Francine's various rotations

Circuit training

This circuit program maximizes total body muscle definition and fat loss if done at least 3 times a week. It can be a "downsizer" for those who have put bulk into the muscles. It can also be used for "beginners" looking to incorporate weights into their workouts. It is also beneficial for those looking to get the body in "total symmetry". It balances upper and lower body by using compound moves with lighter weights to focus on proper form at a faster pace.

This can be used in any rotation once a week as a low/medium intensity day (depending on if weights are used or not) to shake things up and keep your current rotation working for you.

Working with a stopwatch will help keep the heart rate up when going from exercise to exercise and also encourages motivation!

#1 Circuit

Total Body
light weights-3,5,8, dumbbells

5 MINUTES - warm up total body on your own

Always holding weights in hands for the following:
Bicep curls 30 secs
Hammer curls with a twist 30 secs
Right tricep extension 30 secs
Left tricep extension 30 secs


1 Min squats
1 Min squats with hammer curls
Front alternating dumbell raises 30 secs
Both hands dumbbell raises 30 secs
Right Lat rows with a twist 30 secs
Left Lat rows with a twist 30 secs

1 Min Front alternating lunges w/ hammer curls last 30 secs
1 Min Reverse Lunges with hammer curls at last 30 secs
Full Pushups off of step (30 secs)
Pushups on knees (30 secs)
Shrugs (30 secs)
Shrugs with up right rows (30 secs)

Stretch (approx 16 mins)

#2 Circuit


1 Min plie squat with alternating calf raises
1 Min plie squat with both calves raised & bicep curls
Wrist curls 30 secs
Reverse wrist curls with bicep curl 30 secs
Dips off of step w bent knees 30 secs
Dips off of step with straight legs 30 secs


1 Min squat with alternating outer thigh lifts
1 Min squat alternating outer thigh lifts with a hammer curl
Alternating lateral raises 30 secs
Both arms lateral raises 30 secs
Right lat row with a twist 30secs
Left lat row with a twist 30 secs


1 Min squat alternating legs for a butt lift
30 secs squat right butt lift
30 secs squat left butt lift
Bench press 30 secs
Pec flyes 30 secs
Bentover shrugs 30 secs
Shrugs with lat raises 30 secs

Stretch approx 12 mins

#3 Circuit


1 Min side lunges
30 secs jump in jump out
30 secs side lunges
Seated alternating bicep curls 30 secs
Seated both arms bicep curl 30 secs
Seated overhead tricep extension 1 min


1 Min Squat alternating hamstring curl
30 secs squat with right hamstring curl
30 secs squat with left hamstring curl
Seated shoulder press 1 min
Pullovers on bench 1 min


Lunge wheel front, side, reverse, squat (holding weight) 2 min
Lat rows with both arms extended 1 min
Push up on toes 30 secs
Push up on knees 30 secs

Stretch out
back stretch - supermans

20 reps of the following:
toe touches with legs raised
left side crunch
right side crunch
lower leg lifts and bicycle manuever twisting 20 x at a steady pace with constant tension on the abs!

Full body stretch

(approx 20 min)
BTR~Rock N Burn~

5 MIN WARM UP ( side twists,quad stretch(hold for 15 secs each leg)
hamstring stretch,plies, plies w/alternating calf raise- w/arms extended doing lil
circles,runners lunge-side
to side motion, good mornings,deadlifts-then reach
and hold ankles)


2 MIN CARDIO(blue bands at all times)feet straight til next cardio set
1 MIN slow &steady w/10lbs dumbbells(3count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO feet shifted right til next cardio set
1MIN slow & steady w/10lbs" " 3 count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO feet shifted left til next cardio set
1 MIN slow& steady w 10 lbs- 3 count down HOLD and 1 up)
2 MIN CARDIO plie position
1 MIN slow & steady w 10lbs-3 count down HOLD and 1 up)

15 CALF RAISES( toes at bottom of stand-push up-HOLD and lower heels slightly under stand)(1 MIN)
15 LEG EXTENSIONS w/5 sec hold(when knees are at a 90o angle extend and hold) now other leg
15 LEG EXTENSIONS w/5 sec hold

15 ALTERNATING OUTTER THIGH LIFTS (squat,lift extend to side-
slow& steady 30 total)
15-1 LEGGED SQUAT W/SIDE SWEEP(when extending up sweep leg to side w/ a pointed toe,when descending bring same knee in and up(like a reverse crunch-then go up sweep out and bring in etc)
15-1 LEGGED EXTENSIONS(other leg)
15 LEG CIRCLES(each direction--hold bars steady and go left to right
pointed toe-down ,around and up15x and reverse)
15 LEG CIRCLES(other leg-down around and up 15 x and reverse)
Rock steady for 1 min and final 30 seconds tap knees 3 x between final squats-to shake it up)
ROLL ON FLOOR (facing down do 1 legged hamstring curls 15x slow then 15 pulses up--then do other leg-15x slow then pulses up-
Back stretch, supermans,swimming maneuver,hamstrings,quads,
calves,stretch legs out good and hold for 15 secs

Approx 40 MINS

Optional equipment that can be used for intensity
bodybar(for warm up of good mornings,deadlifts,and side twists)
ankle weights(floor work)
dumbells, Olympic weights (with the big hole in middle slides right on the bar)handweights,wrist weights(all can go on the bar for added weight)
weighted vest / weighted shorts

Here's a suggestion for those that just want to use the BTR for an add-on workout or for a mini pump! So, if your creativity has worn out, try varying your tempo and using the clock (not counting reps)This will spice things up for you!

