FIT TV wants your input

No problem helping out!

1. I usually workout in the afternoons (3-5 pm) or evenings (8-9 pm) since I homeschool and do not want to take time away from the kids.

2. 4-6 days per week

3. a) I like the balance between workout, cooking, and other lifestyle-type programs. Most of the workouts, except Cathe, are pretty mild. Some power yoga would be great.

b) More Cathe!

4. 60 minutes offered more often (ONLY 60 minute programs would be ideal, but I'm not the only one watching FIT TV!). I agree with the others who'd prefer the commercials at the end of cardio programs.

5. Perhaps keeping the different types of workouts on a rotating basis (i.e. cardio, then strength, then yoga/pilates, then start the cycle over).

Thanks for asking for our input!
Hey Cathe, So glad you (and FIT TV) asked, here's another:)

1) I typically workout 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

2) Six days a week. I take Sunday or Monday off.

3) No FIT TV here:-(

4) Hands down 60 minute program. I'm just getting nicely into my workout after 30 minutes}(

5) As mentioned by others, the Carribean Workout is a great show (Wow! A rebounder and Shelley's Canadian too!!)it gives the viewer intensity, cardiovascular challenge and variety as well as an element of fun, hmmmm sounds alot like Cathe! (but you're in a league of your own:7 ).
Whatever programing FIT TV chooses, it should respect the advanced exerciser and rise to the challenge of providing them quality programing. Obviously if they are asking Cathe to ask us then they're on the right track. To quote Tina Turner, Cathe is "simply the best!":)

It is my pleasure to help out. Thank you for bringing so much fitness and fun into my home. :)

Take Care
1) 6-7 pm
2) 5-6 days, different days off. the way my scedule is, Tuesday and Saturday are my days off, but mostly Saturday.
3) a. I would like to see an informative show that features facts, hints and tips etc. on different muscles, your forms with certain excercises, different equipment weights and how to use it properly to get results, different methods about weightloss, vitamins, food and recipes, new clothing and where to buy them, etc.
b. More Cathe of course. I would like Cathe to have her own show.
4) 60 min
5)I agree with all the other posts about the commercials. Less or no commercials till the end.

Thanks FitTv. Love you guys for introducing me to Cathe.
And of course Thank you Cathe for helping me achieve my goal. Its working great!

1) Mornings 4:45-5:45am Central Time 6:00am-7:00am Saturdays
2) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
3)No, I don't get it but I would if there were incentive.
4)60 minute
Hi Cathe,
I am new to your forum (the last month) and it is fabulous!
I watch FitTV everyday - here are my responses to your questions:
1. I work out from 5:45 am - 7 am
2. I work out Monday through Friday
3. I get FitTV through the local cable distributor
a. I would like to see a Pilates show and more one hour aerobic
and aerobic toning shows.
b. Sharon Mann and Peak Performance - when it is a Cathe
4. I prefer a 60 minute show. The 30 minute shows are really only
20 minutes of exercise after the commercials are taken into
5. Please request that FitTV do a better job of describing the
episodes of the various shows on the website.
I love the Cathe workouts I've seen so far on FitTV but they're not on frequent enough. I enjoy a 45 to 60 minute workout and think it would be a lot better if the commercials were at the end of the segment. I would like to see some more low impact cardio added. Also, I think there are some newbies out there who would benefit from beginner/intermediate step routines. I normally workout between 4 and 5 AM 5 to 6 days a week I tape Cathe's program and view it later or just use one of her DVD's. I also would like to see more exercise programs added to the schedule. I have Brighthouse cable and it carries FitTV.....when scrolling through the days schedule, most of the shows give a brief description of what type of exercise will be the focus.....Aerobic Conditioning doesn't and I would like to see that added. I would like to see Charlene Prickett added. On Gilads programming information, it lists the location, not the exercise focus.....I'd rather know what he's doing, not where he is.:+ :) :)

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)


2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?


3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....
a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?
b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

I would like to see more shows about fitness that are not workouts. I like shows like "I Lost It" on Discovery Health and "Secrets of Celebrity Fitness". I don't watch the workout shows, because I prefer to DVDs or tapes because they don't have commercials.

