CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Hi girls!

I got one more workout before in before surgery. I probably won't be able to workout for about a week after the surgery today, depending on what the doctor says. My surgery is this afternoon. Please keep me in your prayers and pray for this procedure to go well and for their to be good news, wellness with everything including the biopsies and lab results. Thanks girls in advance for the prayers and well wishes. :);)

Here's today's workout:

XTrain- Hard Strikes= 47 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 545

Belinda- have a great workout today with 21 DFX Upper & Cardio, those are fun workouts. I really am enjoying 21 Day and 21 Day Extreme are both such great workouts.

Debbie- I forgot you were taking a recovery rest week. Thank you for your prayers I definitely need them and please keep them coming for the surgery today and then waiting for the lab results that follow in the days that follow. ((Hugs and thanks))

Chris- its nice to take a rest week. Ooh, Les Mills Combat Live is so fun, perfect for when you don't want to spend alot of time on a workout but feel like you need to do something even on a rest day and TF stretch 10 is always a nice stretch. They sound like great rest day workouts and fun and the swimming after sounds so amazing, well done WTG!! Have a blessed day Chris! Thank you for the prayers I definitely appreciate them and need them today and then waiting days after for lab results. Please pray for a healthy good outcome for my surgery and blessing. Thank you Chris!:);)

Roxie- I hope all is well with you. I bet your are doing some fun workouts for today. Have a blessed day. Thank you in advance for your prayers and well wishes for my surgery today. :);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Nora - hope your surgery went well today and got good news. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care and get lots of rest.
Almost forgot to post my workouts. I did 21 DF Ext Upper Fix and Turbo Fire 45 class + stretch.

Good night, ladies.
Hi all,

Nora, hope you are recovering now and comfortable! Prayers for all healthy results!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Nice job with 21 DF and turbo fire, Belinda!!

Wow, Debbie, I can't believe you are on to Meso 3 already!! Meso 2 is my favorite. Enjoy rest week!!

Hi Roxie!!

Tonight I did KCM Slim Sculpting #1. It's a kettlebell workout... I really enjoyed it, I forgot I had that one!
Good morning,

I will do MM and 21 DF Ext Pilates.

Nora - sending you good vibes :) Hope you are feeling better soon.

Chris - nicely done with KCM Slim Sculpting #1

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

I decided to start 21DF with a group on Facebook on the 17th. Since I don't want to get burnt out on the workouts, I switched it up today to Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Cardio 30, or whatever it's called! LOL. I got my sweat's worth!

I like that Pilates, Belinda! Nice job on workouts today!!

Thinking of you Nora!

Hi Roxie and Debbie!
Hi girls!

I'm not going to workout until next week. I need to let my body recover. I had to be at Hospital at 12:45 PM surgery was approx. schedule for 2:152 PM but they were backed up so I had to wait until 6PM to get wheeled into OR. I did not leave until around or close to 9 PM I did not want to stay over night. The surgery went well for the most part with mixed results. What they could image and get samples of the did, however the could not get into the uterus to get images or samples of due to a lot of scar tissue. Apparently with my first son I had suffered scar tissue from trying for a normal delivery but his head was too big. SO after a few hours of that it was decided I go C-section with him. My second child was a scheduled C-section so there should not be any scarring I would imagine. So, now the Doctor and I wait for the lab biopsy results to figure things out from there. She did tell my DH that Hysterectomy is not off the table of options. If labs are ok then may wait to see if another rare infection like I have had two times before and was successfully treated for appears again then re-address additional surgery for Hysterectomy. So please pray for healing and wellness from this surgery I had yesterday and for a good out come on the lab biopsies. The problem is I have MS which means my bodies immune system to fight disease and infections is less effective so that raises the concern level and a prior test for HPV which I tested positive for 2 years ago, was re-tested at 6 mos, after and again at 1 year since that positive test originally. Those two subsequent tests were negative for HPV so my body had cleared that virus . The HPV Positive result makes me at a high risk of developing cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers. This why the concern and caution is needed. In short please pray for me to heal from this surgery of Tuesday and for a good out come on lab biopsies.

Thanks in advance for your prayers and well wishes and please keep them coming.:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;)

Good Afternoon,

I did Yogamax Expressmax 1 when I got home from work this afternoon and I remember why I don't like this one to many downward dogs. My youngest DD found out today she is pregnant so I will have a new grandchild in January and another one in April.

Nora-thinking good thoughts.

Chris-good job with your workout and I really need to think about doing 21 Day Fix again.
Good evening,

I did 21 DF Ext Lower Fix and Rockout Knockout :) I really like Rockout Knockout. So much fun!

Nora - sending you lots of healing vibes and good thoughts.

Roxie - good job on d Yogamax Expressmax 1. You should start 21DF, they are really fun and they work.

Chris - I LOVE 21 DF :) I am on week 11, still not bored :p Nice job on Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Cardio 30. Those are touch workouts.

Debbie - hope you enjoy your rest week. You deserve it!
Hi girls!

