CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Hi All! Day 3 of 21 DF here! I'm doing good.

Yesterday was Upper Body Fix, which I find a bit "easier" and I hardly get DOMS from it. But Lower Body, today, has it's challenges! My legs burn!

Nora, Nice job on workouts!! Gotta love KCM!!

Belinda, CLX is one I don't have that I've always wanted, but I don't want to pay a arm and a leg for it. Some day I'll find it cheaper!! Hope your dentist appt. goes well!

Roxie, DEFINITELY KCM's boxing workouts aggravate your upper back. I get WICKED DOMS in my back and lats from all her boxing workouts. The tennis ball sounds like a good idea!

Debbie, Nice job on cardio today!! ... Do you get to go in later to work in the summer?

Have a great night!
Good evening,

DH and I finished STS TB a while ago. That was a lot of fun. The ab workout was brutal.

I had a follow up appointment for my root canal which is still bordering me a lot. Seven month of pain :( She thinks it's a ligament around the root that's causing the pain. She wants me to wait until Jan.

Chris - I only payed $15 for CLX :) You always can go up in weight if you don't think you get a good UB workout. I really like the UB workout. Heck, I like the entire program :)

Debbie - nice weights this morning.

Nora - hope the tennis ball is helping.

Nora - nice job as always. Keep up the good work.

Good night, everyone.
Today I did Cardio Coach #6 with Candace and had a great workout. OMG, I had a puke status workout. Love this workout. You would think I'd get sick of CC workouts but I don't. I love them.

Workout was 54 minutes, ran almost 3.5 miles and burned 384 calories even though I think it was way more, My treadmill clocked me at 510 calories. I like that number better. :)

Hope you all have a great day! I'll try to be back later for personals.
Good Morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits- Lean Body Boxing = 20 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 232

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Body Beast- Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned= 667;)

Debbie- Awesome job with your workout today:D:D Glad your still having fun with Cardio Coach, I do still as well. Congrats and well done girlfriend, now go have a fun and blessed day!:):cool:

Chris, Roxie, and Belinda- I hope everyone is blessed with feeling well and has a fun and blessed day!:)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers;):):D

Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Chest And Back this morning.

Chris-those workouts make me short of breath and the shoulder work over the head makes me feel faint.

Debbie-I tried the tennis ball thing it felt good really got in there.
Today I did STS Meso 3, Week 2, Squat Rack Legs. Again, didn't take the entire rest periods. Only did about one minute between each set. Same weights as last week, my knees didn't like this one so I kept the weights the same.

This is what I did:

Squats: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps (warmup)
Squats: 70# - 4 sets/8 reps

Barbell Deadlifts: 65# - 4 sets/8reps

Leg Press Station: 165# - 4 sets/8 reps
(Did this instead of front squats)

Static Lunges: 20's - 4 sets/8 reps

I added:
Kick, Punch & Crunch Abs.

Have a great day everyone!!! Why can't I find this workout from last week on this thread? Weird.
Hi girls!:)

Happy Friday everyone!:D

I just finished today's workout and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

KCM 30MTF - Athletic Conditioning = 36 Min
MV= 9.20
CB= 452

PiYo- Define Lower Body= 25 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 171

Total calories burned= 623

I did mix things up from the Body Beast and 21 DFX hybrid rotation I'm doing,. I was supposed to to 21 DFX Pilates Extreme and 21 DFX Yoga Extreme but opted to do what I did instead. I felt like I needed some cardio stress relief and decided to to some stretching. So, I did KCM 30MTF Athletic conditioning and PiYo Define Lower body and that seemed to fit the bill nicely today. I feel so good in the hips and glutes after PiYo it was a nice treat today.

Roxie- Nicely done yesterday with KCM Muscle Up Chest And Back, that is a great workout. Yes, I agree with Debbie's idea of using tennis balls to work on tight areas in the back and it does feel amazing. Great tip Debbie shared and glad it helped. Awesome job yesterday and I hope you are feeling well today and had a good workout. Have a wonderfully blessed Friday girlfriend.

Debbie- As per your usual an awesome kick butt workout for today, well done girlfriend WTG!!! That is one tough workout you did today with
STS Meso 3, Week 2, Squat Rack Legs and added on Kick punch & crunch abs. Wow, talk about icing on the cake so to speak, well done way to kill it today ! Have an amazing blessed day!:);):cool:

Belinda- Great job of getting in your workout today with MM, I assume that is Muscle Max, yes that is a great workout and always fun to do. Excellent workout, now go have a blessed and fab Friday. How's your tooth?

Chris- I hope all is going well with you. I bet your doing some great workouts too, so have fun with those workouts and have a blessed day!:););)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good Evening,

I did X10 Low Impact but skipped the wt section I am doing upper body tomorrow and then STS Med Ball Abs just the standing part.
Hi again,

Afterburn is done. I was sweating buckets.

Roxie - nice job last night. Glad you feeling better.

Waving Hi to Debbie, Chris and Nora.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
Hi girls!

I've been keeping with the 21 DF schedule. Thursday was Pilates Fix, yesterday Total Body Cardio Fix and today Dirty 30.

It makes a big difference that these are 30 minute workouts. Otherwise I'm not sure I'd get them in. I've been so busy!!

I've been doing the containers too, and doing well. I love ALL the workouts too, Belinda!!

Debbie, I've done a few CC's outside when I ran and they are no joke!! Hi-5's on Meso 3 Legs!!!

