My kettlebell background: I like non-traditional kettlebell work ; I find the "classical kettlebells" boring.
So if you are like me, I recommend Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Slim Sculpting DVD. It uses 1, 15-pound kettlebell. The workouts are fun, safe and I love the music. It is filmed in Cathe's studio. Great premixes, as usual.
I like Paul Katami's Kettlebell Drills and Kettlebell Kombos, too. I have Burn & Build , but don't use it as often because it uses a high step which I do not have. Paul has a nice demeanor - actually, he is the only male trainer I've ever kept in my rotation

But the music in Paul's videos is non-existent so the fun factor can't compare to KCM Slim Scultping.
I've tried Jillian's kettlebell workout and find some moves are very unsafe.
I'm eyeing Amy Dixon's Raise Some Bell but did not buy it yet (I purchase 1 workout per month, and in April Cathe's Chisel Lower Body Blast won over Amy D)
I did not like Amy Bento's kettlebell workout which uses 1 small and 1 heavier bell. I like Amy Bento, but not this workout and got rid of it.
Hope this helps