CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Hi girls:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in. It helps to have exercise to cope with the stress working out is blessing.

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

21 Day Fix Extreme- Pilates Extreme= 33 Min
MV= 3.50
CB= 158

Total calories burned= 518;)

Belinda- Have a blessed workout with 21 DF Ext Cardio. How a fab blessed Friday!:);)

Debbie- Wow, what an amazing workout today you had with STS Meso 3, Squat Rack Legs. I have not used my squat rack legs dvd so I did not realize there was such a huge amount of time for rests between sets. Yeah I'd probably shorten the rests so you can get done sooner, because three minutes does seem long. Bravo on your workout today, high fives girlfriend that was awesome! Now go have a fab blessed Friday!:cool::);):D

Roxie- Good for you getting in a workout when you did not really feel like doing one. So Bravo on getting in KCM Muscle Up Legs and yes the shorter workouts are perfect for those days you really don't feel like working out but do. Congrats on getting it done and doing something good for your body today. Have a fab & blessed Friday!:);)

Chris- How are you doing? Wow, how much fun is the BB workout blender? I am loving that so cool thanks for telling us about it. I h ave a doctor's appointment Tuesday to discuss results from hysteroscopy and a hysterectomy etc.. Need lots of prayers about this entire situation, thanks in advance. I hope you are doing well and had a fun workout today. Get rest and take care so you can care for others, blessings.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool:

Good evening,

21 DF Ext Cardio is done. I am in week 12 of 21 DF and this is my last week of 21 DF Ext.

Nora - wtg on your workouts.

Roxie - good job today.

Debbie - nice weight workouts.

Good night ladies.
Hi girls!:);)

Just a quick check in today, sorry for the lateness but do to this I will only be able to check in sorry no personals today.

Here's today's workout:

Body Beast- Bulk Legs= 41 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 336

21 DFX - Hard Core Abs Extreme= 10 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 411;)

I hope everyone has a wonderful blessed weekend, and those that worked out today had a fun and productive workout for today. I wish you all the best and will keep you all in my prayers. I that you all will keep me in your prayers as I will have another surgery upcoming for a hysterectomy and I need prayers for all to go well and for me and my uterus to be both cancer free. I will find out more from my doctor about the referral for the other doctor, gynecology oncologist. Thanks in advance for your prayers, I am grateful.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hi everyone! I'm back at it. I did STS Meso 3, Wk 2, Chest & Back. Had a great workout. I know I can go heavier with these exercises but sort of afraid to.

Here is what I did:

Push/Pull Method
Flat Bench Press:
55# - 2 sets/12 reps warmup
Flat Bench Press: 75# - 8 reps
Barbell Row: 62# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes: 26's - 8 reps
One Arm Row: 33# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 70# - 8 reps
Barbell Deads: 57# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 26's - 8 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row: 33# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Nora - Prayers out to you. Keep us updated!!!
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday :( I did finish the 21 DF Ext 12 week rotation yesterday. I did 21 DF Ext yoga and Cardio Supersets.

Today is ME )

Debbie - nice job today.

Nora - you are in my prayers.

I will be back later.
H:);):)i girls!:);)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

X10 Cardio Blast = 26 Min
MV= 9.40
CB= 334

21 Day Fix Extreme- Upper Day Fix Extreme= 34 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 325

21 DFX Yoga Fix Extreme = 30 Min
MV= 3.0
CB= 123

Total calories burned= 782:cool:;):)

Debbie- Wow! You go girlfriend with that tough workout, you are amazing. Nicely done today with STS Meso 3, Wk 2, Chest & Back. After all that you can't help but have a blessed day so go enjoy!:);)

Belinda- Congrats and high fives on finishing 21 DFX `12 week rotation, that is awesome well done girlfriend.:):D:cool: Great stuff with your workout today with 21 DF Ext yoga and Cardio Supersets, WTG girlfriend. :);)

Chris and Roxie- I hope you both are having amazing workouts and a wonderful blessed day.

I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor and go over things with her then. I will keep you updated, so please keep me in your prayers.

Have blessed day everyone!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool::D

Good evening,

ME is done :) It was tough after MM :( Felt my chest/triceps.

Nora and Debbie - good job today.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night ladies.
Hi all,

Today is day 1 of 21 DF. I am doing the original and following the eating plan.
Workout was Cardio Fix, tough to do on crap sleep today, but it got done!!

Awesome workouts everyone.
So the question is, "Belinda, what are you going to do NOW?" (Say Disneyland!!)
Hi all,

Today is day 1 of 21 DF. I am doing the original and following the eating plan.
Workout was Cardio Fix, tough to do on crap sleep today, but it got done!!

Awesome workouts everyone.
So the question is, "Belinda, what are you going to do NOW?" (Say Disneyland!!)

Chris - fantastic job on Cardio Fix! It's a tough one, even if you had some sleep :) I am playing around with Cathe's dvd's for the next 2 weeks. Thank I will do Charlene Extreme.
Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Legs Premix went heavier with the wts.

