Exerciers with physical health challenges new check in

I found the workouts on DrAxe's website. Today was cardio blast, yesterday core blast. I have been neglecting my abs, and today I really feel them. So far, I'd say the workouts are very effective in the burst department, warmup gets me warm fast too. It will get repetitive though, I hope I can keep myself motivated, because the format is very ideal right now.
hi all,, my name is cathy, and i use to check in on another thread, but haven't been around for awhile. i turned 60 in jan. (WAAAHHH). and, a year ago was diagnosed with hashimoto auto-immune thyroditis. the last 3 years have also had alot of life changing stresses in them. i have been working out since the 80's doing the firm, and tracie long. did cathe for several years, but have not had the energy to do her workouts for some time now. the hashi's has knocked the wind out of me. i have always worked out 5-6 days a week. now if i get 3 in its a good week. i have been active my whole life and this is difficult for me to slow down, but i have no choice now. i still am quite active on good days. i have 4 grandkids, horses, chickens, dogs, peacocks, cats. obviously, we live in the country. so i am still busy, but i have learned i have to conserve my energy now which i used to be the energizer bunny. anyhoo, sorry to bore you, but is there anyone else that is struggling with hashi? i'm gonna try to check-in here more often. have not been very good at it for the last couple years.
Cendrine, how many of the blast workouts are there?

Hi Cathy! I seem to recall someone else posting who has Hashimoto's. I imagine your animals (and grandkids!) keep you active and busy. I just have cats and they keep me pretty busy!

Today I did Greatest Hits Vol. 1 (I modified quite a bit, but still got a very good workout) and Ab Hits 2.
Hi Cathy,
I don't have hashi's, but at 52 I have arthritis in almost every joint of my body. I too was very active, advanced in all levels of fitness etc.. then bam everything bad. It is so frustrating, but all of us on this check in have some issues we are dealing with and that is why we are still checking in. It is so nice to be able to come to this site and either complain about our problems, or tell about an event in our life to people who "get it". Very few people outside the fitness world understand why we need to workout.
I also need to conserve my energy, I thought I would have to give up most of my w/o's as well until I found antigravity yoga and fitness. It allows me to w/o in a joint friendly way. I don't know if you have that type of class in your area but if you find one it might help. I am eventually going to buy a hammock for my home so I can do it here instead of paying every time I want to go.
Today I did STS disc 33. I think my left tricep is getting close to catching up in strength with the right side, but it's still not quite there yet. I repeated last week's tricep workout just on the left side after I did chest and back a few days ago, and I think that helped. I might do that again next week.
Amy, Have you tried keeping the wt the same on your left side until failure, then doing forced reps? This may help you in getting both sides equal without having to repeat the left side.
Today is AG airbarre and then yoga.
Hi Cathy, clad to have you join us! Like Katie mentioned, this is a good group for you, we are all working with our bodies, trying to listen and stay fit.

My new workouts are kicking butt. They are so far with minimal weights, but very high rep and my body is sore all over from the different approach. It's only my first week, so other than doms I don't have much to report. There are two core blasts, two leg blasts, an upper body blast and I think a cardio blast, so not much variety, but I think I can work those in together with ripped and reduce the time or something. Anyway, the shorter time seems to help, but am definitely looking forward to a weekend of rest. One exercise on the cardio I'm going to have to sub out because it seems to be making my back sore.
Today's workout was a core burst workout. It's format is about six or so exercises done for about 45 seconds with a 15 second beef and then everything repeats two more times. The exercises target all areas of the abs. It got me sweating, so the burst aspect is definitely there.

Have a nice weekend! It's supposed to be really nice this weekend.
Katie, I tried forced reps. It helped a little, but the left side is quite a bit weaker, so I wanted to do a little more.

Cendrine, it's good to hear you're having good luck with the blast workouts!