Go For 1 min rounds

warm up with singles (1/1) then start slowing it down
4/4 (down 4 up 4)
1/3 (1 down 3 up)
lowends down pulse for 3 (or 4) then come up
finish with singles (1/1)

Once you do this and are challenging yourself under the clock , you can eventually work in 30 or 45 sec intervals with the tempo and throw in the low ends for the last 15-30 secs to finish out your set!
Keep it Fun & Fresh!
Bosu dumbell workout!

Warm up
basic step right 8x
basic step left 8x
combine basic right basic & basic left 4x(= 8x when done)
Basic right go right come back center 4x (L step)
Basic left go left come back center 4x (L step)
Combine basic right go right come center basic left go left come center(T step) 4x
Basic right go right now over the top 4 x (come center)
Basic left go left now over the top 4x (come center)
repeat 2 x
Basic right w/ knee then left w/knee(combo 4 x)
Basic right w/ 3 knee repeater then left 3 knee repeater (combo 4x)
step touch 8x
toe tap 8x(w/ kickbacks)
outer thigh 8x
overhead 8x
across 8x
each and touch the bosu
reduce everything now to 4x and repeat 4 x
outter thigh
bosu touches
start stretches on floor

Legs -squats w dumbells on Bosu 16 singles , 8 x-3/1, 16 singles,8 lowe ends
-plies w/dumbells on thighs straddle Bosu
-stationary lunges step front on Bosu then step back on Bosu
-deadlifts 16x vary temp
Chest-pushups 16x vary tempo
- chest press
-pec fly then rotate palms
- 8 sets of all 3 (chest press,fly,rotate,fly))
Back-deadrows w/underhand grip 16x vary(tip single row,triples,eights)
-double arm lat rows(2 positions) then w/flyes 12x each
- 8 sets combo all 3 movesZ( row in out ,to the side, rotate and row up)
Shoulders-plie w/upright row( altenate calf raise)
-plie w/ alternating front raise-( alt. calf raise)
-squat military press and alternate outer thigh
-squat arnold press " " same side outer thigh lift
-reverse lunge with lat raise 8x eac
Triceps-dips 24x
-dumbell extensions( tempo &singles)24x
-dumbell cross the body kickbacks 16x
Biceps-crazy 8's forward-,then on angle 3/1,2/2 24xeach
- hammer curls " "alternate singles 24x
-concentrated curls work negative 12 w/ 8 partial reps
Abs-upper crunch w/dumbell 8x(c,l,c,r,c 8x)
-v-sit for obliques w dumbell
-dead bug position(slowly alternate extending opposite arm/leg)
Stretch-on belly raise upper & hold 4x
-raise lower hold 4 x
-raise both up teeter tot
-alternate arm/leg raises(swim)
-superman slow count (fsbsf)
-hold weight to roll out and hold up
Cooldown-childs pose
-flat back arch tuck in
-one arm through and other roll up
-downward dog press heels
-slowly come up inhale plie
-stretch to one side then other
-come center for neck stretch
-circle shoulder forward and reverse

Thanks so much for the "Mini-Pump-Workout"! I have been trying to implement my B&TR into my workouts lately, but with my classes, jogging and my fun Cathe tapes, I have found it hard to fit it in also. It is easier to squeeze it in during the winter months when I can't get out to jog. I love the idea of an 11 minute workout to tack onto what I have done. Thanks once again for "spicing" things up! Off to give it a try after my 3 1/2 mile run!:7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Hey guys, give this workout a try. My legs are fried. Those low-end pulses were really getting in deep, but knowing I only had a minute of singles left, I made it! This workout could be implemented with lunges, squats, plies or whatever. Give it a whirl. Again, thanx Franci! Here is the workout posted by Francine:

Here's a suggestion for those that just want to use the BTR for an add-on workout or for a mini pump! So, if your creativity has worn out, try varying your tempo and using the clock (not counting reps)This will spice things up for you!

Go For 1 min rounds

warm up with singles (1/1) then start slowing it down
4/4 (down 4 up 4)
1/3 (1 down 3 up)
lowends down pulse for 3 (or 4) then come up
finish with singles (1/1)

Once you do this and are challenging yourself under the clock , you can eventually work in 30 or 45 sec intervals with the tempo and throw in the low ends for the last 15-30 secs to finish out your set!
Keep it Fun & Fresh!

