CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Today I did another Cardio Coach workout that I rarely do, Cardio Coach #4. This one just isn't much fun. Lots of hills and Sean's time on the intervals are all incorrect. Some are supposed to be 2 minute hill climbs and turn out to be 1:30 minutes or a 2 minute sprint that turns out to be 2:15. It's an ok workout but I understand why I don't reach for it often.

Workout was 45 minutes, I an 2.9 miles and burned 313 calories.

It's less humid here today, yesterday we hit 92 - only the 2nd over 90 degree day this year. Next week it looks like we will be back in the 70's. This has been one strange summer.
Hi girls!:)

I finished my workout earlier but will check in now.

Here's today's workout:

21 Day Fix Extreme- Lower Body Extreme = 35 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 334

Ripped w/HiiT- Low Impact Two + Bonus Abs One= 37 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 429

Total calories burned= 763:cool:

Great job on all the workouts, Chris, Debbie, Roxie and Belinda have done today or if its a rest day enjoy. I'm feeling a bit stressed out about Tuesday August 4th surgery so please pray for me and for their to be a good outcome. Have a blessed day now girls!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers,:D

Good Evening,

I did KCM TLC 2 Conditioning before work this morning. It's a little cooler here and less humidity.

Debbie-good job with your workout.

Nora-things will be ok.
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext. Cardio and PS CST.

Nora, Roxie and Debbie - good job yesterday.

I will be back later, I hope!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout trying to keep my mind off things. So, I'll just go ahead and check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Upper Body- Premix# 2 No Blasts = 37 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 404

Total calories burned= 764:cool:

Roxie- Great job on your workout yesterday with KCM TLC 2 Conditioning, love TLC its awesome.

Belinda- Have great and fun workout today with 21 DF Ext. Cardio and PS CST, those are all amazing and fun workouts. Yay! It's Friday so go having an amazing and blessed day.:);)

Debbie- No doubt you had a great workout today so high fives!!! If not, and its a rest day for you enjoy and have a fab and blessed Friday either way.

Chris- What fun and challenging workout are you doing? How are you? Take care and have a blessed Friday!:);):cool:

Have a blessed day girls, and please send your well wishes and prayers for me and my surgery Tuesday. Your prayers and well wishes are very much appreciated so thank you in advance.:D;)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):D

Good Evening,

I did KCM's Muscle Up 2 this morning using heavy wts. Had a long day at work.

Belinda-good job with your workout.

Debbie-good job with your workout.

Nora-good job with your workouts.
I forgot to post this morning. I did Gym Style Legs, standing only and then walked on my treadmill for 2 miles. Had a great workout. I'm done now until the 2nd week of August. I will rest next week, I really need it.

Nice workouts everyone!! Have a great weekend!!!
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Dirty 30 and Lift it Hiit it Legs.

Debbie, Nora and Roxie - nicely done yesterday. Keep up the good work.

Waving Hi to the rest of the gang. BBL!
Quick check in : Lift it HiiTit Legs and 21 DF Dirty 30 is done. I also added 2 sets/24 reps of leg extensions plus leg curls at the end.

Cathe Friedrich’s Ripped with HIIT: Lift It HIIT It Legs
Round # 1
Strength: Squats: 24 reps (20s)
Cardio: Squat digs: 32 reps

Round #2
Strength: Plié squats: 16 reps (35)
Cardio: Plié jacks: 24 reps

Round #3
Strength: Static lunges: 16 reps (20s)
Cardio: Split jumps: 24 reps

Round #4
Strength: Static lunges: 16 reps (20s)
Cardio: Split jumps: 24 reps

Round #5
Strength: Squats: 24 reps (25s)
Cardio: Pop squats: 24 reps

Round #6
Strength: Plié squats: 16 reps (40)
Cardio: Touch-down plié jacks: 24 reps

Round #7
Strength: Wood-chop side lunges: 24 reps (10)
Strength: Wood-chop side lunges, other side: 24 reps (10)
Cardio: Traveling side lunges (12)

Round #8
Strength: Cross-back lunges: 16 reps (15)
Strength: Cross-back lunges, other side: 16 reps (15)
Cardio: Lateral power-skates: 32 reps

Round #9
Strength: Low-pulse lunges (15)
Strength: Low-pulse lunges, other leg (15)
Cardio: Power scissors with circling arms: 32 reps

Round #10
Strength: Standard-stance deadlifts: 16 reps (25s)
Cardio: Snow-angel jacks: 20 reps

Round #11
Strength: Wide-stance deadlifts: 16 reps (25s)
Cardio: Frog jumps with a turn: 10 reps

Round #12
Strength: Walking lunges: 6 passes (15s)
Cardio: Scissor, scissor, wide tuck: 5 reps per lead


Have a great day, everyone.
Hi girls!:)

Happy Saturday everyone;) I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 Day Fix Extreme- Dirty 30= 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

KCM 30MTF Lean Body Circuits- Lean Body Hi- Lo = 20 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 246

Total calories burned= 617:cool:;)

Debbie- Great job with Gym Styles Legs yesterday and your 2 mile treadmill walk afterwards, you rocked that workout girlfriend WTG!!! Have a blessed weekend.;)

Belinda- Nicely done today with 21 DFX Dirty 30 Extreme and Lift It HiiT it Legs, bravo girlfriend you rocked that workout!!! High fives great job and impressive! Now go have a blessed weekend!:);):D

Chris and Roxie- I hope both of you girls each has a blessed and relaxing weekend. Take care!:);)

PS. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for Tuesday's surgery, thanks in advance;):):D

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Yoga today. I need it!

