CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good evening,

Roxie - I am sorry you are in pain. You shouldn't walk on the thread mil if you are in pain. Your husband is right not letting you do anything :) Your workouts can wait until you feel much better. You need to rest.

Nora - we did get a hold of the doc this morning. He called DH twice since :D Thanks for your prayers, means a lot to me:) Nice cardio sweat fast today :)

Good night, ladies.
Real quick because I'm running late. Will be back to catch up later. Today starts week 7 of Full Body. High reps, I hate high reps but had a great workout.

This is what I did:

3 sets/18 reps with 2 minute rest between each set

Dumbbell Flyes - 25's
Band Pulls - 2 bands
Squats - 20's
Lateral Raise - 8's
Alternate Hammer Curls - 15's
Barbell Overhead Extensions - 22#

Be back later...
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's butt-kicking workout today and will now check in,

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Blasters- Tummy Trimmers + Lower Body Blast= (2 Miles) 23 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 220

KCM 30MTF- Cardio Pump- Cardio Pump Workout #2= 33 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 315

Ripped with HiiT- Plyo HiiT Two + Bonus Abs One= 33 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 405

Total calories burned= 940:);):cool:

Debbie- Wow, girlfriend you are amazing, congrats on starting week 7 of Full Body - High reps. Despite High Reps not being your favorite y ou had a great workout, high fives on that. WTG!! You are a rock star, now go have a fabulous and fierce blessed Monday.:);):D

Belinda- How are you? How's your DH doing? Glad you got ahold of the doctor and I hope everything is ok. In the meantime I will pray for your DH to have lots of healing to get well and recouperate. Have a blessed day and be well:);)

Roxie- How are you feeling today? I do hope the pain is lessening and you are feeling better. Take it easy, get lots of rest, follow both doctor's and your DH's orders for taking it easy. You just had major surgery and need to take care of you just now and the workout will be there when you are healed up and ready to embrace them again. In the meantime just walking is great. Now go have a blessed Monday. Be well girlfriend and rest!:);)

Chris- Hi!!!! I hope all is well with you & yours. How's your mom doing? The Christmas frenzy is upon us so take care and hang in there. Oh and Merry Christmas!!;):cool:

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);) & most importantly Merry Christmas!!:D;)

Good afternoon,

This week is my recovery week. I did KCM 30 min to fitness KBxoing this morning, just getting around to post.

Nora you are so sweet :D Really appreciate your good thoughts and prayers for DH. DH is still in a lot of pain, the meds they gave him is making him sick. Hopefully the doc on Wednesday will change it. Good job on your workouts today. You rock, girl! Did you order the new BB Hammer & Chiseled workouts?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Monday, everyone.
Good Afternoon,

I now have a UTI so not feeling good again today.

Nora-good job on your workouts.

Debbie-so jealous that looked like a good
Belinda - Where are the BB Hammer & Chisel workout? I went to BB but can't find them. I heard they look like they are more cardio than lifting. If that's the case, I won't be ordering. Can you send me the link?

Roxie - Please rest and don't be in a hurry to workout. Your weights will be there when you are 100% recovered.

Nora - Nice workout girl! That was a kick-butt workout! Nice job!!!
Today I did Press Play but didn't do the last challenge. Had a great workout.

Workout was 58 minutes total, ran 3.77 miles and burned 401 calories.

Belinda - Thanks!!!
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

VPP & Cardio Coach Vol.1 = 35 Min
MV= 9.45
VPP Warm Up & Challenge 1, CC Vol 1 Challenge 2, Steady State 2, Cool Down, Coaches Notes.
Distance 3.25 Miles
MV= 9.45
CB= 452

PiYo- Strength=22 Min
MV= 7.0
CB= 210

Total calories burned= 662;)

Debbie- Wow, Iam in awe y ou did all of PP? I was only able to do the warm up and challenge 1 then had to switch to CC vol 1. to do challenge 2, etc... You are awesome girlfriend. High fives on your workout, now go have a blessed day.:);)

Roxie, Chris, & Belinda- Hugs and healing prayers for you/family.

