CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout using the Beachbody workout blender Chris mentioned. I will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Body Beast- Bulk Back = 29 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 238

Body Beast - Total Body= 39 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 334

Total calories burned= 572

Debbie- Nice workout today with STS Meso 3, Wk 1, Chest & Back. Way to Go girlfriend. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes please keep them coming as I will find out more when I talk to my Dr. at next week's appointment. Now go have a blessed day.

Waves and hello's to Chris, Roxie, and Belinda - have a blessed day and please keep me in your prayers. Thanks and Hugs!

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers for wellness,:);):D:cool:

Good evening,

DH and I just finished MM and 21 DF Ext Plyo.

Nora - nice job on BB today.

Debbie - nice job on M3 W1 Chest and back today.

Good night, ladies. I will be back tomorrow.
Today I did Cardio Coach #1 and had a great workout. Love this one, short and sweet. I am having issues with tightness around my waist, it's been like this for a while now. I'm not sure why or how to stretch it out. It hurts when I stand too long. I'm hoping it goes away soon.

ETA: Workout was 36 minutes, ran 2.34 miles and burned 249 calories.

Hope you all have great workouts today!!!
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Good morning,

Today I will do 21 DF Ext Upper Body Fix and cardio (?).

Debbie - wtg, this morning. Maybe you pulled a muscle? I hope you feel better soon.

Hi to the rest of the gang :)

I will be back later.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Turbo Fire- Low HiiT- 20 Class = 20 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 205

Body Beast- Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 640;)

Debbie- Nicely done with Cardio Coach 1 today. Yes that is one I like to do and do that one often when I reach for Cardio Coach. Glad you had a fun workout today but sorry about the soreness. Please do some extra stretching it can help to help take away any soreness. Have a blessed day and smile!;):):cool::D

Belinda- Great workout you have planned for today with 21 DF Ext Upper Body Fix and cardio add on perhaps? Have fun and enjoy a blessed day!:);)

Roxie- Have a fab workout today and an awesomely blessed day.:);)

Chris- I hope you are having a great workout today, and thanks for mentioning the BB workout blender. I am doing a 30 day rotation of Body Beast and 21 Day FX hybrid rotation. So far at day 2 its fun! Have a blessed day and please keep me in your prayers, thanks!

Hugs, blessings, and please keep praying for me girls;):):cool:

Hi there!

I had a rotten night at work Sunday and Monday couldn't sleep. I had a continuous headache. Ugh. So yesterday I did NOTHING. I even made my family get their own dinner. I got a good night's sleep and feel 100% better today!

I did Total Body Trisets, Upper Body .

Nora, I think the BB BLender workout is VERY cool! I wish Cathe had something like that!! I do have a lot of BB workouts though, so I can play with it with those. I started doing a Body Beast and 21 DF blender rotation too. But mixing things up this week and starting 21 days of 21 DF on Monday.

Welcome back Debbie! ANd welcome to Meso 3!!!

Great job with adding on premixes, Belinda. Good idea!

Hi Rox!
Good evening,

I did Step Blast and 21 DF Ext Upper today.

Chris - glad you having fun mixing BB workouts with the blender.

Nora - nice mix of workout today. WTG!

Hi Roxie and Debbie.

Good night ladies.
Today I did STS Meso 3, Week 1, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I had a great workout. i changed the exercises in the last grouping because I didn't think the ones Cathe picked were muscle builders (except the concentration curls).

This is what I did:

Standing Barbell Press: 12's - 2 sets/12 reps (warmup)
Standing Barbell Press: 37# - 8 reps
Barbell Curl: 40# - 8 reps
Flat Bench Dumbbell Extension: 15's - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Seated Lateral Raise: 10's - 8 reps
Incline Curls on Stability Ball: 15's - 8 reps
Double Arm Seated Overhead Extension: 30# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Upright Rows: 40# - 8 reps
Seated Concentration Hammer Curls: 20# - 8 reps
Close Grip Barbell Press: 47# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

**So this is the group I changed. Upright Rows were supposed to be Seated Rear Flyes and Close Grip Press was supposed to be Cross-Body Extensions. I did Concentration "Hammer" Curls because regular curls really hurts my elbow. I'm bummed because I can't go real heavy with curls at all. The 40# I used today hurt a lot.