Your Friend in fitness~~Francine

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Butt N Gutt w/o

Walk it up(1234) and walk it back 2x
on a r angle 2x
center 1x
on a L angle 2 x
center once
Bob n weave 16x
BnW up 4 back 4 2x
shuffle over 4x
shuffle over r & L add jab 4x
"" add hook 4x
"" add uppercut 4x
Bob N weave up on an angle(up 4) over 2 BNW back on an angle(back 4) over 2 (2x)
shuffle over 2 2x
walk up start left 4 while jabbing r and walk back 4 while jabbing
"" hook
"" Upper cut
Transition alternating Knee smash 8x
Front alt kicks(w/smash)8x
Side kicks 16
Turn Left(while kicking for front back kicks 16x)
Turn center 8 side kicks total
Turn right(while kicking front back kick 16x)
Turn center 8 side kicks
Front kicks 8x
Front knee smash(alternating 8x)
* Transition for standing ab work series starting on right
RSide crunch r leg r arm pulldown 2 sets of 8 then crisscross 2 sets of 8 l elbow r knee (2/8) then one of each -8side crunch-8 criscross (other side now)
L Side crunch(2 sets of 8 and crisscross for 2 sets of 8)(then one of each for 8)
Transition front knee smash 8x
Front crossover jabs 16x standing
then plie down 4/4 punching while gone down and up 4 x
then jab down 4 and stay down jabbing 4 and then punch towards your opposite sneaker 2x each side -4x each come up 4 and back down 4
repeat 2x then come up jabbing 4 x then straight jabs 8x then go into 4 jabs(twisting torso) w/ a knee lift(123 lift knee 123 lift other knee)8x
now 8 plie squats(arms fanning out to the side an down) alterating calf raises & on last count heel is raised pivot to right
8 full lunges(arms up and down) pulse for 16
roll back hamstring stretch --lean to left(inner thigh stretch then right then left then
pivot left 8 full lunges(arms) pulse for 16
roll back for hamstring stretch then roll fback into position and lower your body
onto floor work(get stop watch ready ;-0
On all fours(4 min each leg) 30 sec increments for 1st 3
Min 1 Right leg 30 secs knee in and out- 30 secs straight leg butt lift
Min 2 Pulse up with knee bent heel flat 30 secs then bent knee lift 30 secs
Min 3 Hamstring lift & curl 30 secs-then hamcurlsextending and flexing 30 secs
Min 4 15 secs Pulse up with heel flat then Turn bent knee out & pulse halfway 15 repeat 2x
Repeat other leg""
Childs pose stretch and roll to each side to get the burn out ;-0
Plank work(on knees to modify)
Go for Full plank holding 20 secs add leg lift 20 secs other leg 20 secs---
Stretch by alternating arm and leg only 2 x( on all fours position)
Reverse plank same thing
Hold plank 20 secs-release reach forward to toes to stretch
hold and lift one leg 20 secs then other holding 20 secs
reach forward to stretch
Transition w/ roll downs bent knee 2x
full roll down 2x(legs extended)
now back to bent knee roll up- into a v pike and hold( arms forward then out to the side-hold 20 secs)
roll down slowly for traditional ab work
upper abs crunch (butterly leg position 2/2 8x(press small of back into floor)
Cross one leg over the other (4 exercise combo w/ 2 sets of 8 each)
r elbow to right bent knee( axing motion)
then left elbow crossover to right bent knee
then thread right hand towards right heel pretend direction (cause heel is up on other leg)
reverse crunch with bringing bent knee in towards chest (tuff combo)
repeat on other side 4 exercises with 2 sets of 8
Transition w/ upper crunch and heels up(one inch) 8 x
crunch up and hold--extend leg then same arm, cradle-the 2/2 4x then 3/1 8 x
Transition w/ upper crunch and heels up again 8x
other side hold extend arm leg 2/2 4x , 3/1 8x
Keep legs extended just do reverse leg lifts 8 x arms under butt for support
know add upper 3/1 crunch combo 8x
bend knees for bent knee drops 2/2 4x then add the knee w/ reach drop down 2 then reach for toes bring legs back and return to center do 4 x each side
Keep legs extended do leg walk 8x then 2/2 then lower both 2/2 4x
bring knees in hug them now extend one leg at a time for pilate abs 10 x each side then into bicycle maneauver crisscross 10 x
hold knees and roll in small circles r and then left really loosen up the tension,rest head roll side to side
now flip and roll feet behind head 3x very slow and controlled(check out the class on this make sure legs are parallel and not on the floor)( if in controll add the roll -hold lift legs in air open slow close slow and slowly roll down)
roll back one more time and roll up quickly into all 4s postion cat stretch, flat back-then press heels down into downward dog-come to chatarunga(push up position into a cobra roll toes under and release) 2x relax down for supermans,alternate arm leg 8x then do upper only 2x with arms on forehead then just lower 2x then a long superman / back stretch
inhale lift up(whole body thorugh the whole movement) exhale
inhale move arms to the side outwards exhale
inhale arms to the back (palms up at your side )exhale
inhale arms back to the side exhale
inhale arms to the front--exhale and release the body down
do 2 x
roll body into childs pose, come on a slight angle and finish off with the mermaid 6x total holding and focusing on the breath and the movement
Unilateral training with non dominant side first

Working one side first(non dominant) then doing other side
Music- Final Cuts!
Warmup on bike 3 mins steady state, 2 mins intervals in 30 sec spurts then 2 min intervals ( standing / seating)15 sec spurts then 1 min standing 1 min seating repeating twice!
BTR(bun and thigh rocker)warm up set 1 set of 16
then one legged squat(2 sets of 16)
calf raises (btr) 16 each side
Leg extension one leg each 2 /16
hamcurls on bench one leg each 2/16
Plies with barbell( 30 lbs ) 2/16 focusing on calf raise on one side in each set(no alternating)
Tall box climb 12 lb dumbells 2/16
Inner thigh lifts w/ 12 lbs 2 sets 16
one legged lifts on step(2/16)
Warm up push ups (16)
one arm chest press(12 lbs) 2/16
one arm pec flyes 10 lbs 2/16
Warmup set pull ups on total gym(20)
underhand grip bentover row 2/ 16(30 lbs)
one arm lat row 20 lbs 2 /16
arnold press(16)(both arms)
Long one arm side lat raises 2/16
16 alt front raises
seated delt raises 1 set of 16
warm up crazy 8's w/ 20 lb barbell
hammer curls 12lbs 2/16
concentrated curls 2/16
w/up french press 1/16
overhead one arm lying extensions w/ 8lb dumbell 2/16
kickbacks 2/16
dips 1 set of 20 off of tall step w/ legs extended
reverse crunches 2/16
side jackknife 2/16
knee drops 2 sets 16
upper body crunch w/ butterfly legs 2/16
leg walks(upperbody engaged 2/16)
Cool down
6 min stretch w/ dynaband holding each stretch for 30 secs!
RE: Unilateral training with non dominant side first

Franci, this looks great!