Merry Christmas and holiday hugs:);)

Hi ladies,

Thanks for all the well wishes for DH :) He is still in a lot of pain and the meds still make him very sick :( Tomorrow is his doc appointment. Hate to see DH like this :( Poor guy!!

Last few weeks I went on a workout cloth shopping spree :D Bought at least 30 new workout tops/bras and paints :pToday I went through my workout cloth and filled up an entire black garbage bag. Had to make room for all my new workout cloth :D my dresser was getting full.

I did JS 30 Day Toning walk with morning. Really like this one.

Roxie - how are you doing today?

Nora - good job, girl.

Debbie - you are welcome. Good job this morning.

I will be back tomorrow.
Good Afternoon,

I am finally feeling somewhat normal again. I did some dusting today and laundry hoping DH will let me walk some tomorrow.
Today I did full body again. Had a great workout.

This is what I did:

3 sets/8 reps with 1 minute rest between each set

Leg Press Station - 175#
Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 70#
Dumbbell Military Press - 20's
Barbell Curls - 45#
Double-Arm Rows - 25's
Barbell Chest Press - 80#

Had time to also walk 1 mile on my treadmill.

Not too sure what I think about Hammer & Chisel. I thought they'd be similar to Body Beast but no such luck. I don't like plyo and they all mostly sound like cardio workouts. I'll wait to read reviews and maybe see advertisement on it and then decide. Bummer....
Good Morning,

I am so bored I want so badly to get back to normal.

Debbie-nice workout

Belinda-I hope DH gets some relief soon
H i girls,

No workout today, still so sore from yesterday's run. So decided to rest today. Have a blessed day girls!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a good workout. This one is short and sweet. Wish Sean would have made a few more that were this short.

Workout was 36 minutes, ran 2.48 miles and burned 257 calories.

I was going to do an ab workout but did part of Yoga Stretch instead. My muscles are as tight as a piano wire again so I figured I should stretch a bit.

Hope you all have great workouts today!!!
Good morning,

Today I did a 30 min JS walk. I will also walk my dogs later.

The doctor appointment went well yesterday. DH got this stitches out yesterday. Doc said, everything looks good and the pain is normal considering he just got surgery. DH still has to keep his arm completely still. He gave DH different meds for the nausea :) That seems to help his stomach a lot a little. He has another appointment next Wednesday.

Update on the dog: The dog was adapted :) He will be going home next week. That really made my day.

Roxie - thank you!! I am so glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better. Please take it easy, your workout can wait.

Nora - WOW!! You must have done a killer workout yesterday. Need to check it out :) Hope you got some rest. You deserve it.

Debbie - good job this morning.

I will be back tomorrow. For some reason, my knees are killing me today? Wonder what that is all about?
Good Morning,

Having a good day so far I managed to clean the bathroom amazing such a little thing can make you tired and I might try a walk later.

Debbie-good job today and sometimes we just have to do what our bodies need I know funny coming from me right now.

Belinda-glad to hear DH has new meds.
Hi girls:)

I finished my workout earlier but could not check in until now. Due to lateness I will skip personals today.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk it Off in 30 days- Burn 30= 30 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 297

Ripped w/HiiT Low Impact HiiT One= 28 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 344

High Reps- Lower Body Only= 35 Min
MV= 6.50
CB= 305

Total calories burned= 946:):cool:

That's it for me today girls. I hope everyone has a blessed day.:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Today I did full body and had a great workout. Love this rotation, bummed I only have one week left. And I have no idea what I'm doing after this.

This is what I did:

3 sets/12 reps, 1:30 minute rest between each set

Zottman Curls - 15's
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 13's
Incline Barbell Press - 75# (2 sets)/70# (1 set)
Pullover - 32#
Plie Squat - 32#
Upright Rows - 40#

Workout was 46 minutes so I walked on my treadmill for about 15 minutes.

Sorry I haven't had time for personals. Hopefully later. Have great workouts everyone!!!

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