Anyone setting any fitness goals for 2013? I would like to have legs like Jai!! I'll be working on that
I'm going to work on my hamstrings, rotator cuff and posture muscles. Cut dairy out of my diet so that I can be strictly vegan.
I would love to have Jai's legs from TTM and CRF but I have no idea how to make that happen. Maybe a rock bottoms rotation. It'd be nice if the cast could share their fitness secrets.
I'm going to work on my hamstrings, rotator cuff and posture muscles. Cut dairy out of my diet so that I can be strictly vegan.
I would love to have Jai's legs from TTM and CRF but I have no idea how to make that happen. Maybe a rock bottoms rotation. It'd be nice if the cast could share their fitness secrets.
Finally, I"m going to spend time for a Daily Devotional with God. I've neglected myself spiritually as well. It doesn't have to be a huge time committment, and one of my dearest friends bought me a Devotional for Christmas.
I have been reading your posts this year and following your troubles. I pray that this is a better year for you. I also like this in your post. I am a huge proponent of exercise. I know it is crucial in anyone's life, but what does it profit us if we do it to the neglect of our soul?
As times get tougher (and they are) we need that relationship with God to sustain us. He is real, the most powerful being, loving and available to those who seek Him with their whole heart.
This is my goal this year: To put God first, commune with the Lover of my soul as often as possible: love Him most as well as lose that last 10 pounds!