EB and unwanted advertising - vent

I don’t understand the connection you made between EB and STS Cardio. All of Cathe’s ventures help to support the growth of her business which along with her DVDs includes the Cathe forums. It would follow that if you are willing to take money out of Cathe’s pocket by boycotting STS Cardio because of her business associations (which I have no objection to), than why not make a personal sacrifice for the cause and boycott the forums?

I contribute no money to the forums.

You may not be willing to throw the chickens under the tour bus, but you sure trampled over them so you could spend time on the forums which are paid for by Cathe with the income from all of her business ventures/partnerships which now include EB.

I can assure you that no chickens were directly or indirectly harmed by my visit to the forums.

Let me make myself clear just so someone doesn't misunderstand, I'm not asking you to leave the forums for stating your opinion.

Well, thanks.

I'm just wondering why you drew the line where you did. I don't see any difference between going to see Cathe on tour, using the forums, or buying a Cathe product. If you are taking a stand against Cathe for her business associations than why not stand tall.

I don't contribute any money to the forum, and I therefore am not contributing to, or benefiting from, animal suffering.

I suppose ultimately it could be argued that if I benefit in some way from being on the forum, and the forum is paid for with Cathe's egg money, then I am benefiting from something un-vegan? It's a bit of a stretch, but I can see why that might be confusing...sort of.

I considered not visiting the forum anymore. I changed my mind when I saw the other thread about vegans and the EB decision. It seemed like many people were interested in a discussion about Eggland's Best and topics relating to animal rights/welfare. I thought that perhaps rather than abandon the arena of open discussion to the omnivores, a vegan perspective might occasionally be welcome here.

Here's the basic definition from the vegan society:

[T]he word "veganism" denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

I don't think participating in open discussion in which I express my disappointment over her partnership violates that philosophy.

In fact, I don't think shying away from discussion benefits ANY cause, and that's another reason why I've stuck around.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone really think visiting these forums promotes, or causes people to otherwise participate in, animal suffering? I don't, but perhaps there is something I have missed?
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I understand why some of you are upset by the EB partnership and EB and thier inhumane practices. I get that.

I don't understand why it's appropriate to have this discussion on Cathe's own site. Cathe's business is, well, Cathe's business.

Not long ago there was a thread or two that had references to Cathe's marriage/personal life and many said it was not appropriate on Cathe's own site. Some people were rather rude. Some weren't. I don't understand how this is any different unless you feel that by us buying Cathe's DVD's that we 'own' or have a share or say in HER business. we don't. Except you have a right not to purchase any of her products. I think this thread is more inappropriate than a personal question to CAthe in which SHE has a right to answer, ignore, or say 'I don't feel comfortable discussing this".
Really? You don't see the difference in her PERSONAL life, which is nobody's business but her own, and her BUSINESS, which is marketed to others, and is dependent on others contributing to monetarily? Come on, really?
I understand why some of you are upset by the EB partnership and EB and thier inhumane practices. I get that.

I don't understand why it's appropriate to have this discussion on Cathe's own site. Cathe's business is, well, Cathe's business.

Not long ago there was a thread or two that had references to Cathe's marriage/personal life and many said it was not appropriate on Cathe's own site. Some people were rather rude. Some weren't. I don't understand how this is any different unless you feel that by us buying Cathe's DVD's that we 'own' or have a share or say in HER business. we don't. Except you have a right not to purchase any of her products. I think this thread is more inappropriate than a personal question to CAthe in which SHE has a right to answer, ignore, or say 'I don't feel comfortable discussing this".

Cathe's customers ARE her business. But I certainly agree that she is perfectly within her rights to ignore, address, or otherwise decide how to deal with comments made on this forum however she sees fit.

Consider: If she didn't want anyone to talk about her EB partnership, why the mass e-mailings and the giant publicity campaign and nationwide tour?
Cathe's customers ARE her business. But I certainly agree that she is perfectly within her rights to ignore, address, or otherwise decide how to deal with comments made on this forum however she sees fit.

Consider: If she didn't want anyone to talk about her EB partnership, why the mass e-mailings and the giant publicity campaign and nationwide tour?

It was just an announcement.

Really? You don't see the difference in her PERSONAL life, which is nobody's business but her own, and her BUSINESS, which is marketed to others, and is dependent on others contributing to monetarily? Come on, really?

There is absolutely no difference. She did not ask for anyone's advice or comments unlike SNM's thread asking for "Suggestions for Cathe's national tour."
No, there is a nationwide tour sponsored by Eggland's Best, and public advertising, in addition to the multiple e-mailings. Am I the onl one who got them? That would be weird!


Open Discussion: Talk about anything you like in this forum including other videos you like or dislike.
Would that not include asking Cathe a question about her personal life or for posters to speculate about her personal life?

Just wondering. You can't have it both ways.
I never tried to have it both ways - TeTe and I are separate (but equal!!)

Although I think the speculation is tasteless and not very nice, I think it falls within the category of "anything you like", and if you don't want to read it or respond to it, don't. I don't.

I think if you want to ask Cathe about her personal life, you can go to "Ask Cathe", and she can ignore your tacky personal questions over there.

SNM just recently replied about threads that get pulled for being inappropriate - commercial postings, obscene or otherwise widely objectionable stuff.
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I found this thread a bit disturbing. Way too many digressions . . . animal rights etc.

I think everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine is that many are overreacting to this. I just can't believe there are 11 pages on this topic.
Afreet - You crack me up. Thanks for giving this pms'ing, migraine suffering gal a laugh tonight!
Would that not include asking Cathe a question about her personal life or for posters to speculate about her personal life?

Just wondering. You can't have it both ways.

Come on now, you don't see or can't understand the difference between asking her a question about her personal/private life and discussing a business venture on her business site?

It's not having it both ways, it's respecting her privacy and her private life.
I Just out of curiosity, does anyone really think visiting these forums promotes, or causes people to otherwise participate in, animal suffering? I don't, but perhaps there is something I have missed?

Well, it's starting to contribute to my suffering because over the last few posts I have started to slap myself on the forehead and my head starts to hurt :eek:

Come on now, you don't see or can't understand the difference between asking her a question about her personal/private life and discussing a business venture on her business site?

It's not having it both ways, it's respecting her privacy and her private life.

Maybe we should respect her business decisions. And I'll leave it at that.

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