For those of you who have most if not all of the DVD's.....


Did you buy them piece meal over a period of time or did you buy them all at once in a bundle? And was it a good plan? I have the videos for CTX, MIS, PS and SH....and now we have a DVD player and I want ALL the DVDs!

But $$$ eegads!

I think I may have to go piece meal to avoid Visa Shock...but I know that is more expensive. What did you guys do?

RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

I purchased the PH+ even though I already had MIS & BodyMax on video. Also bought the PS DVD after owning the videos. It's so much easier to customize a workout with the DVD's. I'm using the DVD versions so much more now. I'm pretty sure I did this (bought DVD versions) during a presale.

The Intensity Series DVD's are truly incredible with chaptering & pre-mixes.

One caveat, if you always do a workout from start to finish, you don't need to replace the older ones with a DVD. Different story if you're trying to carve segments out (like upper body only from BodyMax).

I haven't done it, but it appears fairly easy to sell your video versions of the workouts you replace w/ DVDs.

RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

Hi :)

I have been buying my DVDs "kind of" slowly :) I think I discovered that they existed when I came to this site in November... and had to order at least one of them :) I only already owned Body Max, Circuit Max, Cardio Kicks (thought my VCR had just eaten it), and the Pure Srength series. I actually decided to buy them, BECAUSE my VCR had eaten Cardio Kicks, and I had several sets of DVDs before I even had a DVD player! I used my computer :))) Since then I've bought everything (just bought Terminator with the Body Blast presale) but the new Pure Strength series. I don't use those too too often, so I'm waiting until I leave home and I can leave the tapes with my mom (I feel like such a dork for saying stuff like that :p ). My purchases were basically bimonthly... kind of like a splurge for myself... even though I would have saved money by getting them all together... It's more fun when you order them individually and it gives you something to look forward to :7

Not sure I helped you at all but want to add that the DVDs are a worthwhile investement and just plain neat :)

RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

I think that you should just bite the bullet and order them all at once. I have paid waaaaayyyy too much money by buying them one at a time. There is only One that I do not own, and that is because I have all three on video (that I just bought to see if I like Cathe tapes). I have spend about 6*5 30 on shipping alone. I did not get the huge volume discount, all in all I would have been much better off to get them all at once. If you can afford it, I would do it, because you know you will eventually do it :)
RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

I bought mine in two large chunks, as I sold my VHS tapes on ebay. The ebay money helped finance the DVD purchase!

I bought mine during the presales as they came out. I believe that the first group of Cathe DVD's is what pushed me over the edge as far as deciding to buy a DVD player!
RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

I first bought videos piecemeal. Then I bought a bunch to get a discount. Then I threw all caution to the wind, sold almost all my videos on eBay and bought one of the DVD bundles.

Then I got into presales. That's the best way to go, really.

I say if you are All Cathe All the Time, then go ahead and pre-order the Blast presale and get free shipping on a huge bundle of current DVDs! But if you're into other instructors, I'd recommend a more cautious approach.
RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

Hey Chistine...

I'm interested in selling some of my tapes on ebay also. Could you let me know how you did that and about how much you sold them for? Mine are in good shape... just a bit dusy :)

I bought my DVD's a little at a time and now I'm wishing I would have just bought all of them at once. I tried to make myself feel better by not spending so much at the same time. But it turns out I would have saved much more money just getting the whole bunch at once. That's if you're sure that you will get all of them one day. :) They're so addicting though so how can you not? LOL!! :7
I bought all at once, but it was a couple of series ago and the total cost was much less. Then I pre-ordered. But IMHO, if you end up paying credit card interest on your purchase because of ordering them all, you have to factor that in to your pre-order savings. And that can be a very sneaky thing, the amount can be much higher than you anticipate if you end up with other charges on your card...-joy
I discovered Cathe and DVDs very shortly before a big income tax rebate. The the intensity series and another rebate.

I changed my info on my W-4 form this year (now what'll I do!?) but my Body Blast series is pre-ordered! It's a lot less $ than all those others, and the player.
RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

I have all of Cathe's workouts on VHS.

I just got my first DVD player last Thursday so I ordered from CK Sales (Canada -- saves on duties!) the PowerHour, MIS, BodyMax DVD to test the player on.

I tend to do cardio tapes in their entirety, or make up my own. I have a double VCR so I taped, for example, the CTX 10-10-10 and tacked on the final PowerMax segment, and made a CTX Step Intervals/All Step combo. I also compiled all the ab sections from Cathe's workouts so I didn't have to get the Ab Hits DVD. I am now into my second ABS tape, and am going to make a compilation of all the Ab work from Boot Camp when I get a chance.

The main reason I bought the DVD player was the Body Blast series plus I felt it was time to go explore the DVD galaxy. My second reason was so I could quickly and effortlessly find a body part that I want to tack on to whatever workout I happen to be doing. It would be great to tack on say shoulders from MIS before or after triceps on 10-10-10 and not have to wait for cueing. Time is too precious when you only have approximately an hour to work out and then you have to go to work.

To buy Cathe's cardio DVD's would be an extravagance and unnecessary for my needs. Plus (gag me) I think I have to buy a new TV because although my RCA is still good after 20 years, it only has one "TV-out" line so I can't have both VHS and DVD hooked up at the same time! Pain in the you-know-where!

Starting with Body Blast, all my future Cathe purchases will be DVD.

I bought a cheap dvd which could play NTSC dvd's and as I had space on my card I ordered all the dvd's (this was before the IS series came out) glad I did as I got some workouts that I didn't have like CM, Cardio Kick, MIS & MIC. So it really worked for me.

Also with the currency difference that helped lower the price and as I ordered through Cathe I could watch as they were shipped acorss the ocean.
I think I may have to order piece meal so my husband doesn't notice?!?

He looks at CTX & is like, "You have 6 videos! 6! How many more do you NEED?!?"

hm...maybe 27? ;-)
Hee hee too funny!! I am so jealous of all you dvd people!!! I have no idea why I did not convert ages there is no way. I would feel like I was starting all over again. But maybe if I convince the DH to get one of those dvd/vcr combos I can use what I have and just never get anything else in vhs...oh big sigh!
RE: For those of you who have most if not all of the DV...

Can you run your DVD player through your VCR? If your VCR is like mine, you have an input for cable/antenna and an input for another video/audio source (in the back). You might be able to hook the DVD player into that input using a regular video-audio cable, then select "auxilary" on the VCR (if you have such an option), to view the DVD. I hope this makes sense. I also have an old TV with only one input. Before I hooked everything up through my stereo system, I ran my second VCR through my first.

On topic, I'm buying old Cathes piecemeal and preordering all the new ones. I simply can't afford the whole bunch at once, and I don't want to wait the three years it would take to save up.

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