EB and unwanted advertising - vent

I think this EB debate should come to an end personally. We KNOW it isn't going to change the product she produces. The EB connection will help Cathe bring her business around the country (which is a huge freaking commitment that will come with plenty of headaches and sacrifice).

As to why it "bothers you/us", we have always known Cathe doesn't talk about the food-side of the equation so that's why we are inquisitive. The first thought is "it's about the money". Well, knowing how smart Cathe is and from what I can tell, a very personable person, she is doing it for the good of her company/clientele.

I don't want to sound argumentative and I apologize if I do but how do you know it won't change the workouts that Cathe is doing? I think if you go and market your product to the masses I doubt it can stay the highly advanced exercise that we have been getting. The people that are targeted through the Eggland's Best events are not going to be advanced exercisers who will spend $ 300 + for an exercise series or $ 25 for an exercise DVD IMO.

Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with Cathe wanting to expand her company, and no, I don't think there is anything wrong with making money.

I am going to wait and see if it is going to change her products or not and not jump to conclusions. But I don't see anything wrong with talking about a sponsor or partnership that some people have issues with, even on Cathe's own website. After all this is an Open Discussion. Some posters will be fine with whatever Cathe does and some have an issue with the EB stuff. I don't think either opinion is more valid or important than the other but I am getting really tired of some people telling others how they should feel about about things and that they should quit discussing their view or concerns.
I don't want to sound argumentative and I apologize if I do but how do you know it won't change the workouts that Cathe is doing? I think if you go and market your product to the masses I doubt it can stay the highly advanced exercise that we have been getting. The people that are targeted through the Eggland's Best events are not going to be advanced exercisers who will spend $ 300 + for an exercise series or $ 25 for an exercise DVD IMO.

Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with Cathe wanting to expand her company, and no, I don't think there is anything wrong with making money.

I am going to wait and see if it is going to change her products or not and not jump to conclusions. But I don't see anything wrong with talking about a sponsor or partnership that some people have issues with, even on Cathe's own website. After all this is an Open Discussion. Some posters will be fine with whatever Cathe does and some have an issue with the EB stuff. I don't think either opinion is more valid or important than the other but I am getting really tired of some people telling others how they should feel about about things and that they should quit discussing their view or concerns.

I composed a long response to the same post, about how I think this debate is pretty healthy, and how the two threads about this subject have had hundreds of responses and thousands of views, so clearly it's a subject of interest to many Cathe fans.

I scrapped it because I am tired of explaining why it's OK for people to have and express opinions (politely). I'm downright alarmed by the thought that so many people think there's no point in acting on your ethics if you're in the minority.

But then you went ahead and said this, and I was all, "right on!"
So...right on!
I'm downright alarmed by the thought that so many people think there's no point in acting on your ethics if you're in the minority.

Just wanna give a shout out and say that I also think it's very important to act on your ethics even if you're in the minority. A number of important movements were started that way.

In this economy, most business folk can't afford to alienate any of their customer base. Rock on! :)
No business can keep all of it's customer base happy all of the time.

I think Eggland's is a good partnership for Cathe. I hope to be able to catch her on tour in the West some day.
I'm downright alarmed by the thought that so many people think there's no point in acting on your ethics if you're in the minority.

I couldn't agree more. To me it's not about Cathe or anyone changing his or her mind. While that would be nice, I'm simply holding myself accountable to my own ethics. I love Cathe but not enough to support EB. So I too will be putting my money where my mouth is and not buying additional products nor will I be attending any live events, though I'm sure they'll be a hoot and folks will have a great time.
The people that are targeted through the Eggland's Best events are not going to be advanced exercisers who will spend $ 300 + for an exercise series or $ 25 for an exercise DVD IMO.

It can't be too hard. She suckered all of us into spending $25 per DVD. :p I can't speak for anyone else, but it's the "everywomaness" of Cathe, you and all the other women here that makes this whole fitness thing so attractive and inspiring. I think some others will see the same thing I see.
Wow this thread is reminding me of why my post count is low (although it used to be higher and got reset when cathe went CatheNation but it was never high)

I've been around longer than most of you though and been doing her workouts longer too. I have her first one which most of you have probably never even heard of.