Can you clarify a few moves for me? What are:

one legged lifts on step
side jackknife (is this the move that substitutes for long-lever oblique lifts?)
knee drops

On the leg extensions (one leg), are these done with ankle weights (ideally)?

And what could be substituted for the pullups if you don't have a pullup bar or Total Gym?

Thank you sweet pea!!! Kathy S.
RE: Unilateral training with non dominant side first

Hey Kathy,
It'll be my pleasure to clarify the moves I did;-)
For this total body program I used my existing fitness equipment but you can definitelty target the same muscle groups with other equipment ,no equipment at all or just substitute an exercise working the same muscle group listed!

Can you clarify a few moves for me? What are:

one legged lifts on step(oops forgot to put hip in between;-) it's a one legged hip lift that targets the hamstrings
side jackknife (is this the move that substitutes for long-lever oblique lifts?)YES! Lie on your left side, placing your left hand over your obliques on your right side. Clasp your right hand behind your head and straighten your right leg over your left leg. Bring your torso and right leg up toward each other as you pull with your obliques and contract briefly. Do all reps for one side before switching. To make it more diffcult you can bring your knees in and extend out!

knee drops(have pics on my photo album) supine position back flat, arms extended out for balance, Raise both legs up with your hips at 90 degrees and knees at 45 degrees .Slowly lower one leg at a time and lifting it back up to 90 degrees, then alternate, keeping the opposite leg up at all times . Bent knees,shift knees to right hold then return to center,shift knees to left-hold,return to center. To increase the difficulty of this exercise: Instead having knees at 45 degrees, increase them to 90 degrees. Lower both legs at the same time. You can place a medicine ball in between knees and lower them both at the same time or use a stability ball!
For more of a challenge, vary your tempo 2/2,1/1 then make it harder with , 3/1 ,1/3 or 4/4--you can also kick it up by dropping knees 2/2 to the right , lift body up and reach for toes with opposite hand as you extend the legs then return knees back to bent position and return to center ;-)

On the leg extensions (one leg), are these done with ankle weights (ideally)?Definitely add an ankle weight for resistance if the exercise is too easy! I used my home gym but you can do the same exercise with any of the following substitutions: seated on the floor w/ ankle weights, seated on a stability ball(chair)high step,or you can do it standing on a sturdy surface such as the floor or step or you can do it on an unstable surface such as Bosu,disc,core board,rebounder!

And what could be substituted for the pullups if you don't have a pullup bar or Total Gym?
Do you have a slide? You can mimick this move lying prone on the slide,(bent knees or extended)grab onto the side rails and push and pull your body front and back!
(no slide? prone on cardboard hold on to something sturdy with a wide grip-push and pull!
Incline your step real high on one side put cardboard between you and your step and grasp on to the grids and pull yourself up with bent knees
Ball and step---face your step(horizontally) distance yourself away and get on the stability ball,place hands wide out onto step grid and pull yourself forward and back

Or just sub the exercise with either tubing or a barbell For Tubing do lat pull downs anchor tubing safely on top of door( seated on ball or on floor in kneeling position grab onto handles-you may have to back up to have more resistance) Exhale as you pull the tube by bringing your elbows down and back following the same diagonal line created in the start position and squeeze your shoulder blades together ! Hand position either :palms down, palms facing together (
(Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.)

barbell roll outs on knees(great for abs) you can also do this with a paperplate in each hand and roll forward and roll back!

Tubing-Pumping Rubber

For those who travel or just like to PUMP RUBBER!
You can print this out for a 30 min workout doing one set of 16 -20(pumping rubber format***) or do as many sets as you like for whatever duration!
Have fun!

one legged lunges-(wrap tubing around sneaker)
one arm rows
bicep curl
rear delt raise
static lunge
Balance work-standing- anchor tubing- step on it
side raises
deadlifts (wrap around each sneaker crossover grab)
standing butt lifts, side lifts squats-- do a combo- squat- sidelift squat back lift
side steps for abductor walk
chest press- standing pull up around back
plie w pulse punch 321 crossovers
traveling plie with 321 pulse
kickbacks anchor on one foot
straight arm press backs
combo(kickback /pressback)
external rotations pull back
standing side bends
Stretch it out and your all done

Also check out
you can see more exercises!
PS a door attachment for $2 will give you some more options for other exercises!
PSS if you are into martial arts you have to check out the martial arts cuffs and Katalin's videos! Your kicks and punches will reach a whole new level }(
Lowerbody Solution

Here's a lowerbody workout just 30 mins in length along with some freestyle and lowerbody solution info for those looking to train this way! Enjoy!