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

Don't care.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

I'd love to see Cathe profiled/interviewed, along with other fitness professionals.
1. I usually workout mornings at 8am.
2. I typically work out M-F.
3. I am a Dish Network customer, don't have it, and have called more than once to request it.
4. I'd prefer 30 minute programs, commercial free.
5. My last suggestion would be please, oh please, Dish Network, pick up the channel! :)

1. after 5 pm
2. 5-6 days per week .. usually monday thru Saturday
3. a. Cathe Step!
b. more Cathe & Fitness fantasy
4. either
5. I love FITTV and sooo pleased to have it on Direct TV :)
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am) around 9:00 in the morning
>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? 6 days a week Monday through Saturday
>3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it.... I have Comcast and don't have FIT TV
>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now?
>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of?
>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
>program? If I had FIT TV I would go more towards the 60 minutes
>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here. I would like to see FIT TV on Comcast
I like to work out at 6 to 7 am and I usually workout 6 days a week, and yes I get Fit TV and I watch it quite Often and I would love to see more of your workouts on it in the mornings and I would love to see some pilates workouts also. and I prefer a 60 minute program
1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

I work out around 7 am-10 am it varies from one day to the next.

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Monday- Friday

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

I would love to see Cathe on in the morning!

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?


4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

60 minute is better.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

I really don't care for the yoga show. The instructor has a very annoying voice. I would like to see a better yoga show.
Hi Cathe, I get FIT TV and I love it! Here's my feedback:

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Mornings 6:30 a.m. PST

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days? 6 days - I usually take Fridays off

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?
Right now I don't know what I'm missing...

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of? I would like to see more workouts with more instructors. I would like to see more shows about things like the Iron-Man, or other endurance type sports and how "regular" people train for them. I also would like them to bring awareness about fitness events that people might be interested in attending - I mean how do we find out about things like that??? How about highlighting things like fitness competitions, or even the Super Show. (Of course it's possible they've done this and I missed those!)

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program? I would like to see a bit more 60 minute programs, but not too many more. I think they have too many 30 minutes programs.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
It would be nice in their line-up for workouts to give you a heads-up of equipment you might need for the upcoming workout. If you try to do one of them - like your Boot Camp for example, and you're not familiar with the instructor, you waste time trying to get your props together.

I do think FIT TV is awesome and I really enjoy it. Thanks for asking!

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am) **I am a morning workout person...I usually workout at 8 AM (Central).

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? ***I usually workout 6 days a week Mon, Tues, Weds, (Thurs off) Fri, Sat and Sun.

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it.... ***Oh my gosh YES I am watching it. I have DirecTV and It's great! My husband calls me a Fit TV junkie!

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now? **More step shows that teach simple basic choreography and Step Interval programming. I am also a kickboxing fanatic so that would be a plus to Fit TV!

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of? ***Your Programs! I think the weight training shows are wonderful. I have never been one to lift weights...but due to seeing your Power Hour and Muscle Endurance...I absolutely LOVE lifting weights now. What a wonderful approach to weight training!

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program? I enjoy some of the 30 minute programs. But, I think that the 30 minute programs really are cut short due to the high volume of commercials. So...for an overall good workout...I think that better cardio conditioning and over all I think that the 60 minute shows are so much better!

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here. I would Like to see more of your shows on Peak Performance or see that that time slot is YOURS and dedicated to you and not other martial arts or Navy Seals programming. It does make one frustrated.

Thanks so much and are absolutely Terrific!

I usually workout during my daughter's naptime...1:00 p.m. for about 1 to 1/2 hours. Sometimes, I go to the gym for step and that is 10:00 a.m.

I workout 6 days per week. (Saturdays off because I work in the restaurant business and Sat. is a late night for me).

I don't get Fit TV, but if I did, I would be watching it. I get Comcast Cable, and they don't get Fit TV (as far as I know).

I would prefer a 60 minute program. I would watch whatever Cathe Friedrich was available...she is the best!!!
Survey answers!

Hey Cathe, here are my answers!

What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

I typically work out between 7pm and 10pm in the evening. On the weekends I'll work out in the afternoon or early evening.

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

I vary my days depending on my schedule and the part of my body I'm working on. I will work out and rest two days during the week including weekends.

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

I would like to see more success stories and shows about bodybuilders and their routines!

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

Cathe's shows! Success stories! Carribean workout! How the stars get in shape. Eating plans to keep in shape that are inexpensive.

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

30 minute programs.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

Wish the shows I like came on after 5pm California time.

Don't see how the military peak performance shows helps with fitness. I think they should rethink showing them on FitTV.

Too much repetition of shows, but I know they are a fledging channel and will get better with time.
1)mornings 6:30am-7:30am


>a)more boot camp workouts so maybe a show focused on just bootcamp style

>b)more cathe frederich workouts...I do like the caribean workout with shelly too

>4) 60 minutes
yes one more thing- I think they should show ONLY excersize show- peak performance should just be cathe workouts

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