Today I did Ripped With HiiT Low Impact 2 & Bonus Abs 2. I also mowed most of my lawn. I didn't get to finish because I ran out of gas, and then the mower wouldn't start after I added more gas. It doesn't like to start when it's been running for a while. I'll finish tomorrow. I remember when I had to stop halfway through because I was too winded. I felt like I'd been training all this time so I could mow my lawn, lol!
Today I did STS disc 31. I did a bit of yard work and planted some bulbs as well.

I'm getting close to the end of STS now and starting to think of what strength program to do next. I'm leaning toward a month of the Gym Style workouts, but I'm not sure yet.
Hi ladies, I had a wonderful weekend!! My son got engaged to his girlfriend and we were able to celebrate with them, so excited!!
Congrats on almost completing STS Amy, such a great program!
I am getting ready for my Ag class this am followed by a hot yoga class.
Have a great day.
Congrats, Katie, on your son's engagement! How exciting!

Amy, great job sticking with sts all the way through! Quite an accomplishment. Now that you are done, what did you like most about it and how did it improve your body strength?

I did leg bursts yesterday and core bursts today. We are on the homestretch for school, just two weeks and then it's summer break for us! Yay! Looking forward to some less rigorous days!
Cardio burst today. I'm trying to be better about checking in... Because my workouts aren't in the workout manager I have no reason to go check off and then check in, so then I forget....
I don't think to check in as often either since most of my w/o's are anti gravity. Today I did cardio supersets, it was so nice doing a cathe w/o for a change. I am trying to do one of the LIS once a week to keep some cardio. I got a call from my Dr. saying my Vit D level was low, hopefully supplementing will help some of my symptoms.
We are going to Pgh this weekend to watch my son play soccer. My dad and 2 brothers still live there so it will be a very fun weekend.
I hope you all have a nice week and weekend.
I still have 2 more weeks of STS, but I definitely feel stronger. I am also starting to notice some definition in my arms, which is great! I'm about 25 lbs. from my goal weight now. Today I did disc 33.

Cendrine, how wonderful to be so close to summer break! My daughter just finished her finals today, but she has one more class before she's done for the semester.

Katie, it sounds like you will have a great weekend! I need to get my vitamin D tested as well. I bet it's low because I barely get outside, and when I do, the sun is low in the sky.
Low vit D levels are pretty much a given, I hear. I had low levels even when I lived in Southern California and was outside every day. Vit D can help with inflammation, so hopefully you'll get some good relief, Katie! Have fun with your family this weekend!

Amy, I forget if you mentioned, what is your daughter studying? Congratulations on being so close to your goal weight! Awesome work!

Leg bursts for me today. I'm definitely going to add in some ripped with Hiit next month, it's not enough variety for me...
I discovered today that my threshold for repetitive workouts such as the burst workout I just bought is two weeks... Lol! I could not psych myself up to do it again this morning. I did RWH pliohiit today. It was hard but so nice! Lol!
Thanks Cendrine! My daughter is studying art. I would get tired of repetitive workouts pretty quickly as well.

I was exhausted most of last week, so I skipped doing any RWH workouts. But I was really productive over the weekend - I cleaned out 2 closets!

Today I did Slow & Heavy Legs (I skipped the shoulders and replaced it with Ab Hits 3).
I love art! Does she know how she wants to use the degree when she's done?

Cleaning out two closets is awesome, I love the feeling of cleaned out stuff, although I don't like the process nearly as much. I tend to do some form of spring cleaning during summer break because I never seem to have the oomph to do it during the school year, so cleaning is on the list for me soon.

Workout was rwh legs.
I had a wonderful visit with my family this weekend in Pgh. Too much booze and not the cleanest of diets, but that is okay once in awhile.
Yesterday I did athletic training, today was AG yoga.
Cendrine, repetitive w/o's don't work for me either. As much as I love STS I could never do a 6 mo. rotation (awesome that you are almost finished Amy). I could barely finish meso 3 because it was the same all 4 weeks.
I am hoping to finish the yard work and mulching this weekend, it is supposed to be beautiful here.
Enjoy your week and the holiday weekend.

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