Nora, It's always good to switch things up. It's our prerogative, and it's all good!

Roxie, there is ALOT of shoulder work on ALL of 21 DF. Nice job on X10 low impact!!!

Have a great weekend!!
Good Morning girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Ripped w/HiiT Low Impact One= 28 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 344

Body Beast- Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 75

Total calories burned = 779;):cool:

Roxie- Great workout yesterday with X10 Low Impact modified skipping weights because you plan to do Upperbody work today and STS Med Ball Abs. Those all sound great girlfriend, WTG!! You are amazing keep up the great work;):) Have a blessed weekend!:);):D

Belinda- LIS Afterburn sounds like an awesome saturday workout, I love that one it is really challening, fun all while being low impact and joint friendly. Have a blessed and fun day after that amazing workout, you go girlfriend. :);)

Chris- So cool you are doing 21 Day Fix, it is really fun and challenging and thorough workouts for 30 min approximately. Autum gets a lot done in a little time utilizing working multiple muscle groups at the same time. I love both her 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts. I have been using the containers and its really helped me out a lot. I think 21 DF and 21 DFX are very well thought out and I love the length of the workouts they are great if workout time is very limited and great as add-ons. It gives you flexibility time wise to do what works for you and I love the sequence of the workouts and active rest workouts of pilates and yoga are factored in too. I highly recommend 21 Day Fix and 21 DFX both are great. So are you thinking of getting "The Master and Chisel" colaberation of Autum and Sagi? It looks really good from the brief snipit I saw of it on facebook from summit footage. I will have to pass on Cathe's New Ice program, can't afford it now lots of medical bills and still afford food just barely. I know anything Cathe does will be amazing and really great so I'm sure it will be. Did you see Autum has a new cookbook out for her 21 day Fixers called " Fixate" all the recipes have the calories and container breakdowns, so I really want to somehow save up for it you can find it at Beachbody or order from Mary. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend, and please keep me in your prayers. Thanks in advance!:D:cool:

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):cool:

Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Shoulders,Bis and Tris when we got home from the lake. I need to do the tennis ball thing again.

Nora-I had to cancel my preorder to.
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. I did STS Meso 3, Wk 3, Chest & Back. Had a great workout and went a bit heavier.

Here is what I did:

Push/Pull Method
Flat Bench Press:
55# - 2 sets/12 reps warmup
Flat Bench Press: 80# - 8 reps
Barbell Row: 67# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes: 30's - 8 reps
One Arm Row: 35# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 75# - 8 reps
Barbell Deads: 62# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 30's - 8 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row: 35# - 8 reps
Repeat 3 more times

I can't believe I'm on week 3 already. Hope you both have great workouts today!!!
Good afternoon,

I will do STS TB shortly.

Debbie - I can't believe you already in week 3 :) Nice weights this morning.

Roxie - good job.

Nora - nice job on your mix of workouts on Saturday.

I will be back later.
Hi girls!:)

Sorry for the late check in. I did not workout today because I needed to help DH with regraveling kennel and creating a pathway with 3/4 Minus gravel for a path to wood pile for winter to avoid tracking in mud. So, no workout today girls.

Debbie- you go girlfriend with that killer workout of STS Meso 3, Wk 3, Chest & Back. You rocked it, WTG!!! Have a blessed day!

Roxie, Belinda, and Chris- I hope you all had fun amazing workouts today and will have a fab blessed day.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers!:);)

Today I did Run Fit by Candace and had an excellent workout. I woke up with a horrible headache and almost went back to bed. I took a Claritin because I'm sure it's allergy related and felt a bit better. By the time the workout was over my head was clear. I have improved by .25 miles on this workout. I remember when I first started it my goal was to be at 2 miles by the end of the 2nd steady state. Today I was at 2.25 miles by the end of that steady state. Woohoo!!!

Workout was 52 minutes, I ran 3.8 miles!!!!! and burned 394 calories even though I think it was more.

Hope you all have great workouts!!! Sorry about no personals. Never seem to have much time anymore. :(
ood morning,

Today I will do Hiit workout? Not sure what yet? Yesterday I also did Barre 3 Standing slim.

Debbie - that's fantastic! Good job this morning.

Nora - sounds like a workout to me. Good job, girl.

Roxie - nice job on KCM Muscle Up Shoulders,Bis and Tris. Hope you had fun at the lake.

I will be back later.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

21 DFX Cardio Extreme = 31 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 360

Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Upper body- Premix #4 Timesave #1= 34 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 395

Body Beast- Beast Abs= 11 Min
MV= 5.0

Total calories burned= 830:cool:;)

Debbie- Congrats on Run Fit with Candance workout today, you are nailing it, good for you girlfriend. Yay, you are surpassing your previous goals with Run Fit and I say awesome and high fives! Now go enjoy a day full feeling fit and fabulous and of course blessed. :D:cool:;)

Belinda- Bravo on yesterdays workout of Barre 3 Standing Slim, WTG!! I hope you have a great workout with HiiT today and burn lots of calories and feel fit and fab. Have a blessed day!:);)

Roxie and Chris - I hope all is well with you both and that you are having fun workouts that hopefully don't leave you too sore. Have a blessed day girls and I will keep all of you i my prayers.

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Good Evening,

I did KCM TLC Boxing yesterday and Muscle Up 2 this morning and went for a walk over lunch.

Debbie-good job with your workout.

Belinda-what did you end up doing?

Nora-good job with your workouts.

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