equipment step-ankle weights or ankle cuff tubing
Step warm up
Basic R 8x
Corner to corner(c-c) 8x
c-c touch your inside heels 8x
c-c touch your outside heel 8x
c-c outter thigh lift 8x
outter thigh lift straddle the board outter thigh lift turn around to other side outter thigh lift straddle outter thigh lift repeat 2 x
sculpt on the corner for 15( circle arms with a full leg butt lift)
repeat everything on left
Transition on top for 8 lunge back 4 x with a knee lift then 3 knee repeater, basic right ,basic right with a left knee lift-now on your left-on top for 8 etc (repeat 2x)
Start stretches
calf raises 4 x with arms going up & down while rolling up and down hold up on last count-come down into a hip flexor stretch hold(6 secs),roll into ham stretch hold,turn to the outside for aan inner thigh stretch hold then go side to side 8 x hold center and do 2 slow back rolls(repeat other side)
Crazy 8's ;-0 (3 sets of 8) On an 8 in step( standing beside it vertically)
Plies(one foot on the step one off)ex right foot stays on the step til you get to other side
squat outter thigh lift(come closer to step)
one legged lunge(in front of the step now)
other leg one legged lunge(switch legs now)
squat outter thigh lift(now on other side of step where you started)
plies wider stance
on top of step calf raises
ankle weights
one legged lifts with one foot on step repeat other side
V's legs come out 2 up 2 2sets of 8
heels in and up singles for 2 sets of 8
combine the 2 for one set and do 8x
hold on the last 8 with heels in down position and pulse knees in and out 3 sets of 8
Knee drops
reverse curls in 2 up 2 out 2 8 x reverse that 8x
thigh/ab series
upperbody raise with outter thigh lift 3 sets of 8
inner thigh lift 3 sets of 8 then sweep 2 sets of 8 then combine the lift and sweep for a set of 8
hip raises 3 sets of 8
on hip bone do 3 sets of 8 knees in and out- up(counts as 2)
leg extensions with bent knee(2 sets of 8) then straight leg 1set of 8(leaning back on elbows )
work other side for thigh ab series......
on belly supermans- alternate 2/2 8x then both arms legs lift and hold for 8 2x-then swimmers 3 sets of 8s-then upper hold for 8 then lower hold for 8 then both hold for 8 release into childs pose,downaward dog,walk it inham stretch bend one knee then other,even the weight and hang holding onto elbows3 sets of 8 secs-inhale look up(exhale arms out to the side and come up-swan dive down and repeat again) standing do an oblique stretch(hold onto wrist then into a neck stretch-other side)

Lowerbody solution info is now in the archives:

For those interested in Freestyle

Sets and repetitions listed below are for experienced trainees. Beginners: start with one set and work up gradually, progression varies with individuals as to condition, age and determination to reach personal goals.
The following workout is only a sample, which can be modified- depending upon equipment availability and exercise preferences.

Monday o Tuesday o Wednesday o Thursday o Friday o Saturday:
SIDE LUNGE 4 X 20 These 5-6 exercises are done in a cycle
REVERSE CROSSOVERS 4 X 20 see pages 78 & 79 in Chapter 8
INNER THIGH LUNGE 4 X 20 Time for these cycles--30 minutes max!
ROPE SQUATS (optional) 4 X 20 __________________________
LEG RAISES 5X 30 These exercises are also done in a cycle
KNEE RAISES 5 X 30 _____see Chapter 9__Time to complete- 12 mins.
CARDIO (optional) 30 Minutes. Max.
Approx. time: Under 1 hour… with cardio- 1 hour- 15 minutes maximum

Extras on Tuesday o Thursday o Saturday:
DUMBBELL ROW (one arm) 3 X 10
Approx. time: 20 minutes extra on these days

Diet and Nutrition Suggestions:
Basically your diet should consist of fish or chicken (grilled-plain), LOW glycemic
veggies and fruit, water, egg whites. No sugar, starch or any kind of sodas! A sample diet
would look something like this:
BREAKFAST: 2 eggs with multi-grain toast-plain & juice or non-fat cottage
cheese & fruit or protein shake mixed with water
MID-AM small portion of low glycemic fruit
LUNCH: tuna salad and celery & water or protein shake mixed with water
MID-PM: same as mid-am (optional)
DINNER: chicken, fish with veggies & water
EVENING: nothing after 6:00pm

Got it all in one place now;-)
RE: Lowerbody Solution


I was planning to do the lower body solution in about 2 weeks. I really appreciate your advice and expertise!

Thanks so much

babydollsea :)
Wow, this is awesome!
Thanks Francine for sharing your rotations. I've been working out to Cathe for many years but am just starting to follow some of the rotations. First I did the june/july rotation for definition and fat loss, now I'm working on the august rotation-hi intensity/low intensity. The rotations are doing great things for my body. I think I just did the same videos/dvds over and over, and am getting more variety following the rotations. My lower body is definitely much firmer and lifted, and my shoulders (I love working shoulders) are definitely defined. No weight loss though-hopefully that will come shortly.

Thanks Again Francine!!!!

Cardio Coach Challenge!

Let's get ready to Rumble!
I'm reposting from CC site to share with you all as well!

Ok I'm gonna keep this simple as far as wording goes ;-)
It's a cardio coach challenge so our goal is to do all of Sean's volumes 1 -4 in a week for 4 weeks adding ANY other workout you'd like to the mix! Anything goes! If you are new to cardio coach (hi and welcome) make sure you ease into it and take a day off in between,always listening to your body and training in YOUR zone!
I received a few requests that I emailed off already and will forward to those who want the home or gym program split training as well as the interval workouts! (I put it in word document and I'm not sure it will fit ;-)

Remember the Main Cardio Challenge is CC frequency,so get your volumes ready ;-) I'll post the CCC outline below for those who want to follow the strength portion as well! Remember you can use ANY workout you like & I'll email the workout plans to those who want either gym/home/interval strength! ( I'll see if they fit if not,I'll email!)