I'll try to do personals later as well. Have a great day everyone!!!
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Good afternoon,

ME and 21 DF Ext Pilates is done.

Debbie - Nice job this morning.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.

Today I did KCM's Slim Sculpting #1 and Body Beast Abs.

Debbie, looking forward to see your workout today!... There is a website that will generate a rotation with the beach body workouts you choose. So if I want to do a 2 month rotation with Turbo Fire and Body Beast I pick those 2 , then say what days I will work out and for how long each day I will workout, and the fitness blender makes up a rotation! It's very cool, except it only uses Beach Body workouts. I wish there was a Cathe one!!

Belinda, I really like 21 DF Pilates. I'm looking forward to starting the 21 days next week!!!

Hi Nora and Roxie!
Hi girls!;)

I finished today's workout earlier but couldn't check in until now, so I'll make it fast and just check in today,.

Here's today's workout:

Body Beast- Bulk Arms= 36 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 295

21 Day Fix Extreme- Dirty 30= 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 371

Turbo Fire- Stretch 10= 13 min
MV= 2.0
CB= 35

Total calories burned= 701:cool:

Debbie- Nicely done as usual with STS Meso 3, Week 1, Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. WTG!!!!:cool::);)

Belinda- Ooh nice combo with ME and 21 DF Ext Pilates High fives girlfriend! :)

Chris- Awesome workout today for you with KCM's Slim Sculpting #1 and Body Beast Abs. Way to rock your workout nice mix of workouts there too girlfriend!;)

Roxie- Hello waves!

I hope everyone has a blessed day and please keep me in your prayers! :);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;):D

Good Evening,

Monday I did KCM TLC Boxing and this morning I really didn't want to workout but ended up doing KCM Muscle Up Chest and Back because it was only 18 minutes but it has given me and idea.

Debbie-good job with your workout

Nora-sounds like you have recovered

Chris-glad to hear you feel better and good job on the workout

Belinda-still enjoying 21 Day Fix I see.
Good morning,

Today I will do 21 DF Ext Lower.

Roxie - nice job keeping up with your workouts.

Nora - nice mix of workouts today.

Chris - a lot of people don't like the 21 DF Ext Pilates. At first, I didn't like it either, after 3 times doing it I really love it.

I will be back later.
Today I did Cardio Coach #5 again. Had fun and did well with it. Challenge 2 is 6 - 1 minute sprints with only 30 second rests. That one is a killer.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran 3.5 miles and burned 370 calories.

Chris - That blender sounds cool. I might have to check it out.

Nora - I'm glad you are feeling better. You are having some great workouts.

Belinda - When are you going on your vacation?

Roxie - Nice job working out even though you didn't feel like it. At least you did something.
Good evening,

I did 21 DF Ext Lower and All Out Low Impact Hiit.

Debbie - when the weather gets a little cooler :) Right now, it's now fun in the RV. Nice job today.

Good night!
Hi girls!:)

I had a 5 hour power outage and could not check in until now.

Here's today's check in:

Cardio Coach Volume #1 = 24 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 301

Warm up, Challenge 1- 3 of 6 sprints, Steady state 1,Challenge2, Steady state 2,Cool Down.Plus Volume 3 Stretch.
Distance in Miles= 2.11

Body Beast - Total Body= 39 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 334

21 DFX - Hard Core Abs Extreme= 10 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 710:);)

I hope everyone had an awesome workout and blessed day!

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;):)

Today I did STS Meso 3, Squat Rack Legs. Love this one but the rest periods are a bit ridiculous. I did 90 seconds instead of almost 3 minutes between each set. I just don't have time for all that rest time.

This is what I did:

Squats: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps (warmup)
Squats: 70# - 4 sets/8 reps

Barbell Deadlifts: 65# - 4 sets/8reps

Leg Press Station: 155# - 4 sets/8 reps
(Did this instead of front squats)

Static Lunges: 20's - 4 sets/8 reps

I added:
Calf Raises on the Leg Press Station - 155# - 3 sets/20 reps

Planks - 4 sets/30 seconds

Have a great day everyone!!!
Good Morning,

I did KCM Muscle Up Legs. I like these shorter workouts when I don't feel like doing a workout.

Debbie-good job.

Nora-you are amazing.

Belinda-have fun with your workout.

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