Debbie-I found some tennis balls in my closet so going to try your trick. Good job on your workout.

Chris-have fun with 21 Day Fix.

Belinda-Chalene Extreme is a good one.

Nora-good job with your workout.
Today I did Cardio Coach #3. Had a great workout but these early morning workouts are a killer. I liked working out at 8:00 during the summer. It's so hard to do it at 5:30. Oh well.

Workout was 40 minutes, ran 2.57 miles and burned 291 calories.

Roxie - I hope it works for you. It is the only thing that works for me.
Good morning,

Today I have Hard Strike on tap? Not sure, if I can do it due to my leg? I may have to sub something else?

Debbie - good job on your run this morning.

Roxie - what's wrong with you?

Nora - positive thoughts today.

I will be back later.
Hi girls:)

I finished today's shortened workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Body Beast- Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0

Total calories burned= 435:);)

Debbie- Nicely done today with Cardio Coach #3, you go girlfriend! High fives!!!^^^5's.:);):cool: Now go have an amazing blessed day! Thank you for your prayers.;):cool::D

Belinda- Have a great workout today with Hard Strikes. If you are concerned out it bothering your feet maybe check out the premixes there probably is one that will work for you. I think Premix #16 Timesaver No Conditioning is warm up, boxing and kickboxing, cool down and stretch. So maybe that will help. Or may I suggest Super Sets also from XTrain, that one doesn't have a lot of jumping around in it. Its one of my favorites. Have a great workout and blessed day. I will let you guys know how it goes at the doctors, I have an appointment in a little while. Take care and thank you for your prayers:);)

Chris, Roxie- I hope you are both having amazing workouts on tap for today and have a blessed day! Thank you both for your prayers and well wishes. I have a doctor's appointment this morning and will let you know how it goes.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;):)

Hi girls!

Here's the update- I do need to have the hysterectomy surgery and I've been referred to a Gynecology Oncologist just tobe on the safe side. My Doctor did say from w hat they could see on the ultrasound of my uterus there is no sign of cancer. However with the surgery I just had the hysteroscopy they could not get into the uterus to image or get biopsies of so that is why the surgery is needed. I have an regular doctor's office appointment with this referred doctor who will be doing the surgery. So that's the update, the doctor's appointment is for Thursday Septemeber 3 in the morning and will schedule from that point I assume. That's all I know for now, so please keep me in your prayers. Thanks in advance!;)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good evening,

LOL, I just released I did the wrong workout for today:D Instead of Hard Strike I did Rockout Knockout :) Had a great workout.

Nora - thanks for the recommendation :) That is so sweet of you :) I already did Rockout Knockout. Fantastic job today, girl. Hope your appointment went well today.

Good night, ladies.
Good Evening,

I did KCM Cardio Pump Kickboxing this morning.

Belinda-i sometimes get pain between my shoulder blades.

Nora- things will be ok.

Debbie- I have learned that kickboxing with wtd gloves makes it worse.
Today I did STS Meso 3, Week 2, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I had a great workout. i changed the exercises in the last grouping again. Will do this for two more weeks to keep it consistent.

This is what I did:

Standing Barbell Press: 12's - 2 sets/12 reps (warmup)
Standing Barbell Press: 42# - 7 reps
Barbell Curl: 45# - 7 reps
Flat Bench Dumbbell Extension: 20's - 7 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Seated Lateral Raise: 12's - 7 reps
Incline Curls on Stability Ball: 20's - 7 reps
Double Arm Seated Overhead Extension: 32# - 7 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Upright Rows: 45# - 7 reps
Seated Concentration Hammer Curls: 21# - 7 reps
Close Grip Barbell Press: 62# - 7 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Really sweated on this one, I usually don't even break a sweat with weight training but this one got me today.

Nice job with your workouts, everyone! Sorry I haven't had much time for personals.

Roxie - Did you try the tennis ball trick? And yes, using weights for kickboxing would make it worse, especially if it's already agitated.
Good morning,

I will do STS TB later today. I have a dental appointment. My tooth still bordering me :( I should have pulled that tooth a long time ago.

Debbie - good job this morning.

Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits- Hi-Low= 20 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 248

21 DFX Plyo Fix= 30 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 348

21 Day Fix Extreme- Pilates Extreme= 33 Min
MV= 3.50
CB= 158

Total calories burned= 754;)

Debbie- Awesome kick butt workout today with STS Meso 3, Week 2, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, high fives on that amazing workout. Congrats on the workout and now go and have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Have a good workout today, and sorry about your tooth bothering you. I posted last night an update about the appointment. Have a blessed day and feel better soon!:);)

Roxie- thanks for the prayers and well wishes I truly appreciate them and please keep me in your prayers as this all develops. Great job with KCM's Cardio Pump Kick box , love her two new workouts. Have a fit and blessed day!:)

Chris- I bet you had a great workout today. Thank you for your prayers and ask that you please continue to pray for me as this is still an ongoing thing. Thanks again and have a blessed & joyful day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)


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