Debbie - enjoy your rest week. What did you plan next?

Nora - I will be thinking about you next week (((HUGS))) Good job yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!
Hi Girls!

I'm going to try to come here more in August! I get out of the habit, but I miss you guys, and you always motivate me!!

I found this Hybrid workout manager that you can use for Beachbody workouts. I put in Body Beast and 21 DF and for one month. It came out with a rotation that I'm going to mostly follow.

Today was supposed to be 21 DF Cardio Fix, but I changed it up and did Premix 1-5 of Afterburn. Pretty comparable!!!

I'm still working Sunday and Wed. nights.

You guys are doing awesome, as always!!

Nora, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I bet your workouts help with the stress.

Have a great Sunday!
Good Evening,

I did KCM's Muscle Up 1 Saturday morning and doing 1&2 back to back is tough. My youngest DD and her DH came down last night and we went to the lake today so no workout.

Chris-that sounds like and awesome thing sometimes it would be nice to plug in what I have and see what Beachbody comes up with. Good to see you again.
Good evening,

Ended up taking a rest day today, I did yoga that's it :)

Chris - welcome back, girl! Sounds like a great rotations.

Roxie - good job on KCM's Muscle Up 1 today.

Good night, girls!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.;) FYI I completed 4 rounds of 21 DFX and feel great and will be back for more after surgery tomorrow and doctor gives me the go ahead first. I think it will probably be about a week off from working out, we'll see how I feel and more importantly what the doctor advises.

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Volume #1 = 39 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 490

Warm up, Challenge 1, Steady state 1,Challenge 2, Steady state 2, Challenge 3,Cool Down and coaches notes, Plus Volume 3 Stretch.
Distance in Miles= 3.50

I thought about doing another workout but thought I shouldn't push it today since I did run this morning on the treadmill. I think I might get a workout in tomorrow morning possibly since my surgery is not until tomorrow afternoon. So please say a prayer for me for the surgery to go well tomorrow and for their to be good and happy results no scary stuff. All your prayers are very much appreciated, Thank you in advance for the healing and wellness prayers, and well wishes.

Belinda- Great workouts you have planned for today, they sound like fun. Have a great workout and a blessed day!:);)

Roxie- Wow, great workout for Saturday with KCM's Muscle Up doing 1&2 back to back. You are amazing, that is a tough workout, well done girlfriend Bravo!!:);)

Chris- Hi welcome back, glad you had a fun and relaxing vacation. Thanks for the info about the Beachbody Hybrid workout manager, I checked that out and it seems really cool. I can't wait to start playing with that. I will sadly have to pass on Cathe's new Ice workouts due to recent medical bills. I hope to save up for The master Hammer and Chisel because I love Sagi and Autum so that should be good. My surgery is tomorrow at 2:15PM for a Hysteroscopy Myosure Polypectomy procedure. Thank you for the prayers and keep them coming praying for all to go well with surgery, lab results, and biopsy results and total outcome, for wellness and a clean bill of health. Thanks Chris!:D:);)
Great job with your workout changing things up and doing Premix 1-5 of Afterburn instead of 21 Day Fix Cardio, great idea! ITs so good to hear from you. I'll keep you in my prayers too!:);)

Debbie- I hope all is well with you. If you are having a rest day, enjoy, take care and have a blessed day! Please pray for me tomorrow about my surgery for all to go well and to be blessed with wellness and a good outcome all around.:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hi girls.... Today was a rest day, but i felt up for a workout, so I did Les a Mills Combat 30 Live. Fun!! I added on TF Stretch 10. Then went for a swim and float in the pool!

Nice workouts, Roxie and Belinda! Sound challenging!!

Good job , Nora, on your cardio coach!! You are definitely in my prayers tonight.

Hi Debbie!
Nora - Prayers coming your way! You'll be fine, you'll see! I didn't check in because i'm taking a rest week.

Belinda - I'll do Meso 3 next week. This is the active recovery week but i'm taking a full rest week.

Chris - Hi girl! Good to see you posting again! Nice job on your workouts!

Roxie - Nice job on your workouts! Me and my dh were up at the lake on Sunday. We rode our motorcycle's and it was a beautiful day! Finally getting some nice summer days here.
Good morning,

I will do 21 DF Ext Upper today and cardio(?).

Nora - more prayers coming your way (((HUGS))

Debbie - good for you taking a week rest.

Chris - I have that workout, still haven't done it :( Need to pull it out.

Roxie - have fun with your workout.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.

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