But I don't feel I "own" her. I wish her the best in her new endeavor, and I hope that more and better workouts come out of it.

Barbara P who owns every single Cathe workout including those most have never heard of.
Food endorsements by fitness gurus

I wonder if anyone fussed when Denise Austin started endorsing Idaho potatoes! For the life of me, I don't see what the big deal is. I think I'll have an omlette (spelling?) on my next cheat day in Cathe's honor! Maybe with Idaho potatoes thrown in! Who endorses cheese - maybe I'll add cheese.....

This just in - Kathy Kaehler endorses Healthy Ones deli meat! I can add that to my omlette!

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I wonder if anyone fussed when Denise Austin started endorsing Idaho potatoes! For the life of me, I don't see what the big deal is. I think I'll have an omlette (spelling?) on my next cheat day in Cathe's honor! Maybe with Idaho potatoes thrown in! Who endorses cheese - maybe I'll add cheese.....

Hmmmh, I don't think there are too many Denise Austin fans on this forum. And that's my point, Denise Austin appeals to the broader masses.

I love Cathe but I have to say that most "regular" people who I talk to about Cathe think that she is "too muscular" and that her workouts are too hard and for building serious muscle.

I hope for Cathe that things work out and that she will accomplish whatever her goal is.
I love Cathe but I have to say that most "regular" people who I talk to about Cathe think that she is "too muscular" and that her workouts are too hard and for building serious muscle.

While I'm sure your sample is valid for who you've discussed this with, I don't think it can necessarily be applied to society as a whole.

I think Cathe has and will lose some fans because of her work with Eggland's Best. But that doesn't necessarily mean I think she is aiming for a different core audience in terms of her workouts. I wouldn't doubt there may actually be more advanced exercisers out there who eat eggs than there are advanced exercises who don't. I say that because the odds are in that favor given sheer percentages. While the percentage of advanced exercisers who don't eat eggs most likely comprises a higher percentage of the vegan population than advanced exercisers do in the non-vegan world, that doesn't mean that the actual number of people who are fit vegans is a higher number than the number of fit people who aren't vegan. Again, I say this simply because non-egg eaters actually comprise a very small percentage of the population as a whole.

I totally understand those who can no longer support Cathe because of this working relationship with Eggland's Best. I've done a great deal of research into the food industry over the past six months or so, and the treatment of animals by the industry is horrific (and that's a mild understatement). I think people have the right to voice their concerns and opinions regarding that here on this forum. I find it educational.

However, I don't think it can be said that there is little market for fitness when something is aimed solely at people who eat eggs. In fact, as an egg eater who considers myself an advanced exerciser, I find the argument a tad insulting.
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However, I don't think it can be said that there is little market for fitness when something is aimed solely at people who eat eggs. In fact, as an egg eater who considers myself an advanced exerciser, I find the argument a tad insulting.

I wasn't talking about "egg-eaters" in general, I was talking about the general masses because that's what you target with partnering with a company like Eggland's Best who has a broad appeal and marketing. You are definitely not targeting a niche market with a brand like that.

I am sorry if you feel insulted. I don't care if people eat eggs or not, everyone needs to make decisions about their diet and their health. But I never said anywhere that only vegans are advanced exercisers. If it makes any difference, I am not vegan either.

I don't think the discussion was about eating eggs or not, but about the particular company. No?
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I don't think the discussion was about eating eggs or not but about the particular company. No?

Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by mass market then. I would think that EB is aiming whatever it does at egg eaters.

I would think everybody has heard of eggs, so it isn't as if EB is trying to sell an entirely new product to the uninformed masses. Based on what I've seen, they are trying to sell their product as being more nutritionally sound than other eggs. In other words, from what I can tell based on the little I've read about this, EB is aiming for the person who may actually be more concerned with proper nutrition than one who is not.