Sorry, I didn't check in earlier, just not feeling 100% yet. I think the anesthesia is still in my system making my legs feel wonky and balance and motor skills are way off as if drunk. Not sure if that has to do with my MS or a combination of it. So not so good today just resting, Please pray for good news with the lab samples they could get and I pray all is ok with Uterus despite scar tissue and not being able to get samples for testing. Thanks for you well wishes and prayers please keep them coming as I am waiting on results. I have doctors appoinment for August 18th.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers!:);)

Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Cardio and HR (probably a FB premix, to mix things up!):)

Nora - I don't think the anesthesia is still in your system? Did you talk to your doc? You should give him or her a call. Hope you feel better soon and get lots of rest. Continue with prayers!!

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
Hi girls!

I'm still recovering from surgery. Dr's nurse called and said the pathology results for samples from surgery tuesday show no signs of cancer. There is an infection but no cancer. Now since they could not get into the uterus they can't rule out cancer and therefore are referring me to a gynecologist oncologist to do a hysterectomy. My husband and I will see the doctor August 18th to discuss this and likely make arrangements from there. I'm so scared please pray for me and to let my uterus be cancer free. Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers.

Hugs, blessings and healing wishes,

Good afternoon,

I never got CF in yesterday. DH and I went sliding door shopping…by the time we got home it was late. We ended up doing 21 DF Ext Cardio and a dog walk.

I just finished CF :) Getting ready to do 21 DF Ext Dirty 30. If I feel up to it tonight I will also do HR?

Nora - get lots of rest :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.
Hi All...

Belinda, Nice job on the workouts! 2 a day!? You really are dedicated, I admire that! What is HR? Hi Reps?

Roxie, Congrats on the upcoming grandkids! How exciting!!

Nora, You are OF COURSE in my prayers. I think you are doing AWESOME at being pro active for your health. You are going to be FINE!!!! (((HUGS)))

Yesterday I did Turbo Fire Upper and Lower Body workouts (with tubing, which was pretty cool) and then TF Stretch 10 (12)

Today I just finished up RWH Low Impact HiiT #1 with Abs Bonus #1

Going to spend some time outside/in our pool . It is GORGEOUS out!!!
Hi girls!:);)

I did cave and do a cardio coach mix on Treadmill today. I really needed to do it because of stress I needed the relief exercise gives to naturally relieve stress. I did opt to not add on other workouts to this because I didn't want to over due things.

Here's what I did:

Cardio Coach Volume #1 shorter mix= 27 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 339
Distance= 2.37 Miles

I did warm up, steady state 1, challenge 1, steady state 2, challenge 2, Cool down. Plus added on Cardio Coach Volume 3 stretch for good measure.

Belinda- High fives on all the great workouts you're doing, that is awesome. Well done on 21 DFX Cardio Fix Extreme, and Dirty 30 Extreme. Bravo, now go have an awesome and blessed day.:);)

Chris- Thank you for your continued prayers for me and my situation and to be cancer free I pray. Please keep the prayers coming as this is still an evolving situation for me. Again thanks ((HUGS)) Wow Chris, you are really nailing those workouts with TF and RWH. Those are super fun workouts and ones I find myself revisiting often. You go girlfriend, awesome job with your workouts keep up the amazing and inspiring job. Have a fab and blessed day!:);):cool::D

Debbie and Roxie I hope you are both having an amazing and blessed day!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);)

Good afternoon!

Not feeling the greatest today. I did Candlelight Yoga. It was good to stretch and relax.

Nora, I understand needing to work out. As long as you listen to your body.

Nice job doing a workout today, Roxie!!

Hi Belinda and Debbie!!
Hi Girls;)

I didn't workout today, as I usually like to have Sunday be a rest day. We'll see how I feel tomorrow with regards to working out.

Chris- Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Canelight Yoga is probably a good call to take it easy and get a nice stretch, nothing strenuous.

Roxie- Nicely done with StudioSweat , WTG!!

Hello's and waves to Debbie and Belinda!:);)

Please keep me in your prayers to be Cancer free! Thanks in advance!;) Have a blessed day everyone!:)

Hugs,blessings, and healing wellness prayers:);)

Good evening,

High Reps and 21 Day Fix Ext Yoga is done :) I did High Reps premix FB Upper First. I am trying to do mix in as many premixes as I can this month.

Chris - I hope you feel better soon (((HUGS))) I love Candlelight Yoga with Sara.

Nora - glad you feeling better and good job on CC yesterday.

Roxie - wtg on StudioSweat Ondemand Part 1 this morning.

Good night, ladies.
Hi everyone! I'm back at it. I did STS Meso 3, Wk 1, Chest & Back. Had a great workout. Love this cycle so looking forward to doing it all.

Here is what I did:

Push/Pull Method
Flat Bench Press:
55# - 2 sets/12 reps warmup
Flat Bench Press: 70# - 8 reps
Barbell Row: 57# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes: 25's - 8 reps
One Arm Row: 30# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 65# - 8 reps
Barbell Deads: 52# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 25's - 8 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row: 30# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Could have gone heavier with every exercise. Good workout.

I've been keeping up with everyone and you are all doing great with your workouts.

Nora - I'm glad you are recovering and feeling better. I'm sorry you might have to have a hysterectomy. I'm praying all will be well!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
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