CRAZY, STRONG & LOVING IT FOR July & December 2015

Good Morning,

Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds 1 mile felt good to do something but I wanted more.

Debbie-good job.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Master's Hammer & Chisel- Chiseled Balance= 41 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 406

Master's Hammer & Chisel- Master's Cardio = 18 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 221

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits- Lean Body Boxing= 20 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 232

Total calories burned= 859:cool::)

I enjoyed the two The Master's Hammer & Chisel workouts I did today, I really like them.:D;)

Roxie- I think Leslie Sansone is an excellent choice. I found that I could only do hers and KCM's Start Here but I waited two weeks or so betore I attempted any weights. I listened to my body and kept the weights when I was able to do them very light nothing heavier than #10's. I know Leslie from years ago on QVC and purchased a set of hers and really liked them. I started back using hers occasionally now since my surgery. I find that her dvds are very good as a gneral warm up and loosen my glute and thighs up that I don't have pain and tightness like before. If you are looking for a bit more intense Leslie I'd recommend "Leslie Sansone Mix and Match Walk Blasters, Just Walk 5 Boosted Miles, 5 Mega Miles, Walk it off in 30 Days, or Walk to the Hits Party Remixes (Leslie's HiiT style walking). I hope the suggestions will be helpful for you. I own and use and even have fun with these so I hope they will be helpful for you as well. Take care and have a blessed day. Congrats and high fives on your Leslie workout, good for you girlfriend. :);)

Hello's waves to : Chris, Debbie, and Belinda- I hope everything is going well with you all and today finds you in good health, Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!;):)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)

Hi girls!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Master's Hammer & Chisel- Chiseled Balance= 41 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 406

Master's Hammer & Chisel- Master's Cardio = 18 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 221

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits- Lean Body Boxing= 20 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 232

Total calories burned= 859:cool::)

I enjoyed the two The Master's Hammer & Chisel workouts I did today, I really like them.:D;)

Roxie- I think Leslie Sansone is an excellent choice. I found that I could only do hers and KCM's Start Here but I waited two weeks or so betore I attempted any weights. I listened to my body and kept the weights when I was able to do them very light nothing heavier than #10's. I know Leslie from years ago on QVC and purchased a set of hers and really liked them. I started back using hers occasionally now since my surgery. I find that her dvds are very good as a gneral warm up and loosen my glute and thighs up that I don't have pain and tightness like before. If you are looking for a bit more intense Leslie I'd recommend "Leslie Sansone Mix and Match Walk Blasters, Just Walk 5 Boosted Miles, 5 Mega Miles, Walk it off in 30 Days, or Walk to the Hits Party Remixes (Leslie's HiiT style walking). I hope the suggestions will be helpful for you. I own and use and even have fun with these so I hope they will be helpful for you as well. Take care and have a blessed day. Congrats and high fives on your Leslie workout, good for you girlfriend. :);)

Hello's waves to : Chris, Debbie, and Belinda- I hope everything is going well with you all and today finds you in good health, Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!;):)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);)


Nora-I am not suppose to do anything more than walk and that is the only Leslie I own and I am not adding wts until I have the doctors ok.
Good evening,

Today I did JS HiiT walk.

Roxie - good job on that walk today. Good for you listen to your doctor. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Nora and Debbie -good job today.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.
Hi Roxie,

No worries, fair enough. I just wanted to offer other suggestions that I found worked well for me post surgery. Absolutely follow doctor's orders and if you have any concerns definitely talk to y our doctor. Please take good care of you, ok girlfriend!:);)

Have a blessed day!

Hi girls, good morning and Merry Christmas!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk Hits Party Songs= 47 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 481
3 mile walk

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Hammer Plyometrics= 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

Total calories burned= 794:)

I really enjoyed my Master's Hammer & Chiseled workout today and was perfect for today, great workout and challenging and perfect workout length for today!:):cool:

Hello's & waves to all my girls: Chris, Debbie, Roxie, and Belinda and I wish you all a blessed weekend!:);)

Hugs, blessings, and healing prayers:);):D

Good Afternoon,

I walked on the TM for 30 minutes at a very slow 2mph pace and it completely wiped me out can't believe how much eork that was.

Nora-I don't know how you just jumpef back in props to you.
Good morning,

This morning I did M3 D25 Chest & Back :)

Roxie - nice job on your walks.

Nora - good job yesterday.

Where is Debbie?

I will be back tomorrow. Have great day and workout.
Hi girls!:)

I just finished today 's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone- Walk blasters- Tummy Trimmer walk- 1 Mike= 11 Min
Mv= 7.0

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Chisel Balance= 41 Min
MV= 7.25
CB= 406

KCM 30MTF- Lean Body Circuits- Lean Body Cardio = 33 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 383

Total calories burned= 904:cool::D;)

Roxie- Great job getting in your treadmill walk. I bet it felt great too! High fives on your TM walk today, that was awesome. It takes baby steps to recover from surgery. Look at each thing you can now do as a major victory and allow yourself to celebrate it. Bravo!!! Now go have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Nicely done today with M3 D25 Chest & Back, way to get it done girlfriend. High fives!!! How's your DH doing? Go and have a blessed day and enjoy feeling awesome after that workout, you derserve it. ;):)

Debbie- Where are you? I hope you are alright!

Chris- How are you doing this fine holiday season? How's the workouts? How's things going for you ? Please check back with us we miss you. In case I don't get the chance later to say I wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! :);):D

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);)

I'm here, I had to go into work early and didn't have time to post. Today starts week 8 of Full Body - the last week. High reps but in superset fashion - same as last Monday. I had a great workout.