CARDIO Portion
Monday Cardiocoach 2

Tuesday Cardio Guerilla

Wed Cardiocoach vol4

Thursday Cardiocoach vol 3

Fri Cardiocoach vol 1

Sat Cardio Guerilla

Sun Off

2nd week

Monday cardiocoach vol 1

Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 3

Wed cardiocoach Cardio Guerilla

Thursday cardiocoach vol 4

Friday CardioGuerilla

Saturday Cardio coach 2

Sun Off

3rd week repeat above but mix up the sprints/ hills

Monday Cardiocoach 2 challenge 2 do all sprints

Tuesday Cardio Guerilla 14 min version

Wed Cardiocoach vol4 reverse the hills & sprints in the challenges

Thursday Cardiocoach vol 3 all hills up resistance

Fri Cardiocoach vol 1 do all sprints even in challenge 2

Sat Cardio Guerilla

Sun Off

4th week AS IS

Monday cardiocoach vol 1

Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 3

Wed Cardio Guerilla

Thursday cardiocoach vol 4

Friday CardioGuerilla

Saturday Cardio Coach volume 2

Sun Off

*Cardio Guerilla
12 minute Cardio Guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of
perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for
10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same)
sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8
(same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum

14 min version if you didn't get a pump put of 12
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down

*** Cardio Guerilla is optional and a bonus ;-)Remember this is a challenge but we don’t want no one getting hurt or having any setbacks! Listen to your body,know your limits and capabilites and most importantly lets have fun!
*** If doing cardio coach consecutively is too much for you then skip a day in between! The goal is to use all of his volumes in one week to improve on our cardio capacity as well as burn fat Wink
*At the final week,Track your heartrate and progress, you should be more conditioned than week 1,be true to your training and adjust resistance/tension/speed accordingly! This is not a competition but a challenge for all of us to strive to be our best and reach our goals !

You can also use any workout that fits the workout design or print out worksheets from

split training guideline
Mon Chest shoulders triceps
Tues Legs calves
Wed Back Biceps
Thurs shoulders calves abs
Friday legs
Sat Back abs
Sun Rest

Weight Training Workout #1 (Monday)

CHEST: 12 reps

Flat Bench Press

Incline Press


Push Ups

SHOULDERS: 10 reps

Military Press Machine

Seated Lateral Raise

Seated Front Raise

Rear Delt Exercise with Dumbbells

TRICEPS: 10 reps

French Press

Tricep Dips

Tricep Press with Rope

Weight Training Workout # 2(Tuesday):

LEGS/CALVES: 12-15 reps


Walking Lunges: w/10-15lbs. dumbbells

Step Ups

Leg Extensions

Leg Curls for Hamstring

Calf Raises Seated

Weight Training Workout #3 (Wednesday):

BACK: 10 reps

Lat Pull Downs

Close grip Rows

Bent over Rows

Low Back Extensions

BICEPS: 10-12 reps

EZ Curl Bar

Hammer Curls

Concentration Curls

Weight Training Workout #4 (Thursday):

SHOULDERS: 10 reps

Overhead Press with Dumbbells

Lying Side Lateral Raise

Upright Row

Rear Delt on Chest Fly Machine

ABS/CALVES: 20 reps

Donkey Calf Raise

Calf Raise with dumbbells

Abs on Swiss Ball with weight behind your head

Crunches w/ Rope on Cable Machine

Reverse Crunches

Weight Training Workout #5 (Friday):

LEGS: 12-15 reps

Leg Press

Hack Squats

Smith Machine Lunges

Inner Thigh Machine

Leg Extensions

Straight Legged Dead Lift

Weight Training Workout #6 (Saturday):

BACK: 10 reps

Wide Grip Pull Ups

Straight Arm Push Down

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

T-Bar Rows

ABS: 20 reps

Weighted Ab Machine

Hanging Knee Raise

Crunches on Decline Bench


Weeks 1 and 2 do 3 sets and adjust weights accordingly!

Weeks 3 & 4 do 4 sets and for the abs/calves do 5 sets!

Drink 1 gallon of water and spend atleast 5-10 mins stretching after your workout ! Stay limber and elongated by breathing and holding your stretch for atleast 20 secs!

home version
Weight Training Workout #1 (Monday)

CHEST: 12 reps

Flat Bench Press with dumbbells

Incline Press with dumbbells

Flys with dumbbells

Push Ups

SHOULDERS: 10 reps

Military Press with dumbbells

Seated Lateral Raise with dumbbells

Seated Front Raise with dumbbells

Rear Delt Exercise with Dumbbells

TRICEPS: 10 reps

Tricep Kickback

Tricep Dips

French Press

Weight Training Workout # 2(Tuesday):

LEGS/CALVES: 12-15 reps


Walking Lunges: w/10-15lbs. dumbbells

Step Ups

Leg Extensions

Leg Curls for Hamstring

Calf Raises Seated

Weight Training Workout #3 (Wednesday):

BACK: 10 reps

Lat Pull Downs

Close grip Rows

Bent over Rows

Low Back Extensions

BICEPS: 10-12 reps

EZ Curl Bar

Hammer Curls

Concentration Curls

Weight Training Workout #4 (Thursday):

SHOULDERS: 10 reps

Overhead Press with Dumbbells

Lying Side Lateral Raise with Dumbbells

Upright Row with Straight Bar

Rear Delt w/Dumbbells

ABS/CALVES: 20 reps

Calf Raise with dumbbells

Abs on Swiss Ball with weight behind your head

Reverse Crunches

Hip tucks on stability ball(feet on ball in push up position, roll knees in and tuck your hips up in the air and back out)

Weight Training Workout #5 (Friday):

LEGS: 12-15 reps

Wide Stance Squats w/Dumbbells

Decline Lunges off bench

Inner Thigh floor exercise with weight on inner thigh

Leg Extensions

Leg Curls

Straight Legged Dead Lift

Weight Training Workout #6 (Saturday):

BACK: 10 reps

Wide Grip Pull Ups

Straight Arm Push Down

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

Close Grip rows

ABS: 20 reps

Crunches on stability ball with weight behind your head

V-ups on floor

Crunches on Decline Bench


Weeks 1 and 2 do 3 sets and adjust weights accordingly!

Weeks 3 & 4 do 4 sets and for the abs/calves do 5 sets!