So that's the premise I'm working under based on everything I've read about what Cathe has said about their products and what else I've heard about EB. And I still don't see how I can leap from that premise to one in which Cathe will have to lower the intensity of her workouts because of working with this company. If she were working with a company that was focusing the marketing of its food product on taste alone, or price alone, or marketing their food as a reward or indulgence alone, then I would agree with you. But I don't see how working with a company who is marketing its product primarily based on the nutritional value of that product is appealing to a market that may be less interested in advanced fitness. In fact, I might actually be able to argue the exact opposite if I had more information.
Here's one "Aye" on putting my money where my big vegan mouth is. :p I cancelled my preorder for shock cardio (it was harder than saying "no" to non-vegan cake. Which is HARD) and I'm not going to any tour events.

I'm not happy about it. I really really love Cathe's workouts. A lot. But I'm not throwing the chickens under the tour bus. It's my choice, and no, I don't expect my teensy little boycott will change Cathe's mind about her partnership.

On a separate note, I don't really like Beachbody's constant self-promotion, and I am not a particularly big fan of any of their workouts. I don't think it really has anything to do with the Cathe/EB thing, though.

I don’t understand the connection you made between EB and STS Cardio. All of Cathe’s ventures help to support the growth of her business which along with her DVDs includes the Cathe forums. It would follow that if you are willing to take money out of Cathe’s pocket by boycotting STS Cardio because of her business associations (which I have no objection to), than why not make a personal sacrifice for the cause and boycott the forums?

You may not be willing to throw the chickens under the tour bus, but you sure trampled over them so you could spend time on the forums which are paid for by Cathe with the income from all of her business ventures/partnerships which now include EB.

Let me make myself clear just so someone doesn't misunderstand, I'm not asking you to leave the forums for stating your opinion. I'm just wondering why you drew the line where you did. I don't see any difference between going to see Cathe on tour, using the forums, or buying a Cathe product. If you are taking a stand against Cathe for her business associations than why not stand tall.

I wasn't interested in the EB email, so I deleted it. I am happy for Cathe's success and for those customers who will benefit from the tours as a result of the partnership. Cathe made her choice and judging from this thread it cost her some business, but she put her money where her mouth is ;).

I think Cathe has and will lose some fans because of her work with Eggland's Best. But that doesn't necessarily mean I think she is aiming for a different core audience in terms of her workouts. I wouldn't doubt there may actually be more advanced exercisers out there who eat eggs than there are advanced exercises who don't. I say that because the odds are in that favor given sheer percentages. While the percentage of advanced exercisers who don't eat eggs most likely comprises a higher percentage of the vegan population than advanced exercisers do in the non-vegan world, that doesn't mean that the actual number of people who are fit vegans is a higher number than the number of fit people who aren't vegan. Again, I say this simply because non-egg eaters actually comprise a very small percentage of the population as a whole.

I hope you aren't offended CLango - but I got so lost by this paragraph I had to laugh.

I heard - but don't know if it is true - that more people believe they have been visited by aliens than are vegan. :)

I don't know how many of those aliens are advanced exercisers or whether they eat eggs though. (JUST KIDDING!)
I don't know about anyone else but I always think it is pretty funny when I see Denise Austin promoting a potato. Hope I don't see Cathe on TV holding up an egg!
Hmmmh, I don't think there are too many Denise Austin fans on this forum. And that's my point, Denise Austin appeals to the broader masses.

I love Cathe but I have to say that most "regular" people who I talk to about Cathe think that she is "too muscular" and that her workouts are too hard and for building serious muscle.

I hope for Cathe that things work out and that she will accomplish whatever her goal is.

Carolla--(whom I adore and am not picking on or trying to start a debate...) I just think that maybe that's Cathe's whole point... To try to bring those broader masses in. I have to admit, and believe me, it's not easy and I'm not proud of it, but I was a Denise Austin exerciser before Cathe. Denise Austin, Tae bo, etc. Then I saw Cathe on FitTV one day, and I was hooked. I never thought she looked too muscular and her workouts were too hard. I was a "regular" person who fell in love with her workouts. I think that maybe by trying to reach the masses, Cathe will inspire those average joe exercisers to try something more challenging. Through this marketing tool, she may shatter the myth that weightlifting is for only the advanced exerciser wanting to bulk up. I believe that her audience may be predominantly advanced exercisers, but her workouts can be modified for ANYONE. I don't think that partnering with EB will change her but will change the mindset of exercisers out there. Hopefully. (I hope this made sense.)

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