This is what I did:

3 sets/18 reps with 2 minute rest between each set

Superset #1
Dumbbell Flyes - 25's
Band Pulls - 2 bands

Superset #2
Squats - 22's
Lateral Raise - 8's

Superset #3
Alternate Hammer Curls - 15's
Barbell Overhead Extensions - 25#

I ran out of time so I walked on my treadmill for 1.5 miles when I got home from work.
Good Evening,

My new KCMS came in the mail today to bad I can't do them hoping doctor will let me start working out again whenI see her tomorrow.
Today I did Cardio Coach #6 with Sean. I rarely do this workout and I'm not sure why? It's a great workout and I did well with it. Glad I decided to do it.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.5 miles and burned 370 calories although I know it was more than that.

Roxie - Please just rest, you can't risk injuring yourself - that would be major due to what you just had done. Not to be mean, but I hope your doctor tells you to continue to rest. Are you off work for 6 weeks?

Belinda - Nice workout yesterday, I love M3!!! Best in the series. How's you DH doing? Is his pain subsiding now?

Nora - You had a great workout yesterday and your calories burns are always shocking. I hope you eat enough during the day to support your calorie burns. You are amazing!!!
Today I did Cardio Coach #6 with Sean. I rarely do this workout and I'm not sure why? It's a great workout and I did well with it. Glad I decided to do it.

Workout was 52 minutes, ran 3.5 miles and burned 370 calories although I know it was more than that.

Roxie - Please just rest, you can't risk injuring yourself - that would be major due to what you just had done. Not to be mean, but I hope your doctor tells you to continue to rest. Are you off work for 6 weeks?

Belinda - Nice workout yesterday, I love M3!!! Best in the series. How's you DH doing? Is his pain subsiding now?

Nora - You had a great workout yesterday and your calories burns are always shocking. I hope you eat enough during the day to support your calorie burns. You are amazing!!!

Debbie-I have requested off the entire 6 weeks but I want to go back for at least half days to start.
Good morning,

I am not sure what cardio I will do today?

Debbie - thanks for asking:) He is still in some pain, but nothing what he had a week ago. Good job on CC6. Did you order Hammer & Chisel?

Roxie - Yeah, new dvd's :) I am on a no/slow buying, need to use what I already have. So far so good.

Nora - Ditto what Debbie said :)

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout.
Good afternoon,

I am back to report my workout: I did Jessica Smith 30 Day Walk (I am in Week3). I was suppose to do 30 Min Fat Baster today. I ended up doing next weeks 40 min Mega Burn:D instead. Since I am trying to go through my entire workout dvd collection, I also pulled out Cindy Whitmarch Incredible Abs V1 workout #2 = 20 min. I had that dvd for years and only done maybe 1 workout:(Workout #1 is on Incredible Abs V2. Weird, hah? I really liked the ab workout.

I will be back tomorrow after DH's doc appointment. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hi girls!:);)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

The Master's Hammer & Chisel- Hammer Plyometrics= 27 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 313

The Master's Hammer & Chisel Cardio= 18 Min
MV= 9.0
CB= 221

Leslie Sansone- Walk to the Hits Party Songs- warm + 2 mile walk= 29 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 297

Total calorie burn = 831:):cool:;)

Debbie-Congrats on a great Cardio Coach #6 with Coach Sean. I've not made it up to that volume as yet but hope to. It seems my body is slow to get back into running since the surgery. I can barely do PP warm up and Challenge 1 and my legs are so tight so I had to switch CC Vol 1 Challenge 2 and Cool down then stretch. It seems running seems to be the slowest to come back to me. Oh well, I will work on it. Great job on today's workout and high fives, well done girl! Now go have a blessed day full of Christmas spirit!:);):D

Roxie- Take it slow, your body will let you know if you over do it or if something hurts. So take it easy if it hurts back off, only do what you are able to do without pain in accordance with what doctor's instructions are for you post surgery. Hey, I got my KCM's yesterday too, haven't really watched then yet so it will probably be a a while. Please get your rest and be well. Have a blessed day!:);)

Belinda- Whatever Cardio/workout you do today will be awesome. Take care and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. I hope you and your DH are doing well.

Chris- We miss you girl. I hope everything is going well for you and going well for your mom. Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas!:);):D

Hugs, blessings, and continued healing prayers:);):D

Good Evening,

Doctor says I am healing fine and she said I needed two more weeks off work and I could walk at a 3mph pace and do light cardio and wts no more than 3 lbs plus no bending over or pushing still can't do laundry or vaccum.
Hi girls!!!!

Just a quickie check in!

I've been out of commission since Thanksgiving due to a kidney stone! And my mom was very sick. My kidney stone is finally resolved and my mom is now in rehab after being really sick due to pneumonia.

I've decided to start Cathes Intermediate Rotation tomorrow. And then I'll have her new ICE after that.

I'm excited to start working out again!

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Today I did full body - did the same workout as last Wednesday but in superset fashion. Had a great workout!!! Went up in weight with almost every exercise.

This is what I did:

3 sets/8 reps with 1 minute rest between each superset

Superset #1
Leg Press Station - 185#
Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 70#

Superset #2
Dumbbell Military Press - 22's
Barbell Curls - 47#

Superset #3
Double-Arm Rows - 27's
Barbell Chest Press - 80#

Had time to also walk 1 mile on my treadmill. :)

Hope you all have great workouts today!!!

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