Drink 1 gallon of water and spend atleast 5-10 mins stretching after your workout ! Stay limber and elongated by breathing and holding your stretch for atleast 20 secs!


interval training guideline
Totalbody 3x a week (an example would be Mon Wed Fri) do what works for you skipping a day in between

3x a week an example would be Mon Wed Fri, do what works for you skipping a day !

Warm-up-1 minute
Light Stretches-1.5 minutes

Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Squats-15 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Plie Squats-15 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Toe-In Squats (done with toes turned slightly inward in standard squat position)-15 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 8 minutes

Crunches-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Overhead Shoulder Presses-12 reps
Static Lunges-10 reps each leg
Overhead Shoulder Presses-12 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 11 minutes, 50 seconds

Oblique Crunches (bent legs over to one side, lift upper body in crunch motion)-15 reps each side
Pushups-10 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Front Lunges-10 reps each leg
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 17 minutes, 15 seconds

Lower Abdominal Crunches (legs in air bent at 90-degree angle)-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Alternating Front Lunges-10 reps each leg
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 22 minutes

Crunches-15 reps
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Backward (Reverse) Lunges-10 reps each leg
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 26 minutes, 15 seconds

Oblique Crunches-15 reps each side
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Alternating Backward (Reverse) Lunges-10 reps each leg
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 30 minutes, 10 seconds

Lower Ab Crunches-15 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Alternating Biceps Curl-12 reps each arm
Overhead Shoulder Press-12 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows-12 reps each arm
Triceps Kickback-12 reps each arm
Alternating Front Raises-12 reps each arm
Lateral Raises-12 reps
Front/Back Lunge (right leg moving, left leg stationary)-10 reps (watch count here)
Lower Ab Crunches-10 reps
Oblique Crunches-10 reps each side
Crunches-10 reps
Pushups-10 reps
Front/Back Lunge (left leg moving, right leg stationary)-10 reps each side
Cardio Interval-30 seconds
Elapsed time: 41 minutes

Stretch (same stretches as beginning)-1.5 minutes

Total Elapsed Time: 42 minutes, 30 seconds



Total Body
light weights-3,5,8, dumbbells

5 MINUTES - warm up total body on your own

Always holding weights in hands for the following:
Bicep curls 30 secs
Hammer curls with a twist 30 secs
Right tricep extension 30 secs
Left tricep extension 30 secs


1 Min squats
1 Min squats with hammer curls
Front alternating dumbell raises 30 secs
Both hands dumbbell raises 30 secs
Right Lat rows with a twist 30 secs
Left Lat rows with a twist 30 secs

1 Min Front alternating lunges w/ hammer curls last 30 secs
1 Min Reverse Lunges with hammer curls at last 30 secs
Full Pushups off of step (30 secs)
Pushups on knees (30 secs)
Shrugs (30 secs)
Shrugs with up right rows (30 secs)

Stretch (approx 16 mins)

#2 Circuit


1 Min plie squat with alternating calf raises
1 Min plie squat with both calves raised & bicep curls
Wrist curls 30 secs
Reverse wrist curls with bicep curl 30 secs
Dips off of step w bent knees 30 secs
Dips off of step with straight legs 30 secs


1 Min squat with alternating outer thigh lifts
1 Min squat alternating outer thigh lifts with a hammer curl
Alternating lateral raises 30 secs
Both arms lateral raises 30 secs
Right lat row with a twist 30secs
Left lat row with a twist 30 secs


1 Min squat alternating legs for a butt lift
30 secs squat right butt lift
30 secs squat left butt lift
Bench press 30 secs
Pec flyes 30 secs
Bentover shrugs 30 secs
Shrugs with lat raises 30 secs

Stretch approx 12 mins

#3 Circuit


1 Min side lunges
30 secs jump in jump out
30 secs side lunges
Seated alternating bicep curls 30 secs
Seated both arms bicep curl 30 secs
Seated overhead tricep extension 1 min


1 Min Squat alternating hamstring curl
30 secs squat with right hamstring curl
30 secs squat with left hamstring curl
Seated shoulder press 1 min
Pullovers on bench 1 min


Lunge wheel front, side, reverse, squat (holding weight) 2 min
Lat rows with both arms extended 1 min
Push up on toes 30 secs
Push up on knees 30 secs

Stretch out
back stretch - supermans

20 reps of the following:
toe touches with legs raised
left side crunch
right side crunch
lower leg lifts and bicycle manuever twisting 20 x at a steady pace with constant tension on the abs!

Full body stretch

(approx 20 min)

Abs diet dvd if you have it if here are the exercises below
Abs Diet Workout 55 min Full Workout


Beginner Abs
Bent Leg Knee Raise
Twisting Crunch
Back Extension

Beginner Circuit
Stationary Lunge
Plie Squat
Bent Knee Push-Up
Dumbbell Rows
Overhead Shoulder Press
Bicep Curl
Triceps Kickback

Intermediate Abs:
Raised Feet Crunch
Raised Knee-In
Corkscrew Obliques
Side Bridge

Intermediate Circuit:
Squat with Dumbbell
Stationary Lunge w Dumbbell
Plie Squat w Dumbbell
Full Push-Ups
Bent Arm Dumbbell Row
Side Raises
Hammer Curl
Tricep Press-Up

Advanced Abs:
Toe Touch
Bent Knee Pull-In
Double Crunch with Cross
Two Point Bridge

Advanced Circuit:
Squat with Side Raise
Striding Lunch with Dumbbell
Plie Squat with Bicep Curl
Striding Backward Lunge
Alternating Leg Push-Up
Bent Over Flyes
Tricep Dip


Cathe Rotation(piece of cake adding in cc for those following hers)
You all will be on her June week 3

