardiocoach vol 1 do all sprints even in challenge 2
Sat Cardio Guerilla
Sun Off
4th week AS IS
Monday cardiocoach vol 1
Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 3
Wed Cardio Guerilla
Thursday cardiocoach vol 4
Friday CardioGuerilla
Saturday Cardio Coach volume 2
Sun Off
*Cardio Guerilla
12 minute Cardio Guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of
perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for
10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same)
sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8
(same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum
14 min version if you didn't get a pump put of 12
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down
*** Cardio Guerilla is optional and a bonus ;-)Remember this is a challenge but we don’t want no one getting hurt or having any setbacks! Listen to your body,know your limits and capabilites and most importantly lets have fun!
*** If doing cardio coach consecutively is too much for you then skip a day in between! The goal is to use all of his volumes in one week to improve on our cardio capacity as well as burn fat Wink
*At the final week,Track your heartrate and progress, you should be more conditioned than week 1,be true to your training and adjust resistance/tension/speed accordingly! This is not a competition but a challenge for all of us to strive to be our best and reach our goals !
You can also use any workout that fits the workout design or print out worksheets from
split training guideline
Mon Chest shoulders triceps
Tues Legs calves
Wed Back Biceps
Thurs shoulders calves abs
Friday legs
Sat Back abs
Sun Rest
Weight Training Workout #1 (Monday)
CHEST: 12 reps
Flat Bench Press
Incline Press
Push Ups
SHOULDERS: 10 reps
Military Press Machine
Seated Lateral Raise
Seated Front Raise
Rear Delt Exercise with Dumbbells
TRICEPS: 10 reps
French Press
Tricep Dips
Tricep Press with Rope
Weight Training Workout # 2(Tuesday):
LEGS/CALVES: 12-15 reps
Walking Lunges: w/10-15lbs. dumbbells
Step Ups
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls for Hamstring
Calf Raises Seated
Weight Training Workout #3 (Wednesday):
BACK: 10 reps
Lat Pull Downs
Close grip Rows
Bent over Rows
Low Back Extensions
BICEPS: 10-12 reps
EZ Curl Bar
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Weight Training Workout #4 (Thursday):
SHOULDERS: 10 reps
Overhead Press with Dumbbells
Lying Side Lateral Raise
Upright Row
Rear Delt on Chest Fly Machine
ABS/CALVES: 20 reps
Donkey Calf Raise
Calf Raise with dumbbells
Abs on Swiss Ball with weight behind your head
Crunches w/ Rope on Cable Machine
Reverse Crunches
Weight Training Workout #5 (Friday):
LEGS: 12-15 reps
Leg Press
Hack Squats
Smith Machine Lunges
Inner Thigh Machine
Leg Extensions
Straight Legged Dead Lift
Weight Training Workout #6 (Saturday):
BACK: 10 reps
Wide Grip Pull Ups
Straight Arm Push Down
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
T-Bar Rows
ABS: 20 reps
Weighted Ab Machine
Hanging Knee Raise
Crunches on Decline Bench
Weeks 1 and 2 do 3 sets and adjust weights accordingly!
Weeks 3 & 4 do 4 sets and for the abs/calves do 5 sets!
Drink 1 gallon of water and spend atleast 5-10 mins stretching after your workout ! Stay limber and elongated by breathing and holding your stretch for atleast 20 secs!
