RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...
I have all of Cathe's workouts on VHS.
I just got my first DVD player last Thursday so I ordered from CK Sales (Canada -- saves on duties!) the PowerHour, MIS, BodyMax DVD to test the player on.
I tend to do cardio tapes in their entirety, or make up my own. I have a double VCR so I taped, for example, the CTX 10-10-10 and tacked on the final PowerMax segment, and made a CTX Step Intervals/All Step combo. I also compiled all the ab sections from Cathe's workouts so I didn't have to get the Ab Hits DVD. I am now into my second ABS tape, and am going to make a compilation of all the Ab work from Boot Camp when I get a chance.
The main reason I bought the DVD player was the Body Blast series plus I felt it was time to go explore the DVD galaxy. My second reason was so I could quickly and effortlessly find a body part that I want to tack on to whatever workout I happen to be doing. It would be great to tack on say shoulders from MIS before or after triceps on 10-10-10 and not have to wait for cueing. Time is too precious when you only have approximately an hour to work out and then you have to go to work.
To buy Cathe's cardio DVD's would be an extravagance and unnecessary for my needs. Plus (gag me) I think I have to buy a new TV because although my RCA is still good after 20 years, it only has one "TV-out" line so I can't have both VHS and DVD hooked up at the same time! Pain in the you-know-where!
Starting with Body Blast, all my future Cathe purchases will be DVD.