Figure Competitions


Hi All,

I decided I needed to create a goal for myself that is exciting and a little scary, so I thought I'd train for a figure competition. I contacted a coach and as soon as I received a response, I got EXTREMELY nervous.

Suddenly, all I could think about was "what if I fail??" I don't really have anyone to support me in this and that makes me a little nervous as well.

So, I wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with these competitions and what your thoughts are on them. I'd love to hear your comments!! :)

I have no experience and definitely not the "guts" that you have.

IMO you will not fail if you put your 110% into your training. Not every person is #1 and your effort is the success, not whether you win or lose.

Wowie is all I can say . . . that is a great goal ! Best of luck !
There are things that I find bravery for- this is not one of them, and I take my hat off to you for even contemplating it. I won't even strip down to undies and bra for a health professional unless I have a sheet over me; to be in front of all of those people wearing that little who are literally judging me on every aspect of my appearance- well, I'm pretty sure death is preferable. I truly admire those that want to do it. I worry about the whole really bad tan thing and the man face that seems to pervade the fitness athlete industry, though.
Go for it! I've done one and earned 4th place. It was a blast! The training was tough, but the dieting was harder. Check out my photos in my profile and feel free to pm me if you have questions. Good luck!

Hi All,

I decided I needed to create a goal for myself that is exciting and a little scary, so I thought I'd train for a figure competition. I contacted a coach and as soon as I received a response, I got EXTREMELY nervous.

Suddenly, all I could think about was "what if I fail??" I don't really have anyone to support me in this and that makes me a little nervous as well.

So, I wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with these competitions and what your thoughts are on them. I'd love to hear your comments!! :)

Hi All,

I decided I needed to create a goal for myself that is exciting and a little scary, so I thought I'd train for a figure competition. I contacted a coach and as soon as I received a response, I got EXTREMELY nervous.

Suddenly, all I could think about was "what if I fail??" I don't really have anyone to support me in this and that makes me a little nervous as well.

So, I wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with these competitions and what your thoughts are on them. I'd love to hear your comments!! :)


Cheryl - I think it is GREAT that you want to do a competition... I've not done figure, but I competed in bodybuilding 8-9 years ago. My first show was an amazing experience. I learned alot about myself - not just my body, but about my soul, my way of thinking, etc. I came out of it with so much more self-confidence - ready to take on the world! It was tough preparing for it - but I had fun with the agony of dieting and training because I had that goal... I say GO FOR IT... Keep us posted.
Hi Cheryl -
We will support you! :)

Good for you for being brave. My sister just lost 30 pounds and has also decided to do a figure competition in November. Her trainer is a pro fitness competitor, and I think 2 or 3 of the girls in her class have also decided to go for it.

I am not quite that brave yet, but if I live through insantity and sts and get the results I am looking for, I might just join you in that goal!
Hi Cheryl - GO FOR IT! You only live once and if you have the inkling - at least try. I'm 10 weeks out from my first show and just today my trainer told me the underlying muscle is there - time to shred some fat! Diet is very tight from here on out.

Now every time I train w/ her she "prepares" me a little more. Like telling me not to be surprised when it gets so hard that I'll probably cry - and truly NO ONE else will get it. Or the tanning. At the last show in May one of her clients chose the spray on tan. Now my trainer had never done that - she always used pro tan. Client said with the spray on - they called them in in groups of 3 - made all 3 ladies strip down nekkid, and sprayed away. This client said she really wasn't ready for that. We just started practicing the posing too, which is key. Most people don't have to flex while trying to look relaxed, all the while standing in 6" stripper shoes. You know - that kind of stuff. So as I learn more of these tidbits, I think "what am I - nuts?" And the answer is probably yes, but again I go back to - you only live once. Good luck to you!
Cheryl, I say GO FOR IT too! You'll never know unless you try, and you don't want to regret it when it's too late.

I've never done a figure comp before, but I've trained for (and FINISHED) a full marathon and fundraised over $5,000 at the same time. The mental game is just as important as the physical. There came a point in my training where I was having physical issues and wasn't sure if I could (or wanted to) do it. I mean, who in their right mind WANTS to run 26.2 miles? ;) Saw a doc, who assured me I can work thru it but I doubted myself. The next day, I figured I'd buck up and just TRY and you know what??? I did it......because I BELIEVED I could!

YOU CAN TOO!!!!! Please keep us posted on this, ok???

I think that just taking the steps to enter a figure competition is a success! Way to go! I've done pageants in high school, but nothing at this level!

You go for it! My theory of life is, if you never try the things that scare you or the things you dream about, then you are a failure. If you go for it, whether you win, lose, or draw, you are a winner for having the guts and gumption to even try!

Reach for that brass ring and hold your head up and shout from the rooftops that you went for it and followed through all the way to the end! :D:D:D

Go get 'em!
WOW! that is my first thought! I really felt so alone at first and now I don't feel so alone (or so crazy) afterall! I am so glad some of you have done it and I can (hopefully) call on you for your expertise. I was going to use an online trainer, but I think I will need someone in person. I do have some questions that I might send to you personally, as I don't want to belabor the point here. Thanks so much! You guys do so much for my confidence!!!

Figure Competition

Hi Cheryl- Do you have an update for us? I decided last month to do a figure competition is June 2010. Just remember its the hard work and determination that is worth it....its not where you finish but how you are getting yourself into shape and being the best you you can be. Does that make sense?
I too needed a goal and thought "why not" do a figure competition. I did a sprint triathlon about 4 years ago and my goal was not to win it but just finish. I did finish and I wasn't last in my age group so I was very happy!!!!
Hi All,

I decided I needed to create a goal for myself that is exciting and a little scary, so I thought I'd train for a figure competition. I contacted a coach and as soon as I received a response, I got EXTREMELY nervous.

Suddenly, all I could think about was "what if I fail??" I don't really have anyone to support me in this and that makes me a little nervous as well.

So, I wanted to know if any of you have had any experience with these competitions and what your thoughts are on them. I'd love to hear your comments!! :)


Go for it Cheryl! I am a true believer in stepping out of one's comfort zone. Like another poster said, the success is in the effort. I mean what if you came in third or didn't place? Big fat deal! You will still have a bangin' physique and you will probably learn more about how/when to eat for a certain look and many different ways to tweak your training to keep things fresh than you could ever learn from books. Go for it and enjoy the journey! And don't be shy, post the competition pics.:D

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