home version
Weight Training Workout #1 (Monday)
CHEST: 12 reps
Flat Bench Press with dumbbells
Incline Press with dumbbells
Flys with dumbbells
Push Ups
SHOULDERS: 10 reps
Military Press with dumbbells
Seated Lateral Raise with dumbbells
Seated Front Raise with dumbbells
Rear Delt Exercise with Dumbbells
TRICEPS: 10 reps
Tricep Kickback
Tricep Dips
French Press
Weight Training Workout # 2(Tuesday):
LEGS/CALVES: 12-15 reps
Walking Lunges: w/10-15lbs. dumbbells
Step Ups
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls for Hamstring
Calf Raises Seated
Weight Training Workout #3 (Wednesday):
BACK: 10 reps
Lat Pull Downs
Close grip Rows
Bent over Rows
Low Back Extensions
BICEPS: 10-12 reps
EZ Curl Bar
Hammer Curls
Concentration Curls
Weight Training Workout #4 (Thursday):
SHOULDERS: 10 reps
Overhead Press with Dumbbells
Lying Side Lateral Raise with Dumbbells
Upright Row with Straight Bar
Rear Delt w/Dumbbells
ABS/CALVES: 20 reps
Calf Raise with dumbbells
Abs on Swiss Ball with weight behind your head
Reverse Crunches
Hip tucks on stability ball(feet on ball in push up position, roll knees in and tuck your hips up in the air and back out)
Weight Training Workout #5 (Friday):
LEGS: 12-15 reps
Wide Stance Squats w/Dumbbells
Decline Lunges off bench
Inner Thigh floor exercise with weight on inner thigh
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls
Straight Legged Dead Lift
Weight Training Workout #6 (Saturday):
BACK: 10 reps
Wide Grip Pull Ups
Straight Arm Push Down
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
Close Grip rows
ABS: 20 reps
Crunches on stability ball with weight behind your head
V-ups on floor
Crunches on Decline Bench
Weeks 1 and 2 do 3 sets and adjust weights accordingly!
Weeks 3 & 4 do 4 sets and for the abs/calves do 5 sets!
Drink 1 gallon of water and spend atleast 5-10 mins stretching after your workout ! Stay limber and elongated by breathing and holding your stretch for atleast 20 secs!
interval training guideline
Totalbody 3x a week (an example would be Mon Wed Fri) do what works for you skipping a day in between
3x a week an example would be Mon Wed Fri, do what works for you skipping a day !
Warm-up-1 minute
Light Stretches-1.5 minutes
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Squats-15 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Plie Squats-15 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Toe-In Squats (done with toes turned slightly inward in standard squat position)-15 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 8 minutes
Crunches-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Overhead Shoulder Presses-12 reps
Static Lunges-10 reps each leg
Overhead Shoulder Presses-12 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 11 minutes, 50 seconds
Oblique Crunches (bent legs over to one side, lift upper body in crunch motion)-15 reps each side
Pushups-10 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Front Lunges-10 reps each leg
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 17 minutes, 15 seconds
Lower Abdominal Crunches (legs in air bent at 90-degree angle)-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Alternating Front Lunges-10 reps each leg
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 22 minutes
Crunches-15 reps
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Backward (Reverse) Lunges-10 reps each leg
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 26 minutes, 15 seconds
Oblique Crunches-15 reps each side
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Alternating Backward (Reverse) Lunges-10 reps each leg
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 30 minutes, 10 seconds
Lower Ab Crunches-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Overhead Shoulder Press-12 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Front/Back Lunge (right leg moving, left leg stationary)-10 reps (watch count here)
Lower Ab Crunches-10 reps
Oblique Crunches-10 reps each side
Crunches-10 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Front/Back Lunge (left leg moving, right leg stationary)-10 reps each side
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 41 minutes
Stretch (same stretches as beginning)-1.5 minutes
Total Elapsed Time: 42 minutes, 30 seconds
Total Body