Mon......CTX Upper Body Chest
CTX Upper Body Back
cardio coach vol 2

Tues.....Leaner Legs
Abs Only from Kick Punch and Crunch
Flexibility Workout of your choice

Wed......CTX Upper Body Shoulders
cardiocoach vol 1

Thurs....Leaner Legs
20 minutes Ab Hits
Flexibilty Workout of choice

Fri......CTX Upper Body Biceps
CTX Upper Body Triceps
cardiocoach volume 3


Sun......cardiocoach vol4
Additional stretch workout of choice


Mon.....Maximum Intensity Strength
cardiocoach vol 1

Tues....cardiocoach vol 4

Wed.....Body Max
Segment one Stretchmax

Thurs...cardiocoach vol 3
flexibility workout of choice

Fri.....Power Hour
cardiocoach vol 1

Sat.....OFF boot Camp

Pm cardio coach vol 2

For those who don’t have the workouts but want to follow the exercise sequences go to

and print out the worksheets!

Great it all fit ;-)

Read it all over , let it digest and see if any of the above programs will help you reach YOUR goals! If not,don't worry whatever you decide to do WILL WORK! We are all in this together!
So Let's get MOVING and stay moving :) No time for down time

adding this for requests(remember you can use the worksheets ;-)

Tues PS Legs
Thurs CTX shoulders,5 20 calves, ab hits
FRI Legs and Glutes
Sat PUB back abs MM abs twice }(
Cardio Coach Challenge link!

I was soo caught up online and with emails this morning that I forgot to post a couple of things! I tried to edit but was too late so here's some more info hope you find it helpful!

The link to the cardiocoach challenge

Here's a guidleine/recommendation for those wanting to use Cathe's totalbody workouts(circuit- cardioweights -or combined) 3x a week along with cardiocoach,it's all about the variety and your individual goals!

My recommendation for Cardio weights combined

My recommendation for totalbody

mixing total body w/ circuits in a week
total body
total body

C& W
C & W

also for variation you can just keep going with every other having the weeks look like this between your pure cardio days
total body
total body
C& W
C & W

or alternate where you let off
her's an ex
Mon C& W
tues cardio
Wed C& W
Thurs cardio
Fri Total body
Sat cardio
Sun Totalbody(or this is rest or cardio )
Mon Total body(or cardio if day before was rest)
Tues cardio
Wed C& W
Thurs cardio
Fri C& W
Sat cardio
SUN rest
Mon C& W
etc your possibiliteis are endless, just mix it up , have fun and make sure you are working to your fullest potential!

Have fun!}(
Cardio Coach Bonus Challenge

Bonus Challenge
Monday cardiocoach vol 1 repeat Challenge 1 before cooldown sprints

Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 2 repeat challenge 2 hills before cooldown

Wed no cardio(wts)

Thursday cardiocoach vol 3 repeat challenge 1 sprints before cooldown

Friday no cardio (wts)

Saturday Cardio Coach volume 4 repeat either challengeâ€￾your callâ€￾

repeat challenge 1 for sprints Repeat challenge 2 for hills *Bring it home again w/3 all
repeat 2x the same or reverse the challenge for bonus blast

Week 2(final week)

Monday cardiocoach vol 1 repeat challenge 2 hills before cooldown

Tuesday Cardiocoach vol 2 repeat challenge 3 hills before cooldown or go to challenge 2 and change visualization to sprint for all out 1 min sprints w/ 1 min recovery

Wed no cardio(wts)

Thursday cardiocoach vol 3 repeat challenge 2 hills before cooldown

Friday no cardio (wts)

Saturday Cardio Coach volume 4 repeat challenge 3 before cooldown

Sun Off

always have options

you may just strive to do any of these cc challenges 2 - 3 x's a week-whichever it is GO FOR IT !

you may want to start with vol 4 and work your way down to vol 1 towards the end of the week(or mix volumes up) if so Go for it !

you may want to do weights on Mon(or 3x a week) if so GO FOR IT !

you may want to have a recovery week-or a few days(lots of stretching or active rest) if so GO FOR IT (but get in on the challenge -when you can or most definitly on week 2, cause you'll be ready }(

soo heres the deal, this is YOUR BONUS CHALLENGE to Reach YOUR GOAls and KICK it out for yet another 2 weeks(then promise we'll start fresh in Aug and build from there Whatever you decide to do GO FOR IT! For now, I'm just providing a guideline and if your a sick pup like me you'll do it as is

some added info to my madness }(
For the weight portion(do this on a NON CARDIO DAY)-a few options you may want to challenge yourself with the added set/poundage or you may want to mix it up and do a different training concept (ex if you did split you may want to do one of the t/b circuit programs 2 - 3 x a week circuit or do an upper lower body split w/ one total body -or just upper/lower or possibly just one high rep t/b or one slow and heavy t/b with 3 exercises per muscle group ( as long as everyone hits all muscles groups atleast once a week and does something progressivly different than the past 4 weeks) These two weeks will focus individually on weights one day and than cardio separately! I also recommend dedicating atleast 10 mins of stretching each day after your workout and if you are gonna add any workouts make it something to improve your flexibility-yoga/pilates or athletic stretch! Stay loose and limber since you'll be overloading your muscles!(once again)
Quick note to please Make sure your weight is challenging on your last 2 reps and you are up to 5 sets if you are doing split training(atleast on chest back and legs) (you may do 5 sets and reduce your reps if you have to and also reduce your rests between sets! I know asking a lot but you came this far }( Hang in there, MAKE IT YOUR OWN, Train Smart & believe in yourself!
We are Stronger than we think,We Can do this!
Here are the forum links to the 2 week bonus challenges for those wanting motivation or ideas on how others did their THANG ;-)

PS Aug will be up soon ;-)

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