Favorite Cathe sayings

"Turn on those cheeks down there.. you know the one's I mean."

Her smile when she says this cracks me up.
I did StepFit today, for the first time in ages, and had to rewind my vcr three times to make sure I heard her right when she says:

"Keep your form, Tootsie-Pops!" I think that's the funniest thing I have ever heard her say!

"Let's pick it up a bit" in MIC after some power moves. I'm so tired and I always chuckle when she says this.

HSTA during the first cardio section...
"Power 15, no fast foot... oh thank you!" She is just too cute when she says that.
Do you ever catch yourself saying the cute "Cathe phrases" BEFORE she says them??? Okay I confess, I have! This isn't a saying, but I also love when Cathe twirls around in a circle after completing interval # 9 in Imax2. Too, too cute. Somehow it isn't as cute when I do it! :p
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yeah, I admit I've done repeated a "Cathe phrase". I was telling my son to sit up in his chair, I said "sit tall, don't slouch.. " so, of course I had to add.. "none of that" (ME, med. ball chest exercise)hahaha
Susan C.M.:D
I'm not sure what w/o it's from but it's during an ab section when she's doing oblique twists holding the stability ball, she says, "I love the color of this ball, it makes me feel like I'm at the beach!" It's just such a random comment, I crack up every time.
3 more: Just finished L&G's!

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!
Stronger legs coming right atcha!
It's a wonderful, wonderful life! YES, it IS! :7 Love that one!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Slightly off subject here, but it has always absolutely amazed me when she calls out to her crew, "Are you feeling that?" and nobody throws a weight at her! (She does get some LOOKS however...so funny.)
In KPC, right after the warm up: "First, we're gonna kick the intensity up a notch, and then we're gonna kick it higher..."

I almost start to dread the workout, but I finish it everytime.
Actually I find myself saying them along with her! I've done her tapes so many times I know most of them by heart!

How about "Keep that form tootsie pops"! In StepFit.

Cathe's down-to-earth style and "right in there with ya" attitude is what keeps me coming back for more (punishment! }(}(just kidding!)

I also love it when she kind of sings "and again" -- who can poop out when she's such a good teacher?!
I just tried Circuit Max for the first time. Now I know Cathe is supposed to kill me, but I was trying really hard to keep my balance on the last weight section where she mentions to find a spot to stare at on the wall...then she says "Quit saring at me at home." That just cracked me up so much I was laughing & couldn't even do the exercise, much less hold my balance.

I loved reading all these!

For motivatioin:
At the beginning of All Step from CTX, she points at the side camera and says "Let's get ready to rock."


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