light weights-3,5,8, dumbbells
5 MINUTES - warm up total body on your own
Always holding weights in hands for the following:
Bicep curls 30 secs
Hammer curls with a twist 30 secs
Right tricep extension 30 secs
Left tricep extension 30 secs
1 Min squats
1 Min squats with hammer curls
Front alternating dumbell raises 30 secs
Both hands dumbbell raises 30 secs
Right Lat rows with a twist 30 secs
Left Lat rows with a twist 30 secs
1 Min Front alternating lunges w/ hammer curls last 30 secs
1 Min Reverse Lunges with hammer curls at last 30 secs
Full Pushups off of step (30 secs)
Pushups on knees (30 secs)
Shrugs (30 secs)
Shrugs with up right rows (30 secs)
Stretch (approx 16 mins)
#2 Circuit
1 Min plie squat with alternating calf raises
1 Min plie squat with both calves raised & bicep curls
Wrist curls 30 secs
Reverse wrist curls with bicep curl 30 secs
Dips off of step w bent knees 30 secs
Dips off of step with straight legs 30 secs
1 Min squat with alternating outer thigh lifts
1 Min squat alternating outer thigh lifts with a hammer curl
Alternating lateral raises 30 secs
Both arms lateral raises 30 secs
Right lat row with a twist 30secs
Left lat row with a twist 30 secs
1 Min squat alternating legs for a butt lift
30 secs squat right butt lift
30 secs squat left butt lift
Bench press 30 secs
Pec flyes 30 secs
Bentover shrugs 30 secs
Shrugs with lat raises 30 secs
Stretch approx 12 mins
#3 Circuit
1 Min side lunges
30 secs jump in jump out
30 secs side lunges
Seated alternating bicep curls 30 secs
Seated both arms bicep curl 30 secs
Seated overhead tricep extension 1 min
1 Min Squat alternating hamstring curl
30 secs squat with right hamstring curl
30 secs squat with left hamstring curl
Seated shoulder press 1 min
Pullovers on bench 1 min
Lunge wheel front, side, reverse, squat (holding weight) 2 min
Lat rows with both arms extended 1 min
Push up on toes 30 secs
Push up on knees 30 secs
Stretch out
back stretch - supermans
20 reps of the following:
toe touches with legs raised
left side crunch
right side crunch
lower leg lifts and bicycle manuever twisting 20 x at a steady pace with constant tension on the abs!
Full body stretch
(approx 20 min)
Abs diet dvd if you have it if here are the exercises below
Abs Diet Workout 55 min Full Workout
Beginner Abs
Bent Leg Knee Raise
Twisting Crunch
Back Extension
Beginner Circuit
Stationary Lunge
Plie Squat
Bent Knee Push-Up
Dumbbell Rows
Overhead Shoulder Press
Bicep Curl
Triceps Kickback
Intermediate Abs:
Raised Feet Crunch
Raised Knee-In
Corkscrew Obliques
Side Bridge
Intermediate Circuit:
Squat with Dumbbell
Stationary Lunge w Dumbbell
Plie Squat w Dumbbell
Full Push-Ups
Bent Arm Dumbbell Row
Side Raises
Hammer Curl
Tricep Press-Up
Advanced Abs:
Toe Touch
Bent Knee Pull-In
Double Crunch with Cross
Two Point Bridge
Advanced Circuit:
Squat with Side Raise
Striding Lunch with Dumbbell
Plie Squat with Bicep Curl
Striding Backward Lunge
Alternating Leg Push-Up
Bent Over Flyes
Tricep Dip
Cathe Rotation(piece of cake adding in cc for those following hers)
You all will be on her June week 3
Mon......CTX Upper Body Chest
CTX Upper Body Back
cardio coach vol 2
Tues.....Leaner Legs
Abs Only from Kick Punch and Crunch
Flexibility Workout of your choice
Wed......CTX Upper Body Shoulders
cardiocoach vol 1
Thurs....Leaner Legs
20 minutes Ab Hits
Flexibilty Workout of choice
Fri......CTX Upper Body Biceps
CTX Upper Body Triceps
cardiocoach volume 3
Sun......cardiocoach vol4
Additional stretch workout of choice
Mon.....Maximum Intensity Strength
cardiocoach vol 1
Tues....cardiocoach vol 4
Wed.....Body Max
Segment one Stretchmax
Thurs...cardiocoach vol 3
flexibility workout of choice
Fri.....Power Hour
cardiocoach vol 1
Sat.....OFF boot Camp
Pm cardio coach vol 2
For those who don’t have the workouts but want to follow the exercise sequences go to
and print out the worksheets!
Great it all fit ;-)
Read it all over , let it digest and see if any of the above programs will help you reach YOUR goals! If not,don't worry whatever you decide to do WILL WORK! We are all in this together!
So Let's get MOVING and stay moving

No time for down time
adding this for requests(remember you can use the worksheets ;-)
Tues PS Legs
Thurs CTX shoulders,5 20 calves, ab hits
FRI Legs and Glutes
Sat PUB back abs MM abs twice }(